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Hot topics

Last hour:

  1. apparently the bulk of the people don't know what tariffs even are and who pays them
  2. Obama's wonderful statement in his speech tonight
  3. I fed a baby a Rôti Sans Pareil

Last 12 hours:

  1. Official Wordle Thread 4: Green Returns
  2. Here's a gaem to play....
  3. How come transgender characters are written so lazilingly?
  4. I want this hurricane to destroy the economy
  5. Israel vs Palestine - 1 year remembrance draad
  6. The United States has always had an eugenic way of thinking.
  7. I need strategic advice in Stellaris
  8. What shall you be doing when a nuclear bomb hits your city forum?
  9. Trump wins in appeals court, did not commit fraud, gets his half billion USD returned.
  10. so I was listening to a medical program and sea moss was mentioned

Last 24 hours:

  1. Official Wordle Thread 4: Green Returns
  2. Here's a gaem to play....
  3. How come transgender characters are written so lazilingly?
  4. I want this hurricane to destroy the economy
  5. Official minichan food draad
  6. Israel vs Palestine - 1 year remembrance draad
  7. Are our Florida posters alright?
  8. The United States has always had an eugenic way of thinking.
  9. Brits and Chinese of the forum: have you ever hit a 147?
  10. Hey tteh, something is wrong.

This week:

  1. kook..
  2. Official Wordle Thread 4: Green Returns
  3. Dutch elections draad 5 - the formation part 3: rebirth
  4. Here's a gaem to play....
  5. Melania revealed that she supports full abortion rights
  6. hey how about a Morse code refresher
  7. Catherine invaded my dream
  8. Longshoremen are the lubricant of offshoring.
  9. Coffee is so weird
  10. I wish I had a boyfriend.

All time:

  1. kook..
  2. Everyone reply to this thread.
  3. Furry Friday
  4. I am not Scott.
  5. i'm going to bump this thread every day for a year: attempt 3
  6. Official Wordle Score Thread
  7. pony thread
  8. fucking faggot
  9. This site isn't blocked at school, so I'll use it as a small blog just to give me something to do.
  10. Official Anonymous blog
  11. Official Goodnight Thread
  12. What is the most painless way to commit suicide for under 20 bucks?
  13. What kind of bullshit nomme-de-plumme is Lorraine anyway?
  14. What's your favourite Wikipedia page?
  15. Official Wordle Thread 3: Green Leaves
  16. The hottest topic ever! All other topics can get fucked!
  17. Furry Friday 2: Electric Boogaloo
  18. hi my name is john and this is going to be the greatest topic of all time with the most replies ever
  19. Official Wordle Thread 2
  20. A Girl's Guide to Sex with Dogs
  21. Black Lives matter - George Floyd Megadraad
  22. The Official Minichan™ Gun Thread
  23. I started a garden, fora
  24. Official Minichan Drunk/High Draad
  25. ATTN: to4str
  26. Minichanopolis thread
  27. minitwitter 2015
  28. ITT: Minitwitter #3 — Post your current status
  29. i need to fill up my image macro folder
  30. Just arrived in Norilsk
  31. Beta: Chrome/Firefox/Safari extension
  32. Seriously now, minecraft, let's go.
  33. Minichan Minecraft part 5 or something like that
  34. The Official™ Minichan™ Apocalypse™ Survival™ Prepper™ Thread™
  35. Minichanopolis thread #2
  36. Sexual orienation doesn't exist.
  37. The Official one and only Star Citizen thread: The Thread to End All Other Threads
  38. The Official One and Only Star Citizen Thread: Welcome to Crusader
  39. I just summoned an angel.
  40. AT Wiseguy screens
  41. School is going shittily
  42. ITT: minitwitter #5 - post your current status
  43. Did Kook marry Brie for the money?
  44. Guise. I think I have gallbladder stones.
  45. Official Minichan Drunk/High Draad #2
  46. Minichan fanfic. Minichanfic.
  47. The New Minichan Fanfic: Minichanfic.
  48. Official Minichan Christmas Countdown Thread 2018
  49. My bookshelves of dinosaurs and vidjya gaems.
  50. Official 2013 Minigarden Thread