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Topic: What's your favourite Wikipedia page?

Anonymous A started this discussion 10.2 years ago #39,822

Sometimes I like to read Wikipedia. Sometimes I read it for hours.

Which Wikipedia page do you think everyone should read today?

beckyderp !4aMoRa.T2Q joined in and replied with this 10.2 years ago, 12 minutes later[^] [v] #530,198

Lothario Cassanova !LOVERh1VM2 joined in and replied with this 10.2 years ago, 46 seconds later, 13 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #530,199

Anonymous D joined in and replied with this 10.2 years ago, 1 minute later, 14 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #530,200

@previous (Lothario Cassanova !LOVERh1VM2)

Killer Lettuce !!iNo3FkiZx joined in and replied with this 10.2 years ago, 17 minutes later, 32 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #530,205

This one is pretty interesting.

Green joined in and replied with this 10.2 years ago, 2 minutes later, 34 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #530,206

Lothario Cassanova !LOVERh1VM2 replied with this 10.2 years ago, 43 seconds later, 35 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #530,207

@previous (Green)
I love you. Thanks.

Green replied with this 10.2 years ago, 20 minutes later, 56 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #530,208

@previous (Lothario Cassanova !LOVERh1VM2)
I McLove you too. Manthanks.

Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 10.2 years ago, 9 minutes later, 1 hour after the original post[^] [v] #530,209

@530,205 (Killer Lettuce !!iNo3FkiZx)
Good answer. I have seen some of these before.

Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo
buffalo Buffalo buffalo
is a classic.

Syntax joined in and replied with this 10.2 years ago, 2 hours later, 3 hours after the original post[^] [v] #530,211

@530,198 (beckyderp !4aMoRa.T2Q)


I come in from Surfing my Ocean a Blue and look at ur Auto-antonym expecting to see its about Green doing u no wot - and find this word

Since the test for polysemy is the vague concept of relatedness, judgments of polysemy can be difficult to make. Because applying pre-existing words to new situations is a natural process of language change, looking at words' etymology is helpful in determining polysemy but not the only solution; as words become lost in etymology, what once was a useful distinction of meaning may no longer be so.

Such concepts must be ideal for people in the Legal business as well as for those spending time trying to justify the value of learning to much about the English language.

My favourite Wikipedia page is using Wikipedia First when ever possible To read about a movie New or old My time for watching movies is limited and I find Wikipedia my first resource for making a judgement call on do I go see it or stream it Netflix or HBO/Showtime TiVo it. Wiki is super for this because it usually at the bottom references has tags to Rotten Tomatoes - There I can quickly see the score of so called professionals for reviews & see scores of what the public thinks - Often the public trumps the Pros and I go with that for decision

I am also happy to contribute cold hard cash yearly to Wikipedia - Have contributed to articles mostly technical via my editors and never without.

FuckAlms !vX8K53rFBI joined in and replied with this 10.2 years ago, 3 minutes later, 3 hours after the original post[^] [v] #530,213

Anonymous I joined in and replied with this 10.2 years ago, 4 minutes later, 3 hours after the original post[^] [v] #530,215

Syntax replied with this 10.2 years ago, 5 minutes later, 3 hours after the original post[^] [v] #530,219

@530,213 (FuckAlms !vX8K53rFBI)
Another word I have not heard b4 but the concept I sure have. There is a Mushroom somewhere underground of gigantic proportion - Hit web n its

There is a Fungus among us Oregon. Researchers were astonished at the sheer magnitude of the find. This most recent find was estimated to cover over 2,200 acres (890 hectares) and be at least 2,400 years old, possibly older. Previously one is Washington state of another variety Armillaria ostoyae) that covered 1,500 acres

Google did not lead me Wiki on this question - Largest Mushroom. Later will find out if its good to grill on bar-b-q

Anonymous J joined in and replied with this 10.2 years ago, 10 minutes later, 3 hours after the original post[^] [v] #530,225

@previous (Syntax)
Take your word salad back to Net Hideaway.

Syntax replied with this 10.2 years ago, 12 minutes later, 3 hours after the original post[^] [v] #530,231

@previous (J)
When you get that GED U 2 will be able to survive the rigors of posting in a chan. I suppose I could use Wiki to look up quality of life in New Jersey and similar associated horrid places

Anonymous K joined in and replied with this 10.2 years ago, 1 minute later, 3 hours after the original post[^] [v] #530,233

@previous (Syntax)
I'm not this guy. Try again, boy.

Anonymous L joined in and replied with this 10.2 years ago, 1 minute later, 3 hours after the original post[^] [v] #530,235

@530,231 (Syntax)
GED? What are you on about?

Anonymous K replied with this 10.2 years ago, 1 minute later, 3 hours after the original post[^] [v] #530,236

@previous (L)
He's fucking senile. And in a minute he'll be claiming I'm this guy.

Anonymous I replied with this 10.2 years ago, 6 minutes later, 4 hours after the original post[^] [v] #530,239

@530,219 (Syntax)
> This most recent find was estimated to cover over 2,200 acres (890 hectares) and be at least 2,400 years old, possibly older. Previously one is Washington state of another variety Armillaria ostoyae) that covered 1,500 acres

That refers to the fungus itself, not its fruiting body. There is no mushroom covering over 890 hectares.

Syntax replied with this 10.2 years ago, 1 minute later, 4 hours after the original post[^] [v] #530,240

@530,233 (K)
I did say
> and similar associated horrid places

@530,235 (L)
Far so many here are deficit school drop outs. Odd how the Mods are all educated with one even on track for a fancy PhD and other now about to take the place of Gloria Allred and becky will do far more better cause the fantastic fail I experienced re Gloria was her fail to understand basic tax code and becky Does

@530,236 (K)
I cannot claim such as u cause frankly there can only b one bottom of the barrel total fail - I suppose there could be a tie but so far in this chan such has yet to exist (Autophag is banned or he wood fit)

Anonymous M joined in and replied with this 10.2 years ago, 2 minutes later, 4 hours after the original post[^] [v] #530,242

Best page:

Seriously, sometimes when I'm bored I just sit around browsing random Wiki pages for hours.

Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 10.2 years ago, 5 minutes later, 4 hours after the original post[^] [v] #530,244

@previous (M)
I did not know about that.

Can you think of a fortuitous redirect you have received from that link? What page did you land on which was particulaly worth reading for you?

dw joined in and replied with this 10.2 years ago, 2 minutes later, 4 hours after the original post[^] [v] #530,245

@530,205 (Killer Lettuce !!iNo3FkiZx)
ctrl+F "Benedict Cumberbatch"
1 of 1 found

Anonymous M replied with this 10.2 years ago, 42 minutes later, 4 hours after the original post[^] [v] #530,256

@530,244 (A)
I can't think of anything that really stands out, but sometimes it will give you stuff you never would have searched for that will suddenly make you curious. Those "I always wondered how that happened and now I know" moments are cool.

The cat joined in and replied with this 10.2 years ago, 6 hours later, 11 hours after the original post[^] [v] #530,370

@previous (M)
I was puking for three hours solid (BIT too much codeine) and I was like fuck it the internet will know what to do - it said to eat ginger so I did and stopped puking almost instantly. Ok that was from the internet not wikipedia but damn was I happy to stop puking

Anonymous P joined in and replied with this 10.2 years ago, 36 minutes later, 12 hours after the original post[^] [v] #530,373

@previous (The cat)

The cat replied with this 10.2 years ago, 1 hour later, 13 hours after the original post[^] [v] #530,381

@previous (P)
Don't congratulate me, congratulate the fucking Internet for knowing everything innit.

Anonymous Q joined in and replied with this 10.2 years ago, 2 hours later, 16 hours after the original post[^] [v] #530,393

@530,209 (A)
That's retarded. I thought the word "and" was the most repeated word in a sentence that still made grammatical sense. It makes more sense than Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.

If someone made a sign that said Killer Lettuce and Minichan but the words are not evenly spaced then you can say that the distance between Killer Lettuce and and and and and Minichan is not the same.

beckyderp !4aMoRa.T2Q replied with this 10.2 years ago, 1 week later, 1 week after the original post[^] [v] #532,868

squeegee joined in and replied with this 10.2 years ago, 12 minutes later, 1 week after the original post[^] [v] #532,874

@530,393 (Q)
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo makes perfect sense
but so does your and sentence

Syntax replied with this 10.2 years ago, 1 minute later, 1 week after the original post[^] [v] #532,875

@previous (squeegee)
Thee thy and eye Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo 15 minute dryve from Cardiff bye thee tenny tenn myle sea sea SEA

Syntax replied with this 10.2 years ago, 6 minutes later, 1 week after the original post[^] [v] #532,877

@532,868 (beckyderp !4aMoRa.T2Q)
Funny names

By now I had assumed Googolplex wood after all these years have a successor but none listed.

Syntax replied with this 10.2 years ago, 17 minutes later, 1 week after the original post[^] [v] #532,878

@previous (Syntax)

squeegee replied with this 10.2 years ago, 7 minutes later, 1 week after the original post[^] [v] #532,879

@532,877 (Syntax)
well of course a googolplex has a successor. it's 1010100 + any amount of additional numbers

Anonymous S joined in and replied with this 10.2 years ago, 1 hour later, 1 week after the original post[^] [v] #532,889

Anonymous S double-posted this 10.2 years ago, 40 minutes later, 1 week after the original post[^] [v] #532,893

if you are on facebook check out cool freaks wikipedia club which is a great list of all cool wikipedia links, and some uncool and stupid ones too i guess

Syntax replied with this 10.2 years ago, 7 minutes later, 1 week after the original post[^] [v] #532,898

@532,877 (Syntax)
@532,878 (Syntax)

Syntax joined in and replied with this 10.2 years ago, 40 minutes later, 1 week after the original post[^] [v] #532,905

@532,879 (squeegee)

Recently, when we were writing our book Numericon, we came across what has now become one of our very favourite numbers: Graham's number. One of the reasons we love it is that this number is big. Actually, that's an understatement. Graham's number is mind-bendingly huge.

Observable universe
The observable Universe is big, but Graham's number is bigger. Image: ESA and the Planck Collaboration.

Our new favourite number is bigger than the age of the Universe, whether measured in years (approximately 14 billion years) or seconds (4.343x1017 seconds). It's bigger than Avogadro's number, a sizeable 6.02214129 x 1023. This is the number of hydrogen atoms in 1 gram of hydrogen, which is called a mole and is the standard unit for measuring an amount of a substance in chemistry or physics.

Graham's number is bigger the number of atoms in the observable Universe, which is thought to be between 1078 and 1082. It's bigger than the 48th Mersenne prime,


the biggest prime number we know, which has an impressive 17,425,170 digits. And it's bigger than the famous googol, 10100 (a 1 followed by 100 zeroes), which was defined in 1929 by American mathematician Edward Kasner and named by his nine-year-old nephew, Milton Sirotta. (This might sound familiar, as Google was named after this number, though they got the spelling wrong.)

Graham's number is also bigger than a googolplex, which Milton initially defined as a 1, followed by writing zeroes until you get tired, but is now commonly accepted to be 10googol=10(10100). A googleplex is significantly larger than the 48th Mersenne prime.

You, or rather a computer, can write out the 48th Mersenne prime in its entirety, all 17,425,170 digits of it.

But, despite the fact that I can tell you what any digit in the googolplex is (the first is a 1, the rest are all 0), no person, no computer, no civilisation will ever be able to write it out in full. This is because there is not enough room in the Universe to write down all googol+1 digits of a googolplex

As Kasner, and his colleague James Newman, said of the googolplex (in their wonderful 1940s book Mathematics and the imagination which introduced the world to these numbers): "You will get some idea of the size of this very large but finite number from the fact that there would not be enough room to write it, if you went to the farthest star, touring all the nebulae and putting down zeros every inch of the way."

Graham's number is bigger than the googolplex. It's so big, the Universe does not contain enough stuff on which to write its digits: it's literally too big to write. But this number is finite, it's also an whole number, and despite it being so mind-bogglingly huge we know it is divisible by 3 and ends in a 7.

FuckAlms !vX8K53rFBI replied with this 10.2 years ago, 27 minutes later, 1 week after the original post[^] [v] #532,912

@previous (Syntax)
Yeah, well it's still not as big as a syntaxillion.

Syntax replied with this 10.2 years ago, 4 minutes later, 1 week after the original post[^] [v] #532,913

@previous (FuckAlms !vX8K53rFBI)
My reply to your syntaxillion is:

Its a legit word as just verified on WWW

Oh and I cannot explain exactly wot but I fully admit I stole something from you and took full advantage of it on TC

Just Saying

Thanks LoL

FuckAlms !vX8K53rFBI replied with this 10.2 years ago, 1 minute later, 1 week after the original post[^] [v] #532,915

@previous (Syntax)
You didn't steal it from me; it's in the BTsync.

Syntax replied with this 10.2 years ago, 9 minutes later, 1 week after the original post[^] [v] #532,917

@previous (FuckAlms !vX8K53rFBI)
Good its out of that cloud just in case the owner who put it there fails to keep account open

Anonymous M replied with this 10.2 years ago, 1 hour later, 1 week after the original post[^] [v] #532,925

@532,874 (squeegee)
> Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo makes perfect sense

beckyderp !4aMoRa.T2Q replied with this 10 years ago, 2 months later, 3 months after the original post[^] [v] #552,800

kook !!mCVqftDha joined in and replied with this 10 years ago, 27 minutes later, 3 months after the original post[^] [v] #552,817

I also like to get into a rabbit hole where I start researching hikikomori and suicide rates/types in various countries.

Broseph !!fxnDb+Ve4 joined in and replied with this 10 years ago, 52 seconds later, 3 months after the original post[^] [v] #552,818

kook !!mCVqftDha replied with this 10 years ago, 7 minutes later, 3 months after the original post[^] [v] #552,820

@previous (Broseph !!fxnDb+Ve4)
Thats the name of Fake Anons favorite porno

Broseph !!fxnDb+Ve4 replied with this 10 years ago, 2 minutes later, 3 months after the original post[^] [v] #552,821

@previous (kook !!mCVqftDha)
There's a joke about observing it collapsing the wave function in here somewhere.

hamfist !t5TYQ9eJPs joined in and replied with this 10 years ago, 2 hours later, 3 months after the original post[^] [v] #552,862

death erection

beckyderp !4aMoRa.T2Q replied with this 10 years ago, 6 days later, 3 months after the original post[^] [v] #555,679

Anonymous Q replied with this 10 years ago, 1 hour later, 3 months after the original post[^] [v] #555,682

@532,875 (Syntax)

> Thee thy and eye Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo 15 minute dryve from Cardiff bye thee tenny tenn myle sea sea SEA

beckyderp !4aMoRa.T2Q replied with this 10 years ago, 21 hours later, 3 months after the original post[^] [v] #556,093

beckyderp !4aMoRa.T2Q double-posted this 10 years ago, 6 hours later, 3 months after the original post[^] [v] #556,204

beckyderp !4aMoRa.T2Q triple-posted this 9.9 years ago, 2 weeks later, 3 months after the original post[^] [v] #562,448

penthief !e6iiu.pZHU (OP) replied with this 9.9 years ago, 9 hours later, 3 months after the original post[^] [v] #562,544

@previous (beckyderp !4aMoRa.T2Q)

Anonymous X joined in and replied with this 9.9 years ago, 1 hour later, 3 months after the original post[^] [v] #562,579

@562,448 (beckyderp !4aMoRa.T2Q)
I love this.

Anonymous X double-posted this 9.9 years ago, 1 minute later, 3 months after the original post[^] [v] #562,582

beckyderp !4aMoRa.T2Q replied with this 9.9 years ago, 2 weeks later, 4 months after the original post[^] [v] #569,254

kook !!mCVqftDha replied with this 9.9 years ago, 6 minutes later, 4 months after the original post[^] [v] #569,257

I like this page because most of the countries list their peoples preferred methods of suicide.

South Korea: Because South Korea restricts firearms, only one third of Korean women use violent methods to commit suicide. Poisoning is the most commonly used method, as half of Korean women who commit suicide use pesticides.[9] 58.3% of suicides from 1996 to 2005 used pesticide poisoning.[10] Another prevalent method that people use is hanging.[11] Just as women prefer certain suicide methods, a study has shown that unplanned suicide attempters use certain suicide methods more than planned suicide attempters. Unplanned suicide attempters tend to use chemical agents or falling three times more than planned suicide attempters. [12]

dw replied with this 9.9 years ago, 14 hours later, 4 months after the original post[^] [v] #569,406

@previous (kook !!mCVqftDha)
Why do so few people kill themselves in Syria?

(Edited 24 seconds later.)

FuckAlms !vX8K53rFBI replied with this 9.9 years ago, 5 minutes later, 4 months after the original post[^] [v] #569,408

@previous (dw)
Because someone else kills them first.

beckyderp !4aMoRa.T2Q replied with this 9.9 years ago, 3 hours later, 4 months after the original post[^] [v] #569,465

FuckAlms !vX8K53rFBI replied with this 9.9 years ago, 1 hour later, 4 months after the original post[^] [v] #569,478

@previous (beckyderp !4aMoRa.T2Q)
The length of this article is disappointing.

Anonymous I replied with this 9.9 years ago, 2 minutes later, 4 months after the original post[^] [v] #569,479,_Virginia&oldid=665298077#Notable_residents

beckyderp !4aMoRa.T2Q replied with this 9.8 years ago, 1 week later, 4 months after the original post[^] [v] #572,124

Externally hosted image30 most edited Wikipedia articles

Killer Lettuce !!iNo3FkiZx replied with this 9.8 years ago, 9 hours later, 4 months after the original post[^] [v] #572,177

@previous (beckyderp !4aMoRa.T2Q)
> George W Bush way up top
> List of Ben 10 aliens being on there at all

FuckAlms !vX8K53rFBI replied with this 9.8 years ago, 2 hours later, 4 months after the original post[^] [v] #572,215

@572,124 (beckyderp !4aMoRa.T2Q)
So... The Beatles aren't bigger than Jesus. But Michael Jackson is.

vocalon !74TdoRkjCc joined in and replied with this 9.8 years ago, 1 hour later, 4 months after the original post[^] [v] #572,245

@572,177 (Killer Lettuce !!iNo3FkiZx)
did you ever watch that because there were way, way more than 10

Killer Lettuce !!iNo3FkiZx replied with this 9.8 years ago, 9 minutes later, 4 months after the original post[^] [v] #572,251

@previous (vocalon !74TdoRkjCc)
There could be thousands of aliens, but it being amongst Wikipedia's most edited articles still wouldn't make much sense.

Anonymous Q replied with this 9.8 years ago, 1 minute later, 4 months after the original post[^] [v] #572,253

@previous (Killer Lettuce !!iNo3FkiZx)
Think for a moment about the people that edit wikipedia.

FuckAlms !vX8K53rFBI replied with this 9.8 years ago, 2 minutes later, 4 months after the original post[^] [v] #572,256

> The Undertaker

Anonymous Q replied with this 9.8 years ago, 5 minutes later, 4 months after the original post[^] [v] #572,262

@previous (FuckAlms !vX8K53rFBI)
Thats understandable, considering George dubya and pro wrestling are 1 and 2

Killer Lettuce !!iNo3FkiZx replied with this 9.8 years ago, 10 minutes later, 4 months after the original post[^] [v] #572,269

@572,256 (FuckAlms !vX8K53rFBI)
Hahaha, I didn't notice that one. Yeah, that's also fairly bizarre.

@572,253 (Q)
You may have a point.

Anonymous Z-2 joined in and replied with this 9.8 years ago, 5 hours later, 4 months after the original post[^] [v] #572,368

dw replied with this 9.8 years ago, 21 hours later, 4 months after the original post[^] [v] #572,630

@572,177 (Killer Lettuce !!iNo3FkiZx)
It's a popular show with the kids. Thanks.

beckyderp !4aMoRa.T2Q replied with this 9.8 years ago, 12 minutes later, 4 months after the original post[^] [v] #572,631

RWBY Rhubarb !!iNo3FkiZx replied with this 9.8 years ago, 42 minutes later, 4 months after the original post[^] [v] #572,634

@572,630 (dw)
But it's not even the kids show! Like, I'd maybe understand if it was Sonic or something with a louder fanbase. But fucking Ben 10?

The talk page on it isn't even very big either. Like, I was expectin a lot of debate and discussion. So are these people just silently edit warring over this, making thousands of edits whilst trying hammer out a perfectly accurate list of Ben 10 aliens?

Fuck, I need to leave this thread. It's hurting my head.

beckyderp !4aMoRa.T2Q replied with this 9.7 years ago, 1 month later, 5 months after the original post[^] [v] #583,994

kook !!b4KbSydQS replied with this 9.7 years ago, 1 week later, 6 months after the original post[^] [v] #586,922

Deaths and injuries at Disneyland

beckyderp !4aMoRa.T2Q replied with this 9.7 years ago, 1 week later, 6 months after the original post[^] [v] #590,300

Externally hosted imageMost Phallic Building Contest

Anonymous Z-3 joined in and replied with this 9.7 years ago, 14 minutes later, 6 months after the original post[^] [v] #590,302

Anonymous X replied with this 9.7 years ago, 19 minutes later, 6 months after the original post[^] [v] #590,311

@previous (Z-3)

Anonymous Z-3 replied with this 9.7 years ago, 59 seconds later, 6 months after the original post[^] [v] #590,312

@previous (X)
I disagree.

Anonymous X replied with this 9.7 years ago, 25 seconds later, 6 months after the original post[^] [v] #590,314

@previous (Z-3)
You don't get a vote.

Anonymous Z-3 replied with this 9.7 years ago, 3 minutes later, 6 months after the original post[^] [v] #590,318

@previous (X)
Too late.

Anonymous L replied with this 9.7 years ago, 3 hours later, 6 months after the original post[^] [v] #590,375

brie !uXWPG0MygI joined in and replied with this 9.7 years ago, 2 days later, 6 months after the original post[^] [v] #591,493

Anonymous Z-3 replied with this 9.7 years ago, 50 minutes later, 6 months after the original post[^] [v] #591,496

@590,375 (L)
Mobile link; didn't click.

Anonymous Z-5 joined in and replied with this 9.7 years ago, 1 hour later, 6 months after the original post[^] [v] #591,505

@530,209 (A)
@530,393 (Q)
@532,874 (squeegee)
@532,875 (Syntax)
@532,925 (M)
Lowly loli lowly loli bully bully lowly loli

Anonymous Z-6 joined in and replied with this 9.7 years ago, 2 hours later, 6 months after the original post[^] [v] #591,559

i don't read wikipedia much anymore, i just use it to check people's ages and shit, but my favorite page is probably albert fish

Anonymous L replied with this 9.7 years ago, 13 minutes later, 6 months after the original post[^] [v] #591,564

@591,496 (Z-3)

Anonymous Z-7 joined in and replied with this 9.7 years ago, 2 hours later, 6 months after the original post[^] [v] #591,633

dw replied with this 9.7 years ago, 1 week later, 6 months after the original post[^] [v] #594,994

beckyderp !4aMoRa.T2Q replied with this 9.5 years ago, 1 month later, 8 months after the original post[^] [v] #609,975

Anonymous X replied with this 9.5 years ago, 1 week later, 8 months after the original post[^] [v] #613,836

Syntax joined in and replied with this 9.5 years ago, 41 minutes later, 8 months after the original post[^] [v] #613,844

How does Britney Spears get edited more then ALL of the UK?

Unless its cause she failed to edit her Vagina in public photos

Anonymous Z-9 joined in and replied with this 9.5 years ago, 37 minutes later, 8 months after the original post[^] [v] #613,865

Anonymous Z-10 joined in and replied with this 9.5 years ago, 2 hours later, 8 months after the original post[^] [v] #613,903

fuck yeah niggers

Anonymous Z-11 joined in and replied with this 9.5 years ago, 5 days later, 8 months after the original post[^] [v] #615,594

beckyderp !4aMoRa.T2Q replied with this 9.5 years ago, 1 week later, 9 months after the original post[^] [v] #618,902

Anonymous Z-12 joined in and replied with this 9.5 years ago, 1 hour later, 9 months after the original post[^] [v] #618,916

FuckAlms !vX8K53rFBI replied with this 9.5 years ago, 23 seconds later, 9 months after the original post[^] [v] #618,917

@previous (Z-12)

Anonymous Z-12 replied with this 9.5 years ago, 5 minutes later, 9 months after the original post[^] [v] #618,918

@previous (FuckAlms !vX8K53rFBI)

Anonymous Z-13 joined in and replied with this 9.4 years ago, 1 month later, 10 months after the original post[^] [v] #632,062

beckyderp !4aMoRa.T2Q replied with this 9.4 years ago, 4 hours later, 10 months after the original post[^] [v] #632,140

List of wartime cross-dressers

Anonymous X replied with this 9.3 years ago, 1 week later, 10 months after the original post[^] [v] #635,007

beckyderp !4aMoRa.T2Q replied with this 9.3 years ago, 1 week later, 11 months after the original post[^] [v] #638,602

List of Jewish superheroes

Adam Jensen replied with this 9.1 years ago, 1 month later, 1.1 year after the original post[^] [v] #655,701

Anonymous Z-13 replied with this 9.1 years ago, 2 weeks later, 1.2 year after the original post[^] [v] #661,524

kook !!mCVqftDha replied with this 9.1 years ago, 2 hours later, 1.2 year after the original post[^] [v] #661,528

@previous (Z-13)
I thought that this said cheese related deaths and I started reading and got very sad

Anonymous Z-14 joined in and replied with this 9.1 years ago, 1 hour later, 1.2 year after the original post[^] [v] #661,533

Becky's contributions are far better than any of you other shit posting scum.

Anonymous E replied with this 9.1 years ago, 11 minutes later, 1.2 year after the original post[^] [v] #661,534

@previous (Z-14)
Hi, Becky.

Fake anon !ZkUt8arUCU joined in and replied with this 9.1 years ago, 1 hour later, 1.2 year after the original post[^] [v] #661,541

@previous (E)
> literally everyone is becky

Anonymous E replied with this 9.1 years ago, 46 minutes later, 1.2 year after the original post[^] [v] #661,547

@previous (Fake anon !ZkUt8arUCU)
Most of them are, yes.

Anonymous Z-16 joined in and replied with this 9.1 years ago, 37 minutes later, 1.2 year after the original post[^] [v] #661,558,_Sr.

beckyderp !4aMoRa.T2Q replied with this 9.1 years ago, 1 week later, 1.2 year after the original post[^] [v] #663,404

Anonymous M replied with this 9.1 years ago, 1 hour later, 1.2 year after the original post[^] [v] #663,415

@661,524 (Z-13)
> In Agatha Christie's 1927 novel The Big Four, a chess master is murdered by a strong electrical shock dealt him in the third move of his Ruy Lopez opening. In anticipation of his opening, the electrical connection was rigged to the square on the board through the floor from the apartment below.

People who routinely open with the Spanish are so predictable.

Anonymous Z-16 replied with this 9.1 years ago, 22 minutes later, 1.2 year after the original post[^] [v] #663,419

Anonymous Z-17 joined in and replied with this 9.1 years ago, 4 minutes later, 1.2 year after the original post[^] [v] #663,424

Warning this one is fit only for kook. You have been warned!

kook !!mCVqftDha replied with this 9.1 years ago, 38 minutes later, 1.2 year after the original post[^] [v] #663,432

@previous (Z-17)
I know of him!

Adam Djensen replied with this 9 years ago, 3 weeks later, 1.2 year after the original post[^] [v] #668,797

Anonymous Z-18 joined in and replied with this 9 years ago, 6 hours later, 1.2 year after the original post[^] [v] #668,861

beckyderp !Hi.HILLARY replied with this 8.9 years ago, 1 month later, 1.4 year after the original post[^] [v] #688,616

adam djensen replied with this 8.9 years ago, 28 minutes later, 1.4 year after the original post[^] [v] #688,618

@previous (beckyderp !Hi.HILLARY)
I thought it was a species of inflatable rat ???

Metæ joined in and replied with this 8.9 years ago, 40 minutes later, 1.4 year after the original post[^] [v] #688,623

@688,616 (beckyderp !Hi.HILLARY)
That is totally gay. If I saw one, I'd poke it with my knife to deflate it and then go up to whomever is leading the strike and slap him for being such a retard.

Fake anon !ZkUt8arUCU replied with this 8.9 years ago, 48 seconds later, 1.4 year after the original post[^] [v] #688,624

@688,616 (beckyderp !Hi.HILLARY)
Fun fact, a year or two ago there was one of those tight outside my building, along with some dude handing out bright orange flyers. I never learned what they were fighting about though.

beckyderp !Hi.HILLARY replied with this 8.8 years ago, 1 week later, 1.4 year after the original post[^] [v] #692,665

beckyderp !Hi.HILLARY double-posted this 8.8 years ago, 1 day later, 1.4 year after the original post[^] [v] #693,467

beckyderp !Hi.HILLARY triple-posted this 8.8 years ago, 1 day later, 1.4 year after the original post[^] [v] #693,811

beckyderp !Hi.HILLARY quadruple-posted this 8.8 years ago, 2 weeks later, 1.5 year after the original post[^] [v] #697,930

bhutan joined in and replied with this 8.8 years ago, 3 hours later, 1.5 year after the original post[^] [v] #697,943

@688,623 (Metæ)

> >
> That is totally gay. If I saw one, I'd poke it with my knife to deflate it and then go up to whomever is leading the strike and slap him for being such a retard.

I bet you would totally do that

FuckAlms !vX8K53rFBI replied with this 8.8 years ago, 11 minutes later, 1.5 year after the original post[^] [v] #697,955

@previous (bhutan)
I only think he would partially do it.

adam djensen replied with this 8.8 years ago, 4 hours later, 1.5 year after the original post[^] [v] #698,079

@693,811 (beckyderp !Hi.HILLARY)
What the fuck

beckyderp !Hi.HILLARY replied with this 8.8 years ago, 5 minutes later, 1.5 year after the original post[^] [v] #698,084

@previous (adam djensen)
im gay lol

beckyderp !Hi.HILLARY double-posted this 8.8 years ago, 1 day later, 1.5 year after the original post[^] [v] #698,584

beckyderp !Hi.HILLARY triple-posted this 8.8 years ago, 2 minutes later, 1.5 year after the original post[^] [v] #698,585

RWBY Rhubarb? !!iNo3FkiZx replied with this 8.8 years ago, 5 minutes later, 1.5 year after the original post[^] [v] #698,587

beckyderp !Hi.HILLARY replied with this 8.8 years ago, 5 days later, 1.5 year after the original post[^] [v] #700,173
also see

FuckAlms !vX8K53rFBI replied with this 8.8 years ago, 2 hours later, 1.5 year after the original post[^] [v] #700,210

@previous (beckyderp !Hi.HILLARY)
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.

FuckAlms !vX8K53rFBI double-posted this 8.8 years ago, 5 days later, 1.5 year after the original post[^] [v] #701,794

beckyderp !Hi.HILLARY replied with this 8.7 years ago, 2 weeks later, 1.5 year after the original post[^] [v] #707,587

beckyderp !Hi.HILLARY double-posted this 8.7 years ago, 2 days later, 1.5 year after the original post[^] [v] #708,126

Nábrók - Icelandic necropants

beckyderp !Hi.HILLARY triple-posted this 8.7 years ago, 1 minute later, 1.5 year after the original post[^] [v] #708,127

Virgin boy eggs or "tong zi dan" (Chinese: 童子尿煮鸡蛋; pinyin: Tóngzǐ Niào Zhǔ Jīdàn[1]) are a traditional delicacy of Dongyang, Zhejiang, China made by cooking eggs in urine collected from young boys.[2] Every year in early spring time, the urine of prepubescent school boys preferably under 10 years is collected and boiled with eggs and sold for 1.50 yuan,[3] around twice the price of a regular boiled egg.[4] In 2008, Dongyang recognized the eggs as "local intangible cultural heritage."[5]

FuckAlms !vX8K53rFBI replied with this 8.7 years ago, 6 hours later, 1.5 year after the original post[^] [v] #708,161

@previous (beckyderp !Hi.HILLARY)
Well, I guess we know where to4str is moving to.

Anonymous Z-21 joined in and replied with this 8.7 years ago, 1 hour later, 1.5 year after the original post[^] [v] #708,169

@700,210 (FuckAlms !vX8K53rFBI)

> The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.

Lol you fucking retard, it's "jumps", not "jumped", otherwise it doesn't work (there'd be no 's' in the sentence).

beckyderp !Hi.HILLARY replied with this 8.7 years ago, 1 hour later, 1.5 year after the original post[^] [v] #708,172

FuckAlms !vX8K53rFBI replied with this 8.7 years ago, 4 hours later, 1.5 year after the original post[^] [v] #708,250

@708,169 (Z-21)
Nice autismpost.

Anonymous Z-21 replied with this 8.7 years ago, 1 hour later, 1.5 year after the original post[^] [v] #708,276

@previous (FuckAlms !vX8K53rFBI)

Autism doesn't mean knowing the alphabet Fuckalms. You fucked up. Man up, own it, and move on.

Anonymous Z-11 replied with this 8.7 years ago, 1 day later, 1.6 year after the original post[^] [v] #708,583

brie !kGoudaMCFA joined in and replied with this 8.6 years ago, 2 weeks later, 1.6 year after the original post[^] [v] #712,839

@708,276 (Z-21)

kook !!OPZbEQMT1 replied with this 8.6 years ago, 1 hour later, 1.6 year after the original post[^] [v] #712,875

@previous (brie !kGoudaMCFA)
lol gender dysphoria

ぶたん joined in and replied with this 8.6 years ago, 1 hour later, 1.6 year after the original post[^] [v] #712,941

@708,172 (beckyderp !Hi.HILLARY)


that's not a human!!! damn!

beckyderp !Hi.HILLARY replied with this 8.6 years ago, 2 days later, 1.6 year after the original post[^] [v] #713,516

beckyderp !Hi.HILLARY double-posted this 8.6 years ago, 32 seconds later, 1.6 year after the original post[^] [v] #713,517

beckyderp !Hi.HILLARY triple-posted this 8.6 years ago, 1 week later, 1.6 year after the original post[^] [v] #716,392

Anonymous E replied with this 8.6 years ago, 1 hour later, 1.6 year after the original post[^] [v] #716,400

@previous (beckyderp !Hi.HILLARY)
> giraffes have been called "especially gay" for often engaging in same-sex sexual behavior more than male-female (heterosexual) sex.[
Ha! That gave me a right chuckle.

beckyderp !Hi.HILLARY replied with this 8.6 years ago, 42 minutes later, 1.6 year after the original post[^] [v] #716,402

@530,209 (A)
Ugh, I see I reposted this. Sorry :(

@previous (E)

beckyderp !Hi.HILLARY double-posted this 8.6 years ago, 5 hours later, 1.6 year after the original post[^] [v] #716,439

beckyderp !Hi.HILLARY triple-posted this 8.6 years ago, 9 hours later, 1.6 year after the original post[^] [v] #716,601

anonymous V joined in and replied with this 8.6 years ago, 10 minutes later, 1.6 year after the original post[^] [v] #716,602

beckyderp !Hi.HILLARY replied with this 8.6 years ago, 5 days later, 1.6 year after the original post[^] [v] #718,394

FuckAlms !vX8K53rFBI replied with this 8.6 years ago, 4 days later, 1.7 year after the original post[^] [v] #719,458

beckyderp !Hi.HILLARY replied with this 8.6 years ago, 19 minutes later, 1.7 year after the original post[^] [v] #719,460

beckyderp !Hi.HILLARY double-posted this 8.6 years ago, 1 day later, 1.7 year after the original post[^] [v] #719,741

beckyderp !Hi.HILLARY triple-posted this 8.6 years ago, 5 days later, 1.7 year after the original post[^] [v] #721,050

Fake anon !ZkUt8arUCU replied with this 8.6 years ago, 7 minutes later, 1.7 year after the original post[^] [v] #721,051

@previous (beckyderp !Hi.HILLARY)
> It was discovered in 2015 and named after U.S. President Barack Obama because the discoverer admires Obama.[1] It infects the lungs of host turtles. Baracktrema obamai is classified as a parasitic flatworm.[2]
Lol I don't think we share the same definition of "admire".

Anonymous Z-11 replied with this 8.6 years ago, 1 hour later, 1.7 year after the original post[^] [v] #721,077

@previous (Fake anon !ZkUt8arUCU)

You don't discover a new species every day Mark you kinda have to take what you can get

FuckAlms !vX8K53rFBI replied with this 8.6 years ago, 3 hours later, 1.7 year after the original post[^] [v] #721,170

@previous (Z-11)
"I considered this an extreme honor. Besides, I knew no one was going to write and ask to name a new species of swan after me. You have to grab these opportunities when they come along." - Gary Larson

Jubilee Starshine joined in and replied with this 8.6 years ago, 14 minutes later, 1.7 year after the original post[^] [v] #721,178

@721,051 (Fake anon !ZkUt8arUCU)
> Blood-flukes, are parasitic flatworms responsible for a highly significant group of infections in humans termed schistosomiasis. Schistosomiasis is considered by the World Health Organization as the second most socioeconomically devastating parasitic disease, (after malaria), with hundreds of millions infected worldwide.

beckyderp !Hi.HILLARY replied with this 8.5 years ago, 1 week later, 1.7 year after the original post[^] [v] #724,214

FuckAlms !vX8K53rFBI replied with this 8.5 years ago, 2 days later, 1.7 year after the original post[^] [v] #725,125

beckyderp !Hi.HILLARY replied with this 8.5 years ago, 1 week later, 1.7 year after the original post[^] [v] #727,397

beckyderp !Hi.HILLARY double-posted this 8.5 years ago, 2 weeks later, 1.8 year after the original post[^] [v] #730,378

RWBY Rhubarb? !!iNo3FkiZx replied with this 8.5 years ago, 4 hours later, 1.8 year after the original post[^] [v] #730,398

@previous (beckyderp !Hi.HILLARY)

beckyderp !Hi.HILLARY replied with this 8.5 years ago, 59 minutes later, 1.8 year after the original post[^] [v] #730,403

@previous (RWBY Rhubarb? !!iNo3FkiZx)
> mobile link


Anonymous Z-26 joined in and replied with this 8.5 years ago, 1 day later, 1.8 year after the original post[^] [v] #730,721

@730,398 (RWBY Rhubarb? !!iNo3FkiZx)


Unbelievable Story

mordor !n9PP8q5SP. double-posted this 8.5 years ago, 4 minutes later, 1.8 year after the original post[^] [v] #730,722

^^^^ post by

ぶたん replied with this 8.5 years ago, 2 minutes later, 1.8 year after the original post[^] [v] #730,725

@previous (mordor !n9PP8q5SP.)
we know

beckyderp !Hi.HILLARY replied with this 8.4 years ago, 1 day later, 1.8 year after the original post[^] [v] #730,922

dw replied with this 8.4 years ago, 16 hours later, 1.8 year after the original post[^] [v] #731,074

@previous (beckyderp !Hi.HILLARY)
I'm pretty sure, I can envision a taller building

buto replied with this 8.4 years ago, 56 seconds later, 1.8 year after the original post[^] [v] #731,077

@previous (dw)

beckyderp !Hi.HILLARY replied with this 8.4 years ago, 5 days later, 1.8 year after the original post[^] [v] #732,603

beckyderp !Hi.HILLARY double-posted this 8.4 years ago, 23 seconds later, 1.8 year after the original post[^] [v] #732,604

beckyderp !Hi.HILLARY triple-posted this 8.4 years ago, 14 minutes later, 1.8 year after the original post[^] [v] #732,614

Fake anon !ZkUt8arUCU replied with this 8.4 years ago, 9 minutes later, 1.8 year after the original post[^] [v] #732,620

@previous (beckyderp !Hi.HILLARY)
Ok but how do you really feel?

batuo replied with this 8.4 years ago, 1 hour later, 1.8 year after the original post[^] [v] #732,648

@732,603 (beckyderp !Hi.HILLARY)
@732,604 (beckyderp !Hi.HILLARY)
@732,614 (beckyderp !Hi.HILLARY)

FuckAlms !vX8K53rFBI replied with this 8.4 years ago, 1 hour later, 1.8 year after the original post[^] [v] #732,721

@732,620 (Fake anon !ZkUt8arUCU)

dw replied with this 8.4 years ago, 16 minutes later, 1.8 year after the original post[^] [v] #732,729

@732,614 (beckyderp !Hi.HILLARY)
Mediocre film.

Metæ replied with this 8.4 years ago, 1 hour later, 1.8 year after the original post[^] [v] #732,733,_2016

Lorraine !oZfU/tvMPw replied with this 8.4 years ago, 3 days later, 1.8 year after the original post[^] [v] #733,692

FuckAlms !vX8K53rFBI replied with this 8.4 years ago, 28 minutes later, 1.8 year after the original post[^] [v] #733,702

@previous (Lorraine !oZfU/tvMPw)
> mobile link

Lorraine !oZfU/tvMPw replied with this 8.4 years ago, 1 hour later, 1.8 year after the original post[^] [v] #733,711

@previous (FuckAlms !vX8K53rFBI)

> he doesn't get comfy on his sofa and browse MC on a tablet

FuckAlms !vX8K53rFBI replied with this 8.4 years ago, 2 hours later, 1.8 year after the original post[^] [v] #733,729

@previous (Lorraine !oZfU/tvMPw)
I get comfy on my bed and use a laptop.

dw replied with this 8.4 years ago, 2 hours later, 1.8 year after the original post[^] [v] #733,750

@previous (FuckAlms !vX8K53rFBI)
That's not very comfortable.

batun replied with this 8.4 years ago, 2 minutes later, 1.8 year after the original post[^] [v] #733,754

@previous (dw)
maybe fuckalm has a comfy laptop

Lorraine !oZfU/tvMPw replied with this 8.4 years ago, 2 hours later, 1.8 year after the original post[^] [v] #733,779

@733,729 (FuckAlms !vX8K53rFBI)

2006 called

Anonymous M replied with this 8.4 years ago, 5 minutes later, 1.8 year after the original post[^] [v] #733,781

@733,729 (FuckAlms !vX8K53rFBI)

beckyderp !yDoooooooo replied with this 8.4 years ago, 1 week later, 1.9 year after the original post[^] [v] #735,559

beckyderp !yDoooooooo double-posted this 8.4 years ago, 2 days later, 1.9 year after the original post[^] [v] #736,188

beckyderp !yDoooooooo triple-posted this 8.4 years ago, 1 day later, 1.9 year after the original post[^] [v] #736,633

FuckAlms !vX8K53rFBI replied with this 8.4 years ago, 17 hours later, 1.9 year after the original post[^] [v] #736,817

@previous (beckyderp !yDoooooooo)
I'm beginning to suspect that you are more like kook than you let on...

beckyderp !yDoooooooo replied with this 8.4 years ago, 3 days later, 1.9 year after the original post[^] [v] #738,326

Killer Lettuce? !!iNo3FkiZx replied with this 8.4 years ago, 12 hours later, 1.9 year after the original post[^] [v] #738,418

@736,817 (FuckAlms !vX8K53rFBI)

brie !kGoudaMCFA replied with this 8.4 years ago, 1 day later, 1.9 year after the original post[^] [v] #738,726

beckyderp !yDoooooooo replied with this 8.4 years ago, 2 days later, 1.9 year after the original post[^] [v] #739,715

Killer Lettuce? !!iNo3FkiZx replied with this 8.4 years ago, 1 minute later, 1.9 year after the original post[^] [v] #739,716

@previous (beckyderp !yDoooooooo)
Haha! A quality choice!

But now I feel sorry for you Americans. You may never know the madness of Tesco Value cider.

beckyderp !yDoooooooo replied with this 8.3 years ago, 5 days later, 1.9 year after the original post[^] [v] #741,204

beckyderp !yDoooooooo double-posted this 8.3 years ago, 4 days later, 1.9 year after the original post[^] [v] #742,418

Killer Lettuce? !!iNo3FkiZx replied with this 8.3 years ago, 5 days later, 1.9 year after the original post[^] [v] #743,802

Killer Lettuce replied with this 8.3 years ago, 19 hours later, 1.9 year after the original post[^] [v] #744,072

beckyderp !yDoooooooo replied with this 8.3 years ago, 4 days later, 1.9 year after the original post[^] [v] #745,302

beckyderp !yDoooooooo double-posted this 8.3 years ago, 18 hours later, 1.9 year after the original post[^] [v] #745,487

dw skg llc joined in and replied with this 8.3 years ago, 2 days later, 2 years after the original post[^] [v] #746,012

Anonymous Q replied with this 8.3 years ago, 3 minutes later, 2 years after the original post[^] [v] #746,015

@745,487 (beckyderp !yDoooooooo)

Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 8.3 years ago, 5 days later, 2 years after the original post[^] [v] #747,852

beckyderp !yDoooooooo replied with this 8.2 years ago, 1 week later, 2 years after the original post[^] [v] #751,733

brie !kGoudaMCFA replied with this 8.2 years ago, 3 days later, 2 years after the original post[^] [v] #752,679

beckyderp !yDoooooooo replied with this 8.2 years ago, 1 day later, 2 years after the original post[^] [v] #753,358

beckyderp !yDoooooooo double-posted this 8.2 years ago, 1 day later, 2 years after the original post[^] [v] #753,909

FuckAlms !vX8K53rFBI replied with this 8.2 years ago, 23 minutes later, 2 years after the original post[^] [v] #753,920

@previous (beckyderp !yDoooooooo)

beckyderp !yDoooooooo replied with this 8.2 years ago, 5 days later, 2 years after the original post[^] [v] #755,094

beckyderp !yDoooooooo double-posted this 8.2 years ago, 2 days later, 2 years after the original post[^] [v] #755,700

beckyderp !yDoooooooo triple-posted this 8.2 years ago, 12 hours later, 2 years after the original post[^] [v] #755,920

Anonymous Q replied with this 8.2 years ago, 3 days later, 2.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #757,034

beckyderp !yDoooooooo replied with this 8.2 years ago, 1 day later, 2.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #757,301

beckyderp !yDoooooooo double-posted this 8.2 years ago, 3 days later, 2.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #758,633

beckyderp !yDoooooooo triple-posted this 8.2 years ago, 3 days later, 2.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #759,499

Anonymous M replied with this 8.2 years ago, 12 minutes later, 2.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #759,500

@previous (beckyderp !yDoooooooo)
It needs a "for under $20" section.

beckyderp !yDoooooooo replied with this 8.2 years ago, 34 minutes later, 2.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #759,508

@previous (M)
Yes! Can you imagine the money we could save on executions if we just gave every death-row inmate an exit bag?

Anonymous Q replied with this 8.2 years ago, 2 minutes later, 2.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #759,510

@previous (beckyderp !yDoooooooo)
Probably less than $20/person. But I guess it would add up

beckyderp !yDoooooooo replied with this 8.2 years ago, 1 day later, 2.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #759,875

beckyderp !yDoooooooo double-posted this 8.2 years ago, 2 days later, 2.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #760,512

brie !kGoudaMCFA replied with this 8.2 years ago, 3 days later, 2.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #761,962'n_Crunch#Product_litigation

Udw !vJwW0tsPXQ replied with this 8.1 years ago, 15 hours later, 2.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #762,203

@previous (brie !kGoudaMCFA)

Udw !vJwW0tsPXQ double-posted this 8.1 years ago, 58 seconds later, 2.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #762,204

@760,512 (beckyderp !yDoooooooo)
Why is this a thing? It's not the cold war anymore

FuckAlms !vX8K53rFBI joined in and replied with this 8.1 years ago, 6 days later, 2.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #764,844

kook !!OPZbEQMT1 replied with this 8.1 years ago, 1 week later, 2.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #767,339

Anonymous Z-11 replied with this 8.1 years ago, 9 hours later, 2.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #767,405

@762,204 (Udw !vJwW0tsPXQ)

Is it not?

Dw !vJwW0tsPXQ replied with this 8.1 years ago, 3 days later, 2.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #768,486

@previous (Z-11)
it is not

FuckAlms !vX8K53rFBI replied with this 8.1 years ago, 3 hours later, 2.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #768,540

@previous (Dw !vJwW0tsPXQ)
I got some bad news for you...

beckyderp !yDoooooooo replied with this 8.1 years ago, 1 day later, 2.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #769,098

Dw !vJwW0tsPXQ replied with this 8.1 years ago, 5 minutes later, 2.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #769,113

@previous (beckyderp !yDoooooooo)

beckyderp !yDoooooooo replied with this 8.1 years ago, 2 days later, 2.2 years after the original post[^] [v] #769,845

beckyderp !yDoooooooo double-posted this 8.1 years ago, 1 week later, 2.2 years after the original post[^] [v] #772,366

beckyderp !yDoooooooo triple-posted this 8 years ago, 1 week later, 2.2 years after the original post[^] [v] #775,442

cccuuunnttt !yDoooooooo quadruple-posted this 8 years ago, 1 week later, 2.2 years after the original post[^] [v] #777,185

cccuuunnttt !yDoooooooo quintuple-posted this 8 years ago, 1 week later, 2.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #780,086

キャサリン? !TGirlYJKXM joined in and replied with this 8 years ago, 9 hours later, 2.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #780,188

@530,233 (K)
Is that masked bastard?

brie !kGoudaMCFA replied with this 8 years ago, 11 hours later, 2.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #780,252

@780,086 (cccuuunnttt !yDoooooooo)
> Maybe the 2020 election would be all shitposting."[13]


FuckAlms !vX8K53rFBI replied with this 8 years ago, 7 hours later, 2.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #780,315

@780,188 (キャサリン? !TGirlYJKXM)

cccuuunnttt !yDoooooooo replied with this 7.9 years ago, 1 week later, 2.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #781,831

Killer Lettuce? !!iNo3FkiZx replied with this 7.9 years ago, 18 hours later, 2.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #781,991

Anonymous Z-23 replied with this 7.9 years ago, 10 minutes later, 2.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #781,995

@previous (Killer Lettuce? !!iNo3FkiZx)

Killer Lettuce? !!iNo3FkiZx replied with this 7.9 years ago, 36 minutes later, 2.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #782,005

@previous (Z-23)

Big Daddy Derek !Uvm54ORbmo joined in and replied with this 7.9 years ago, 31 minutes later, 2.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #782,017

Killer Lettuce? !!iNo3FkiZx replied with this 7.9 years ago, 1 hour later, 2.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #782,051

@previous (Big Daddy Derek !Uvm54ORbmo)
Woah... Interesting article, Derek.

Big Daddy Derek !Uvm54ORbmo replied with this 7.9 years ago, 6 minutes later, 2.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #782,054

@previous (Killer Lettuce? !!iNo3FkiZx)
I think it is.

Fred Durst replied with this 7.9 years ago, 2 hours later, 2.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #782,098

@781,995 (Z-23)
If I say "fuck" 2 more times, that's 46 'fucks' in this fucked-up rhyme!

cccuuunnttt !yDoooooooo replied with this 7.9 years ago, 1 week later, 2.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #785,328

Anonymous N replied with this 7.9 years ago, 2 hours later, 2.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #785,342

@previous (cccuuunnttt !yDoooooooo)
How is that more offensive than the McNew york bagel?

Anonymous Z-31 joined in and replied with this 7.9 years ago, 2 days later, 2.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #785,755,_Niger

(Edited 3 minutes later.)

beckyderp !yDoooooooo replied with this 7.9 years ago, 1 week later, 2.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #787,466

brie !kGoudaMCFA replied with this 7.9 years ago, 6 hours later, 2.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #787,508

@782,017 (Big Daddy Derek !Uvm54ORbmo)
Why does the duclod man get a wikipedia article but Matt only gets a shitty ED page?

(Edited 11 seconds later.)

Killer Lettuce? !!iNo3FkiZx replied with this 7.8 years ago, 1 week later, 2.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #790,439

beckyderp !yDoooooooo replied with this 7.8 years ago, 1 week later, 2.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #791,724

Anonymous Z-32 joined in and replied with this 7.8 years ago, 12 hours later, 2.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #791,805

Anonymous Z-33 joined in and replied with this 7.8 years ago, 9 minutes later, 2.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #791,811

they probably got one about AC/DC..

I'll go with that..

Anonymous B replied with this 7.8 years ago, 2 days later, 2.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #792,237

Anonymous B double-posted this 7.8 years ago, 2 days later, 2.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #792,692

beckyderp !yDoooooooo triple-posted this 7.8 years ago, 1 week later, 2.5 years after the original post[^] [v] #794,683

beckyderp !yDoooooooo quadruple-posted this 7.7 years ago, 3 weeks later, 2.5 years after the original post[^] [v] #799,594

beckyderp !yDoooooooo quintuple-posted this 7.7 years ago, 1 week later, 2.5 years after the original post[^] [v] #801,087

beckyderp !yDoooooooo sextuple-posted this 7.7 years ago, 1 week later, 2.6 years after the original post[^] [v] #802,763

Anonymous Z-11 replied with this 7.7 years ago, 2 hours later, 2.6 years after the original post[^] [v] #802,777

dreamworks !ea7At1rwaI replied with this 7.7 years ago, 5 hours later, 2.6 years after the original post[^] [v] #802,820

becky replied with this 7.6 years ago, 2 weeks later, 2.6 years after the original post[^] [v] #806,529

FuckAlms !vX8K53rFBI joined in and replied with this 7.6 years ago, 4 minutes later, 2.6 years after the original post[^] [v] #806,530

Anonymous L replied with this 7.6 years ago, 15 hours later, 2.6 years after the original post[^] [v] #806,669

Anonymous L double-posted this 7.6 years ago, 6 minutes later, 2.6 years after the original post[^] [v] #806,671

@799,594 (beckyderp !yDoooooooo)
Holy shit

beckyderp !yDoooooooo replied with this 7.6 years ago, 1 week later, 2.6 years after the original post[^] [v] #809,757

cccuuunnttt !LiptondPyg double-posted this 7.5 years ago, 2 weeks later, 2.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #815,860

cccuuunnttt !LiptondPyg triple-posted this 7.5 years ago, 1 week later, 2.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #818,517

cccuuunnttt !LiptondPyg quadruple-posted this 7.5 years ago, 2 days later, 2.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #819,192

cccuuunnttt !LiptondPyg quintuple-posted this 7.5 years ago, 2 hours later, 2.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #819,248

FuckAlms !vX8K53rFBI replied with this 7.5 years ago, 1 hour later, 2.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #819,286

@previous (cccuuunnttt !LiptondPyg)
> Dick Cheney (US Vice-President) in the incident. The draft obituary, which had been based on the Queen Mother's, described Cheney as 'Queen Consort' and the 'UK's favorite grandmother'.
Damn lol

Anonymous Z-27 replied with this 7.5 years ago, 1 day later, 2.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #819,603

cccuuunnttt !LiptondPyg replied with this 7.5 years ago, 2 days later, 2.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #820,298

Anonymous M replied with this 7.5 years ago, 35 minutes later, 2.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #820,307

@previous (cccuuunnttt !LiptondPyg)

Should be required reading for all Minions.

Anonymous Z-23 replied with this 7.5 years ago, 33 minutes later, 2.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #820,311

@820,298 (cccuuunnttt !LiptondPyg)
Poepchinees (meaning "poop Chinese") is an ethnic slur used against people of Asian descent.

Anonymous N replied with this 7.5 years ago, 6 hours later, 2.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #820,341

@820,298 (cccuuunnttt !LiptondPyg)
Kankeren isnt profane. It has nothing to do with the disease. Thanks.

Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 7.5 years ago, 2 weeks later, 2.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #824,824

Killer Lettuce? !!iNo3FkiZx replied with this 7.5 years ago, 18 minutes later, 2.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #824,827

At the moment, it's this:,_London

beckyderp !yDoooooooo replied with this 7.4 years ago, 1 week later, 2.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #827,437

Anonymous M replied with this 7.4 years ago, 2 days later, 2.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #828,001

beckyderp !LiptondPyg replied with this 7.4 years ago, 3 days later, 2.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #829,017

Sheila LaBoof joined in and replied with this 7.4 years ago, 1 week later, 2.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #833,209

beckyderp !LiptondPyg replied with this 7.4 years ago, 4 days later, 2.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #834,346

beckyderp !LiptondPyg double-posted this 7.4 years ago, 3 days later, 2.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #835,358

becky triple-posted this 7.4 years ago, 2 days later, 2.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #836,388

Externally hosted image

beckyderp !LiptondPyg quadruple-posted this 7.3 years ago, 1 week later, 2.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #839,308

beckyderp !LiptondPyg quintuple-posted this 7.3 years ago, 2 days later, 2.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #840,136

beckyderp !LiptondPyg sextuple-posted this 7.3 years ago, 52 seconds later, 2.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #840,137

Garfield replied with this 7.3 years ago, 18 minutes later, 2.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #840,142

@previous (beckyderp !LiptondPyg)
man i was gonna post

Fake anon !ZkUt8arUCU replied with this 7.3 years ago, 20 seconds later, 2.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #840,143

@previous (Garfield)
Same :(

Garfield replied with this 7.3 years ago, 4 hours later, 2.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #840,207

beckyderp !LiptondPyg replied with this 7.3 years ago, 3 hours later, 2.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #840,266

beckyderp !LiptondPyg double-posted this 7.3 years ago, 14 hours later, 2.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #840,452

(Edited 1 minute later.)

beckyderp !LiptondPyg triple-posted this 7.3 years ago, 2 days later, 2.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #841,347,_Pennsylvania

beckyderp !LiptondPyg quadruple-posted this 7.3 years ago, 3 days later, 2.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #842,255

Anonymous Z-36 joined in and replied with this 7.3 years ago, 6 minutes later, 2.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #842,258

Anonymous D replied with this 7.3 years ago, 16 minutes later, 2.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #842,266

@previous (Z-36)

Anonymous Z-36 replied with this 7.3 years ago, 9 minutes later, 2.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #842,270

@previous (D)

Anonymous D replied with this 7.3 years ago, 11 minutes later, 2.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #842,275

@previous (Z-36)

beckyderp !LiptondPyg replied with this 7.3 years ago, 1 week later, 3 years after the original post[^] [v] #844,731

Anonymous M replied with this 7.3 years ago, 1 hour later, 3 years after the original post[^] [v] #844,738

Fake anon !ZkUt8arUCU replied with this 7.3 years ago, 4 hours later, 3 years after the original post[^] [v] #844,759

beckyderp !LiptondPyg replied with this 7.3 years ago, 1 day later, 3 years after the original post[^] [v] #845,043

Anonymous L replied with this 7.3 years ago, 3 hours later, 3 years after the original post[^] [v] #845,119

@842,266 (D)
@842,275 (D)

Anonymous L double-posted this 7.3 years ago, 22 minutes later, 3 years after the original post[^] [v] #845,127

beckyderp !LiptondPyg replied with this 7.3 years ago, 23 hours later, 3 years after the original post[^] [v] #845,348

beckyderp !LiptondPyg double-posted this 7.3 years ago, 3 days later, 3 years after the original post[^] [v] #846,958

Anonymous X replied with this 7.3 years ago, 5 hours later, 3 years after the original post[^] [v] #846,991

@845,348 (beckyderp !LiptondPyg)

beckyderp !LiptondPyg replied with this 7.3 years ago, 1 day later, 3 years after the original post[^] [v] #847,434

Anonymous Z-37 joined in and replied with this 7.3 years ago, 3 hours later, 3 years after the original post[^] [v] #847,504

@previous (beckyderp !LiptondPyg)
Nobody's died today so far!

beckyderp !LiptondPyg replied with this 7.3 years ago, 1 day later, 3 years after the original post[^] [v] #848,438

Anonymous M replied with this 7.3 years ago, 2 minutes later, 3 years after the original post[^] [v] #848,439

Anonymous Z-11 replied with this 7.3 years ago, 1 hour later, 3 years after the original post[^] [v] #848,441

beckyderp !LiptondPyg replied with this 7.2 years ago, 2 days later, 3 years after the original post[^] [v] #849,567

beckyderp !LiptondPyg double-posted this 7.2 years ago, 7 hours later, 3 years after the original post[^] [v] #849,611

beckyderp !LiptondPyg triple-posted this 7.2 years ago, 1 week later, 3 years after the original post[^] [v] #852,438

dw skg llc ltd co inc replied with this 7.2 years ago, 10 hours later, 3 years after the original post[^] [v] #852,568

@previous (beckyderp !LiptondPyg)
ooo that's a good oñe

beckyderp !LiptondPyg replied with this 7.2 years ago, 3 days later, 3 years after the original post[^] [v] #853,476

16bitch !BMhSp1fpyA joined in and replied with this 7.2 years ago, 39 seconds later, 3 years after the original post[^] [v] #853,477

@previous (beckyderp !LiptondPyg)

FuckAlms !vX8K53rFBI replied with this 7.2 years ago, 6 hours later, 3 years after the original post[^] [v] #853,521

@853,476 (beckyderp !LiptondPyg)
> Andy was formerly the president and majority shareholder of the Magic Mountain Herb Tea company.
> Magic Mountain Herb Tea
puff the magic dragon

beckyderp !LiptondPyg replied with this 7.2 years ago, 15 hours later, 3 years after the original post[^] [v] #853,673

beckyderp !LiptondPyg double-posted this 7.2 years ago, 2 days later, 3 years after the original post[^] [v] #854,656

beckyderp !LiptondPyg triple-posted this 7.2 years ago, 4 days later, 3.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #856,272

Fake anon !ZkUt8arUCU replied with this 7.2 years ago, 6 hours later, 3.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #856,309

@previous (beckyderp !LiptondPyg)
Good name for my metal band.

FuckAlms !vX8K53rFBI replied with this 7.2 years ago, 4 hours later, 3.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #856,350

@previous (Fake anon !ZkUt8arUCU)
I think it is.

Anonymous L replied with this 7.2 years ago, 52 minutes later, 3.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #856,359

@847,434 (beckyderp !LiptondPyg)


The individual days are listed in descending order.

This grinds my gears.

beckyderp !LiptondPyg replied with this 7.2 years ago, 1 day later, 3.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #856,755 - WWII Japanese attack balloons!

Anonymous Z-37 replied with this 7.2 years ago, 11 hours later, 3.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #856,969

Anonymous Z-23 replied with this 7.2 years ago, 6 hours later, 3.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #857,063

@856,755 (beckyderp !LiptondPyg)
oh yeah didn't one kill like a hiker in the 70s or something?? time to find out I guess!!

it was s bunch of kids in the 40s. ok

(Edited 9 minutes later.)

beckyderp !LiptondPyg replied with this 7.2 years ago, 3 days later, 3.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #858,165

beckyderp !LiptondPyg double-posted this 7.1 years ago, 2 weeks later, 3.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #863,912

Anonymous Z-36 replied with this 7.1 years ago, 4 minutes later, 3.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #863,913

@previous (beckyderp !LiptondPyg)

Anonymous M replied with this 7.1 years ago, 33 minutes later, 3.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #863,915

@863,912 (beckyderp !LiptondPyg)

Anonymous Z-37 replied with this 7.1 years ago, 1 hour later, 3.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #863,940

@863,912 (beckyderp !LiptondPyg)
> As of late 2017, reported participation in Blue Whale seems to be receding; however, internet safety organisations across the world have reacted by giving general advice to parents and educators on suicide prevention, mental health awareness, and online safety in advance of the next incarnation of cyberbullying meme.
> cyberbullying meme

Anonymous Z-39 joined in and replied with this 7.1 years ago, 2 minutes later, 3.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #863,942

@previous (Z-37)

Anonymous Z-37 replied with this 7.1 years ago, 2 minutes later, 3.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #863,944

@previous (Z-39)
no mention of memes

Anonymous M replied with this 7.1 years ago, 4 minutes later, 3.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #863,945

@863,940 (Z-37)
Male whales are referred to as "bulls" and "cyberbullying" is when bull whales contact you via the Internet. This often happens when groups of whales (called pods) try to attract new members by "podcasting."

(Edited 32 seconds later.)

Anonymous Z-37 replied with this 7.1 years ago, 7 minutes later, 3.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #863,948

@previous (M)
Oh, well that makes perfect sense. Thanks a bunch.

beckyderp !LiptondPyg replied with this 7.1 years ago, 11 hours later, 3.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #864,082

beckyderp !LiptondPyg double-posted this 7.1 years ago, 9 hours later, 3.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #864,151

Anonymous Z-36 replied with this 7.1 years ago, 6 minutes later, 3.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #864,155

@864,082 (beckyderp !LiptondPyg)

beckyderp !DgrdyUORaw replied with this 7.1 years ago, 9 hours later, 3.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #864,351

@previous (Z-36)

Anonymous Z-40 joined in and replied with this 7.1 years ago, 1 hour later, 3.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #864,356

Anonymous M replied with this 7.1 years ago, 51 minutes later, 3.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #864,367

Anonymous Z-41 joined in and replied with this 7.1 years ago, 7 hours later, 3.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #864,421

beckyderp !TNyDikii4A replied with this 7.1 years ago, 1 day later, 3.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #864,996

beckyderp !TNyDikii4A double-posted this 7.1 years ago, 4 days later, 3.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #866,905

Anonymous Z-42 joined in and replied with this 7.1 years ago, 44 minutes later, 3.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #866,906

It’s not favourite, it is favorite. You stupid mother fucker.

Anonymous Z-38 replied with this 7.1 years ago, 2 days later, 3.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #867,579

Anonymous M replied with this 7.1 years ago, 2 days later, 3.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #868,767

Anonymous N replied with this 7.1 years ago, 6 hours later, 3.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #868,814

@866,906 (Z-42)
Are you retarded?

Anonymous Z-23 replied with this 7.1 years ago, 3 hours later, 3.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #868,877

@868,767 (M)


easily the most fucked up article I've read itt

beckyderp !TNyDikii4A replied with this 7.1 years ago, 2 days later, 3.2 years after the original post[^] [v] #869,524

Anonymous M replied with this 7.1 years ago, 4 hours later, 3.2 years after the original post[^] [v] #869,676

@previous (beckyderp !TNyDikii4A)
This place is great. They have tours! It's a whole building dedicated to Scientology's butthurt over their theories not being taken seriously by psychologists. There is a lot that's horrible and scary to say about the history of psychology, but it's amusing to note that even those people thought Scientology was a load of crap.

!e6iiu.pZHU (OP) replied with this 7.1 years ago, 55 minutes later, 3.2 years after the original post[^] [v] #869,687

beckyderp !TNyDikii4A replied with this 7.1 years ago, 1 hour later, 3.2 years after the original post[^] [v] #869,697

@869,676 (M)
Have you been there??

Anonymous M replied with this 7.1 years ago, 14 minutes later, 3.2 years after the original post[^] [v] #869,700

@previous (beckyderp !TNyDikii4A)
I've never been on a tour, but they have information and stuff in the front. I was always in the area with friends doing other things, and it's hard to convince a group of people to go look around a creepy museum run by cultists.

(Edited 19 seconds later.)

beckyderp !TNyDikii4A replied with this 7.1 years ago, 6 days later, 3.2 years after the original post[^] [v] #871,926

beckyderp !TNyDikii4A double-posted this 7.1 years ago, 2 days later, 3.2 years after the original post[^] [v] #872,473

beckyderp !TNyDikii4A triple-posted this 7.1 years ago, 2 days later, 3.2 years after the original post[^] [v] #873,167

Meta joined in and replied with this 7 years ago, 3 days later, 3.2 years after the original post[^] [v] #874,083

beckyderp !TNyDikii4A replied with this 7 years ago, 1 week later, 3.2 years after the original post[^] [v] #877,339

Anonymous Z-11 replied with this 7 years ago, 3 hours later, 3.2 years after the original post[^] [v] #877,351

beckyderp !Memes4aSuc replied with this 7 years ago, 6 days later, 3.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #879,337

(Edited 43 seconds later.)

Syntax replied with this 7 years ago, 12 hours later, 3.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #879,457

beckyderp !Memes4aSuc replied with this 7 years ago, 1 day later, 3.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #879,734

Anonymous Z-23 replied with this 7 years ago, 3 hours later, 3.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #879,817

@previous (beckyderp !Memes4aSuc)
totally forgot about that game

beckyderp !Memes4aSuc replied with this 7 years ago, 1 day later, 3.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #880,277

beckyderp !Memes4aSuc double-posted this 7 years ago, 1 week later, 3.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #882,674

Anonymous M replied with this 7 years ago, 17 minutes later, 3.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #882,676

@previous (beckyderp !Memes4aSuc)
And I thought it was just frogs that were linked to antisemitism.

beckyderp !Memes4aSuc replied with this 7 years ago, 20 hours later, 3.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #882,872

beckyderp !Memes4aSuc double-posted this 6.9 years ago, 3 days later, 3.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #883,833

beckyderp !Memes4aSuc triple-posted this 6.9 years ago, 21 hours later, 3.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #884,015

@836,388 (becky)

the monkey lost his lawsuit :( :( :(

beckyderp !Memes4aSuc quadruple-posted this 6.9 years ago, 3 days later, 3.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #885,171

beckyderp !Memes4aSuc quintuple-posted this 6.9 years ago, 5 days later, 3.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #886,666

Anonymous Q replied with this 6.9 years ago, 11 minutes later, 3.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #886,667

@884,015 (beckyderp !Memes4aSuc)
The monkey cannot claim exclusive copyright and lucrative licensing deals on his own image?

Anonymous M replied with this 6.9 years ago, 5 minutes later, 3.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #886,668

@885,171 (beckyderp !Memes4aSuc)
This is some good shit.

beckyderp !Memes4aSuc replied with this 6.9 years ago, 5 days later, 3.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #888,403

dw replied with this 6.9 years ago, 18 hours later, 3.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #888,575

@previous (beckyderp !Memes4aSuc)

beckyderp !Memes4aSuc replied with this 6.9 years ago, 5 days later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #889,693

Externally hosted image

Anonymous M replied with this 6.9 years ago, 2 days later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #890,339

dw replied with this 6.9 years ago, 3 hours later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #890,351

@889,693 (beckyderp !Memes4aSuc)

Fake anon !ZkUt8arUCU replied with this 6.9 years ago, 6 days later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #891,951

beckyderp !Memes4aSuc replied with this 6.9 years ago, 1 day later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #892,344

beckyderp !Memes4aSuc double-posted this 6.9 years ago, 12 hours later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #892,490

Syntax replied with this 6.9 years ago, 7 minutes later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #892,491

dw replied with this 6.9 years ago, 12 hours later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #892,728

@previous (Syntax)

beckyderp !Memes4aSuc replied with this 6.9 years ago, 34 minutes later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #892,730

@840,142 (Garfield)
@840,143 (Fake anon !ZkUt8arUCU)

Fake anon !ZkUt8arUCU replied with this 6.9 years ago, 17 hours later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #892,885

@previous (beckyderp !Memes4aSuc)

Anonymous Z-27 replied with this 6.9 years ago, 4 hours later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #892,908

@892,730 (beckyderp !Memes4aSuc)

Syntax replied with this 6.9 years ago, 6 minutes later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #892,909

Externally hosted image@892,730 (beckyderp !Memes4aSuc)
WoW who wood have a clue. Not even Britannica had a page such as that.

Anonymous M replied with this 6.8 years ago, 32 minutes later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #892,911

@892,730 (beckyderp !Memes4aSuc)
It's nice that they managed to include references to HTCPCP and HTTP Error Code 418 in among the list.

FuckAlms !vX8K53rFBI replied with this 6.8 years ago, 1 hour later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #892,926

@previous (M)

edit: oh shit, this isn't the pic I thought it was

(Edited 48 seconds later.)

Anonymous M replied with this 6.8 years ago, 5 minutes later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #892,927

@previous (FuckAlms !vX8K53rFBI)
May as well embrace it. That's a good page too!

beckyderp !RwordOooFE replied with this 6.8 years ago, 1 hour later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #892,944

Anonymous Z-11 replied with this 6.8 years ago, 10 hours later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #893,085

Anonymous Z-36 replied with this 6.8 years ago, 4 minutes later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #893,086

@previous (Z-11)

Anonymous M replied with this 6.8 years ago, 1 day later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #893,497

FuckAlms !vX8K53rFBI replied with this 6.8 years ago, 1 hour later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #893,513

@892,927 (M)
@892,911 (M)
Here's the one I had intended to post.

Anonymous M replied with this 6.8 years ago, 2 days later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #894,157!

Anonymous Z-11 replied with this 6.8 years ago, 25 minutes later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #894,158

Anonymous Z-44 joined in and replied with this 6.8 years ago, 8 hours later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #894,214

(Edited 1 minute later.)

Anonymous Z-23 replied with this 6.8 years ago, 15 minutes later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #894,219

@previous (Z-44)
i wish i hadn't looked at the humbler

cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE replied with this 6.8 years ago, 3 hours later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #894,271

Anonymous Z-11 replied with this 6.8 years ago, 30 seconds later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #894,272

@previous (cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE)

Aaw you beat me to it

cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE replied with this 6.8 years ago, 1 minute later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #894,273

@previous (Z-11)
> Fibroadenomas are sometimes called breast mice or a breast mouse owing to their high mobility in the breast.

Anonymous Z-11 replied with this 6.8 years ago, 1 minute later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #894,274

@previous (cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE)

scurry scurry

cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE replied with this 6.8 years ago, 26 seconds later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #894,275

@previous (Z-11)

> How many guys can say they've fingered a tit?

Anonymous Z-44 replied with this 6.8 years ago, 7 seconds later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #894,276

@894,273 (cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE)
I like to move my hands all over the breasts..

Syntax replied with this 6.8 years ago, 3 minutes later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #894,277

@previous (Z-44)
Years many years ago now I dated an OBGYN Doc Susan - She insisted I view her doing a breast reduction at UCLA
Trust me on this - No one really wants to see what a boob looks like when opened up.

Anonymous Z-11 replied with this 6.8 years ago, 46 minutes later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #894,285

@894,276 (Z-44)

Repugnant ejaculation.

cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE replied with this 6.8 years ago, 16 hours later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #894,463

Anonymous M replied with this 6.8 years ago, 25 minutes later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #894,469

Anonymous Z-23 replied with this 6.8 years ago, 1 day later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #894,695

(Edited 14 seconds later.)

Anonymous Z-11 replied with this 6.8 years ago, 48 minutes later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #894,712

@previous (Z-23)

Heartburn alert man

cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE replied with this 6.8 years ago, 1 day later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #895,002

Anonymous Z-36 replied with this 6.8 years ago, 17 minutes later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #895,007

Anonymous M replied with this 6.8 years ago, 39 minutes later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #895,009

@895,002 (cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE)
There were only two of the "Notable Figures" I hadn't read or wasn't familiar with already. :/

cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE replied with this 6.8 years ago, 4 days later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #895,917

@previous (M)
lol gay


cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE double-posted this 6.8 years ago, 2 days later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #896,599

Syntax replied with this 6.8 years ago, 1 hour later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #896,619

One must not miss this quote
"There's no such thing as a Jew for Jesus. It's like saying a black man is for the KKK. You can't be a table and a chair. You're either a Jew or a Gentile"

Anonymous M replied with this 6.8 years ago, 2 hours later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #896,671

@896,599 (cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE)
I had to stare at the word "claimants" for a few seconds before I stopped reading it as "calamari" instead.

Anonymous Z-11 replied with this 6.8 years ago, 18 hours later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #896,819

cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE replied with this 6.8 years ago, 7 hours later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #896,937

cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE double-posted this 6.8 years ago, 4 minutes later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #896,938

Syntax replied with this 6.8 years ago, 21 minutes later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #896,946

Essjay aka "Jordan claimed that he held doctoral degrees in theology and canon law and worked as a tenured professor at a private university."

There are a number of trolls, stalkers, and psychopaths who wander around Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia projects looking for people to harass, stalk, and otherwise ruin the lives of (several have been arrested over their activities here)...You will eventually say something that will lead back to you, and the stalkers will find it...I decided to be myself, to never hide my personality, to always be who I am, but to utilize disinformation with regard to what I consider unimportant details: age, location, occupation, etc

Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales initially supported Essjay's use of a persona, saying, "I regard it as a pseudonym and I don't really have a problem with it." Later, Wales withdrew his support and asked for Essjay's resignation from his positions with Wikipedia and Wikia. Wales stated that he withdrew his support when he learned that "Essjay used his false credentials in content disputes" on Wikipedia.

(Edited 1 minute later.)

Anonymous Z-23 replied with this 6.8 years ago, 9 hours later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #896,993

@896,819 (Z-11)


i was wondering why it read like a grade school book but then I saw you linked to

Anonymous Z-11 replied with this 6.8 years ago, 10 hours later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #897,107

@previous (Z-23)

It's the future of the Wikipedia project.

Syntax replied with this 6.8 years ago, 15 hours later, 3.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #897,223

cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE replied with this 6.8 years ago, 1 week later, 3.5 years after the original post[^] [v] #899,925

Anonymous M replied with this 6.8 years ago, 20 minutes later, 3.5 years after the original post[^] [v] #899,928

@previous (cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE)
This has to be one my favorite questions of all time! I was unaware it had its own Wikipedia page.

Syntax replied with this 6.8 years ago, 10 hours later, 3.5 years after the original post[^] [v] #899,980

cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE replied with this 6.8 years ago, 3 days later, 3.5 years after the original post[^] [v] #900,903

Interesting now that a couple of Mormons are supposedly under consideration for the US Supreme Court

Anonymous Z-36 replied with this 6.8 years ago, 14 minutes later, 3.5 years after the original post[^] [v] #900,908

On the other hand
According to Antonin Scalia court rulings allowing LGBT people to have sex or to marry will inevitably undermine bans on polygamy because there’s no way to distinguish between the two. A fundamental right to gay marriage, they say, will put us on a slippery slope to recognizing a fundamental right to polygamy, bestiality, and prostitution.

A Mormon where Polygamy, was fundamental to the Mormon religion, might have a champion if selected.

Anonymous Z-45 joined in and replied with this 6.8 years ago, 25 minutes later, 3.5 years after the original post[^] [v] #900,919

cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE replied with this 6.7 years ago, 1 day later, 3.5 years after the original post[^] [v] #901,150

Externally hosted image

cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE double-posted this 6.7 years ago, 1 day later, 3.5 years after the original post[^] [v] #901,497

Anonymous M replied with this 6.7 years ago, 29 minutes later, 3.5 years after the original post[^] [v] #901,504

@900,903 (cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE)
> Interesting now that a couple of Mormons are supposedly under consideration for the US Supreme Court
Ugh. Didn't we get over this after Romney? My dearest hope is for the LDS to regurgitate this stupid "prophecy" so many times that everyone becomes as deaf to it as we already are about Christian end times predictions.

If it was based on anything, then I think it was probably some half-remembered shit Joseph Smith was saying in Nauvoo about his crazy theocratic fantasies for the state of Illinois or his plan at a 1844 presidential run. It may have rattled around and got mixed with circumstance before being updated and vomited out as propaganda. Although I'm more inclined to think it's a cheap copy of Anthony Sherman's account of George Washington's supposed vision at Valley Forge.

Anonymous Q replied with this 6.7 years ago, 49 minutes later, 3.5 years after the original post[^] [v] #901,513

@901,150 (cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE)
Classy. She tried to sell cum stained clothes after a break up

Anonymous Z-11 replied with this 6.7 years ago, 13 hours later, 3.5 years after the original post[^] [v] #901,624

Anonymous M replied with this 6.7 years ago, 2 days later, 3.5 years after the original post[^] [v] #902,047

cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE replied with this 6.7 years ago, 1 day later, 3.5 years after the original post[^] [v] #902,201

George Lincoln Rockwell, founder of the American Nazi Party
George Lincoln Rockwell got along well with many Black nationalist groups and their leaders such as Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X as they shared the goal of racial separation.[29] Rockwell told his followers that Elijah Muhammad "has gathered millions of the dirty, immoral, drunken, filthy-mouthed, lazy and repulsive people sneeringly called ‘niggers’ and inspired them to the point where they are clean, sober, honest, hard working, dignified, dedicated and admirable human beings in spite of their color...Muhammad knows that mixing is a Jewish fraud and leads only to aggravation of the problems that it is supposed to solve...I have talked to the Muslim leaders and am certain that a workable plan for separation of the races could be effected to the satisfaction of all concerned—except the communist-Jew agitators."

cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE double-posted this 6.7 years ago, 23 hours later, 3.5 years after the original post[^] [v] #902,449

Anonymous Z-44 replied with this 6.7 years ago, 3 hours later, 3.5 years after the original post[^] [v] #902,458

Anonymous Z-44 double-posted this 6.7 years ago, 13 minutes later, 3.5 years after the original post[^] [v] #902,459

cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE replied with this 6.7 years ago, 11 hours later, 3.5 years after the original post[^] [v] #902,563

cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE double-posted this 6.7 years ago, 2 days later, 3.5 years after the original post[^] [v] #902,930

Anonymous Z-36 replied with this 6.7 years ago, 8 hours later, 3.5 years after the original post[^] [v] #902,951

@902,563 (cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE)
"MacArthur Park", Richard Harris (1968) Listed as the Worst

"This is despite the fact that it topped the music charts in Europe and Australia and also won the 1969 Grammy Award for Best Arrangement Accompanying Vocalist(s)."

Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 6.7 years ago, 6 hours later, 3.5 years after the original post[^] [v] #903,028

@902,563 (cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE)
Dunno why "What's Up?" is on there. It's a nice ditty.

cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE replied with this 6.7 years ago, 3 hours later, 3.5 years after the original post[^] [v] #903,040

@previous (A)
I was disappointed by that as well

cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE double-posted this 6.7 years ago, 2 days later, 3.5 years after the original post[^] [v] #903,627

MR MIKE PENCE replied with this 6.7 years ago, 3 days later, 3.5 years after the original post[^] [v] #904,606

Anonymous M replied with this 6.6 years ago, 3 weeks later, 3.6 years after the original post[^] [v] #908,855

MR MIKE PENCE replied with this 6.6 years ago, 18 hours later, 3.6 years after the original post[^] [v] #909,023

@previous (M)

Anonymous Z-44 replied with this 6.6 years ago, 1 day later, 3.6 years after the original post[^] [v] #909,250

not any sort of favorite...but I thought it deserved mention..

(Edited 1 minute later.)

bekkij !RwordOooFE replied with this 6.6 years ago, 13 hours later, 3.6 years after the original post[^] [v] #909,389

Anonymous Z-23 replied with this 6.6 years ago, 1 day later, 3.6 years after the original post[^] [v] #909,637

@909,250 (Z-44)

> not any sort of favorite...but I thought it deserved mention..

hell yeah..

cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE replied with this 6.6 years ago, 6 hours later, 3.6 years after the original post[^] [v] #909,680

Anonymous M replied with this 6.6 years ago, 10 minutes later, 3.6 years after the original post[^] [v] #909,681

@previous (cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE)
This is great.

I love this part:
In China, traditional treatment based on the causes suggested by cultural beliefs are administrated to the patient. Praying to gods and asking Taoist priests to perform exorcism is common. If a fox spirit is believed to be involved, people may hit gongs or beat the person to drive it out. The person will receive a yang- or yin-augmenting Chinese medicine potion, usually including herbs, pilose antler (stag of deer) or deer tail, and tiger penis, deer penis, or fur seal penis. Other foods for therapy are pepper soup, ginger soup and liquor.

The imagery here is fun too:
In the late Middle Ages in Europe, it was believed that men could lose their penises through magical attacks by witches. The Malleus Maleficarum, a 15th-century European manual for witchcraft investigations, relates stories of men claiming that their genitals had disappeared, being "hidden by the devil … so that they can be neither seen nor felt." They were said to have reappeared after the men had appeased the witches responsible. Witches were said to store the removed genitals in birds' nests or in boxes, where "they move themselves like living members and eat oats and corn".

cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE replied with this 6.6 years ago, 4 days later, 3.6 years after the original post[^] [v] #910,753

Fake anon !ZkUt8arUCU replied with this 6.6 years ago, 3 days later, 3.6 years after the original post[^] [v] #911,628

Anonymous M replied with this 6.6 years ago, 47 minutes later, 3.6 years after the original post[^] [v] #911,631

@previous (Fake anon !ZkUt8arUCU)
> His first marriage was to Charlotte Braunhut.
What was going on there? Did the author just not know her maiden name or did he marry a cousin?

Fake anon !ZkUt8arUCU replied with this 6.6 years ago, 1 hour later, 3.6 years after the original post[^] [v] #911,639

@previous (M)
No idea! I was more focused on him being the jewish neonazi who invented sea monkeys.

Anonymous M replied with this 6.6 years ago, 2 hours later, 3.6 years after the original post[^] [v] #911,657

@previous (Fake anon !ZkUt8arUCU)
Well, yeah. That's the interesting part that everybody focuses on, but why be boring? I'm pretty sure her maiden name was Judelshon. Marriage records for the borough of Manhattan have a Harold Braunhut and a Charlotte Judelshon applying for a marriage license in 1955. The same records have a Harold Braunhut and a Yolanda Signorelli applying for a license in 1980. Since this is where he was living at the time and the names match his first and second wives, I'm going to guess that's him. So, as weird as he was, he probably didn't marry his cousin or sister or anything.

(Edited 2 minutes later.)

Anonymous Z-36 replied with this 6.6 years ago, 1 hour later, 3.6 years after the original post[^] [v] #911,673

@909,681 (M)
> men claiming that their genitals had disappeared, being "hidden by the devil … so that they can be neither seen nor felt
And of course in honor of cccuuunnttt aka becky

MR MIKE PENCE replied with this 6.6 years ago, 1 day later, 3.6 years after the original post[^] [v] #911,929

@911,628 (Fake anon !ZkUt8arUCU)

Anonymous Z-36 replied with this 6.6 years ago, 5 days later, 3.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #913,703

Anonymous Z-45 replied with this 6.6 years ago, 20 hours later, 3.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #913,920

Anonymous M replied with this 6.6 years ago, 9 hours later, 3.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #914,054

Anonymous Z-36 replied with this 6.6 years ago, 6 days later, 3.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #915,478

cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE replied with this 6.6 years ago, 5 hours later, 3.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #915,551

I wish I hadn't read this:

Anonymous Z-23 replied with this 6.6 years ago, 5 hours later, 3.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #915,602

@previous (cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE)

> I wish I hadn't read this:

fuck you i wish you hadn't posted it

cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE replied with this 6.6 years ago, 4 days later, 3.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #916,589

Anonymous M replied with this 6.6 years ago, 1 hour later, 3.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #916,602

@previous (cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE)
> Project Architeuthis
Probably the coolest project name ever.

cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE replied with this 6.5 years ago, 1 week later, 3.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #920,066

Anonymous M replied with this 6.5 years ago, 47 minutes later, 3.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #920,070

@previous (cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE)
I was hoping the talk and revision history on this page would include more discussion about what was selected and why.

MRS DEBORAH JAMES replied with this 6.5 years ago, 19 minutes later, 3.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #920,071

MRS DEBORAH JAMES double-posted this 6.5 years ago, 42 seconds later, 3.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #920,072

Actually this list sucks

Anonymous M replied with this 6.5 years ago, 11 minutes later, 3.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #920,074

I feel like I would be better equipped to read this list if only Becky had persisted with her "learn Dutch together with the official Minichan Dutch word of the day" thread.

MRS DEBORAH JAMES replied with this 6.5 years ago, 1 day later, 3.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #920,505

@previous (M)
ja man becky kan echt de kanker krijgen

cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE replied with this 6.5 years ago, 1 week later, 3.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #923,107

@920,074 (M)
I have poor follow-through

Anonymous M replied with this 6.5 years ago, 44 minutes later, 3.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #923,110

@previous (cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE)
2015 Noah's Bunny Problem - iOS, Android
Weirdly fun!

> I have poor follow-through
We still appreciate you!

Anonymous Z-44 replied with this 6.5 years ago, 3 hours later, 3.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #923,138

(Edited 1 minute later.)

Anonymous Z-11 replied with this 6.5 years ago, 2 minutes later, 3.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #923,140

@923,107 (cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE)

I know that feel

Anonymous M replied with this 6.5 years ago, 6 days later, 3.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #925,486

cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE replied with this 6.5 years ago, 5 hours later, 3.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #925,508

@previous (M)
At times like this I really mourn the tragic loss of Nexus

cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE double-posted this 6.5 years ago, 17 minutes later, 3.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #925,512

Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 6.5 years ago, 1 minute later, 3.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #925,514

@previous (cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE)
Nice moustache.

cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE replied with this 6.5 years ago, 58 seconds later, 3.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #925,515

@previous (A)
Nice get

Anonymous Z-11 replied with this 6.5 years ago, 6 minutes later, 3.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #925,516

@925,514 (A)
@previous (cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE)

Wait wtf

cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE replied with this 6.5 years ago, 10 minutes later, 3.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #925,517

@previous (Z-11)
What's wtf

Anonymous Z-11 replied with this 6.5 years ago, 13 minutes later, 3.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #925,522

@previous (cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE)

I thought you were OP!

Anonymous Z-23 replied with this 6.5 years ago, 4 hours later, 3.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #925,563

@previous (Z-11)
yeah i did too but after a while I didn't be and then I did but then I stopped caring

Anonymous Z-36 replied with this 6.5 years ago, 4 minutes later, 3.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #925,564

Anonymous Z-36 double-posted this 6.5 years ago, 1 minute later, 3.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #925,565

Anonymous Z-46 joined in and replied with this 6.5 years ago, 4 hours later, 3.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #925,634

cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE replied with this 6.5 years ago, 9 minutes later, 3.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #925,643

@925,563 (Z-23)
Did you note the spelling of the word "favorite"?

Anonymous Z-23 replied with this 6.5 years ago, 4 hours later, 3.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #925,721

@previous (cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE)

Anonymous Z-11 replied with this 6.5 years ago, 12 hours later, 3.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #925,842

@925,643 (cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE)

I still think of this as your thread.

Anonymous Z-36 replied with this 6.4 years ago, 2 days later, 3.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #926,728

Anonymous M replied with this 6.4 years ago, 26 minutes later, 3.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #926,750

@925,842 (Z-11)
She's honorary OP.

cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE replied with this 6.4 years ago, 4 days later, 3.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #927,708

Anonymous M replied with this 6.4 years ago, 22 minutes later, 3.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #927,710

@previous (cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE)
I was wondering why the page made no mention of C.S.Lewis in the text, but it links to Lewis's trilemma. That apologetic argument gets it's own separate page.

Anonymous Z-36 replied with this 6.4 years ago, 8 hours later, 3.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #927,742

Externally hosted image

Anonymous Z-36 double-posted this 6.4 years ago, 38 minutes later, 3.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #927,763

cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE replied with this 6.4 years ago, 15 hours later, 3.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #927,924

Anonymous Z-47 joined in and replied with this 6.4 years ago, 58 minutes later, 3.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #927,928

@previous (cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE)
@previous (cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE)


Fuckin a

Anonymous M replied with this 6.4 years ago, 3 days later, 3.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #929,722

cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE replied with this 6.4 years ago, 1 week later, 3.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #932,837

Anonymous M replied with this 6.4 years ago, 17 minutes later, 3.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #932,840

@previous (cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE)
I love rationalist attempts to explain stories from the Bible. If the starting point of the position is that gospel accounts represent real events, then accepting that something magical happened shouldn't be too hard. Why do they want to make it hard?

Anonymous M double-posted this 6.4 years ago, 1 week later, 3.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #937,105

Anonymous Z-48 joined in and replied with this 6.4 years ago, 8 hours later, 3.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #937,333

Externally hosted image@previous (M)

cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE replied with this 6.4 years ago, 2 days later, 3.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #938,345

Anonymous M replied with this 6.4 years ago, 3 minutes later, 3.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #938,346

@previous (cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE)
I still have a bunch of these in a closet somewhere!

Anonymous Z-23 replied with this 6.4 years ago, 10 hours later, 3.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #938,559

Externally hosted image@938,345 (cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE)
wow now I have a reason to post this

cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE replied with this 6.4 years ago, 51 minutes later, 3.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #938,569

Externally hosted image@previous (Z-23)
This is great

cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE double-posted this 6.4 years ago, 59 seconds later, 3.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #938,572

Externally hosted image

cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE triple-posted this 6.4 years ago, 9 seconds later, 3.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #938,573

Externally hosted image

cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE quadruple-posted this 6.4 years ago, 2 minutes later, 3.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #938,575

Externally hosted image

Anonymous M replied with this 6.4 years ago, 44 minutes later, 3.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #938,592

@938,573 (cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE)
I have this card! I dug them out of a closet where they were sitting under a bunch of old software manuals. I found Matt Ratt too! I haven't found any Becky cards yet.

Anonymous Z-48 replied with this 6.4 years ago, 2 minutes later, 3.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #938,593

Externally hosted image@previous (M)
Took me 3 seconds to locate

cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE replied with this 6.4 years ago, 17 hours later, 3.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #938,860

Externally hosted image

Anonymous Z-45 replied with this 6.4 years ago, 7 hours later, 3.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #939,001

Anonymous M replied with this 6.4 years ago, 9 hours later, 3.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #939,138

Anonymous Z-44 replied with this 6.4 years ago, 2 hours later, 3.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #939,156

Anonymous Z-44 double-posted this 6.4 years ago, 5 hours later, 3.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #939,172

Check that one out...its pretty funny imagining doing all that shit.. mentions manspreading..

(Edited 1 minute later.)

Fake anon !ZkUt8arUCU replied with this 6.4 years ago, 13 minutes later, 3.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #939,173

@939,156 (Z-44)
This is one of the greatest troll posts on the fora btw.

Anonymous Z-23 replied with this 6.4 years ago, 3 hours later, 3.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #939,212

@939,172 (Z-44)

> Check that one out...its pretty funny imagining doing all that shit..
> mentions manspreading..

what am i

cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE replied with this 6.4 years ago, 15 hours later, 3.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #939,506

Anonymous M replied with this 6.4 years ago, 22 minutes later, 3.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #939,515

@previous (cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE)
> every Mormon prophet, starting with Brigham Young, caved to social, political and legal pressures to accommodate mainstream American society
Brigham Young, who still managed to irk the US government with his very existence even after leading his people a thousand miles away into the middle of a desert. Brigham Young, who routinely flouted any US laws he didn't agree with because he was running a theocratic dictatorship in Utah. Brigham Young, who was only forced to step down as territorial governor after he lost a war that saw him raise a militia to fight the US Army. It's amusing to know there are people who look at Brigham Young and think, "What a sell-out conformist pussy that guy was!"

(Edited 1 minute later.)

Anonymous Z-11 replied with this 6.4 years ago, 13 hours later, 3.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #939,658

cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE replied with this 6.4 years ago, 8 hours later, 3.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #939,766

@939,515 (M)
oh yes, lol - snufferites are weird

(Edited 16 seconds later.)

cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE double-posted this 6.3 years ago, 3 days later, 3.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #940,638

cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE triple-posted this 6.3 years ago, 2 weeks later, 3.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #945,217

Anonymous Z-48 replied with this 6.3 years ago, 17 minutes later, 3.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #945,232

@940,638 (cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE)

Anonymous Z-49 joined in and replied with this 6.3 years ago, 18 hours later, 3.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #945,543

Teaching yourself classic latin and french makes it even more enjoyable.

(Edited 29 seconds later.)

Anonymous M replied with this 6.3 years ago, 3 days later, 4 years after the original post[^] [v] #946,506

Anonymous Z-44 replied with this 6.3 years ago, 10 hours later, 4 years after the original post[^] [v] #946,624

Fake anon !ZkUt8arUCU replied with this 6.3 years ago, 6 days later, 4 years after the original post[^] [v] #948,380

Syntax replied with this 6.3 years ago, 13 minutes later, 4 years after the original post[^] [v] #948,385

@previous (Fake anon !ZkUt8arUCU)
Just a quick scan down to top of C's - Some interesting concepts have gone Kaput

Anonymous M replied with this 6.3 years ago, 2 hours later, 4 years after the original post[^] [v] #948,461

@948,380 (Fake anon !ZkUt8arUCU)
I'm bookmarking this page to send out to anyone who asks me what they should name their shitty band.

> List of all Wikipedia lists that do not contain themselves (later recreated as a redirect to Russell's paradox, now gone again.)
Obviously, the fun police are working overtime at Wikipedia.

Anonymous Z-27 replied with this 6.3 years ago, 1 hour later, 4 years after the original post[^] [v] #948,470

@948,380 (Fake anon !ZkUt8arUCU)
wow nice one

22.86 Centimetre Nails [18]
Redirect to Nine Inch Nails. Trent Reznor is not likely to go metric any time soon.


cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE replied with this 6.3 years ago, 4 hours later, 4 years after the original post[^] [v] #948,539

Anonymous M replied with this 6.3 years ago, 21 minutes later, 4 years after the original post[^] [v] #948,540

@previous (cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE)
I love how it starts with a color key.

Anonymous Φ replied with this 6.3 years ago, 7 hours later, 4 years after the original post[^] [v] #948,609

Anonymous Q replied with this 6.3 years ago, 9 hours later, 4 years after the original post[^] [v] #948,803

cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE replied with this 6.3 years ago, 5 days later, 4 years after the original post[^] [v] #950,415

Anonymous M replied with this 6.2 years ago, 2 weeks later, 4 years after the original post[^] [v] #956,221

Anonymous Δ replied with this 6.2 years ago, 36 minutes later, 4 years after the original post[^] [v] #956,225

Anonymous Z-45 replied with this 6.2 years ago, 35 minutes later, 4 years after the original post[^] [v] #956,229

Anonymous Δ replied with this 6.2 years ago, 11 hours later, 4 years after the original post[^] [v] #956,302

Anonymous Z-11 replied with this 6.2 years ago, 1 hour later, 4 years after the original post[^] [v] #956,349

Anonymous Z-11 double-posted this 6.2 years ago, 1 week later, 4.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #960,101

tteh !MemesToDNA joined in and replied with this 6.2 years ago, 46 minutes later, 4.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #960,107

@950,415 (cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE)
I live near that most recent 'notable' fatberg! Made the national news. I like to think my humble contributions played a role.

Anonymous Z-46 replied with this 6.2 years ago, 9 minutes later, 4.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #960,109

@946,624 (Z-44)

Jim Jones detected.

Anonymous M replied with this 6.2 years ago, 52 seconds later, 4.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #960,110

Externally hosted imageTIL: The Wikipedia sidebar that lists alternate calendar systems for years includes the Discordian Calendar dates.

Anonymous Z-50 replied with this 6.2 years ago, 52 minutes later, 4.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #960,114

@previous (M)
What about IRCian?

Anonymous M replied with this 6.2 years ago, 24 minutes later, 4.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #960,119

@previous (Z-50)
I'm pretty sure that's not canon.

Anonymous Z-44 replied with this 6.2 years ago, 23 hours later, 4.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #960,374

cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE replied with this 6.2 years ago, 5 days later, 4.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #962,382

Anonymous M replied with this 6.1 years ago, 6 hours later, 4.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #962,510

@previous (cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE)
If I found a way to get drunk by eating pasta, then I would seriously be dead within a month. It would play out like a very badly written Twilight Zone episode.

Anonymous Z-44 replied with this 6.1 years ago, 1 hour later, 4.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #962,524

@previous (M)
> within a month


Anonymous M replied with this 6.1 years ago, 2 minutes later, 4.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #962,525

@previous (Z-44)
You underestimate my love of pasta.

Anonymous Z-51 joined in and replied with this 6.1 years ago, 9 minutes later, 4.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #962,527

@previous (M)
What kind of pasta?

Anonymous M replied with this 6.1 years ago, 31 minutes later, 4.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #962,531

@previous (Z-51)
Just about any kind. Different noodle shapes pair better with different sauces and ingredients, but I can't come up with a clear preference for any one particular dish.

Anonymous Z-51 replied with this 6.1 years ago, 19 minutes later, 4.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #962,533

@previous (M)
i like the kind you see people twirl onto a fork. i slurp mine

cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE replied with this 6.1 years ago, 43 minutes later, 4.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #962,539

Externally hosted image@962,510 (M)

@962,524 (Z-44)
how long would it take you?

Anonymous Z-39 replied with this 6.1 years ago, 11 hours later, 4.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #962,655
Yikes - Does not add info for paring what is ideal use of each.

Basic info

Little more advanced

This may be the ultimate guide yet it's a very poor web presentation (Says "The Ultimate Guide to Pasta and Sauce"

Seinfeld the Fusilli Jerry – Variety
Apr 28, 1995 - Seinfeld the Fusilli Jerry. Only "Seinfeld" could deal with proctology, lovemaking techniques and corkscrew pasta in the same half-hour, and ...

Anonymous Z-44 replied with this 6.1 years ago, 3 hours later, 4.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #962,735

@962,539 (cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE)
I dont live anywhere near an Olive

(Edited 1 minute later.)

Anonymous M replied with this 6.1 years ago, 18 minutes later, 4.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #962,739

@962,655 (Z-39)
> Yikes - Does not add info for paring what is ideal use of each.
No worries. I won't go into excruciating detail. It is a fascinating topic though. Different basic ingredients make for noodles that hold together differently for different cooking times. Noodle shape is basically a game of topology with a noodle's surface-area-to-volume ratio determining cook times, firmness, and how each shape holds on to sauces differently. The pairing of pastas with different main ingredients will determine the overall dish texture and how much sauce, and flavor, is included in each forkful. You can really go down a rabbit hole considering all the factors.

No Eye Square Guy !!ODNIKZZC2 replied with this 6.1 years ago, 49 minutes later, 4.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #962,751

@962,735 (Z-44)

So make your own lasagna, ya fag.

cccuuunnttt !TInYDicKMI replied with this 6 years ago, 1 month later, 4.2 years after the original post[^] [v] #976,453

Anonymous Z-23 replied with this 6 years ago, 13 minutes later, 4.2 years after the original post[^] [v] #976,458

@previous (cccuuunnttt !TInYDicKMI)

Anonymous Z-50 replied with this 6 years ago, 4 hours later, 4.2 years after the original post[^] [v] #976,489

Anonymous Z-50 double-posted this 6 years ago, 7 hours later, 4.2 years after the original post[^] [v] #976,675

Anonymous Z-44 replied with this 6 years ago, 3 hours later, 4.2 years after the original post[^] [v] #976,720

beckyderp !TInYDicKMI replied with this 6 years ago, 1 week later, 4.2 years after the original post[^] [v] #978,369

Anonymous Z-52 joined in and replied with this 5.9 years ago, 1 month later, 4.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #988,084

Anonymous Z-44 replied with this 5.9 years ago, 1 hour later, 4.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #988,117

beckyderp !DONgSbOYdw replied with this 5.7 years ago, 3 months later, 4.6 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,020,676

Anonymous M replied with this 5.7 years ago, 24 minutes later, 4.6 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,020,679

@previous (beckyderp !DONgSbOYdw)
This is a great story. It's not quite as good as wooden submarines with magic light bulbs, but it's pretty gosh-darned imaginative.

Grover !pissghXC6g joined in and replied with this 5.7 years ago, 13 hours later, 4.6 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,020,935

vocalon replied with this 5.7 years ago, 1 minute later, 4.6 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,020,937

here's a good post

Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 5.6 years ago, 4 days later, 4.6 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,023,141

Anonymous Z-39 replied with this 5.6 years ago, 3 hours later, 4.6 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,023,196

Externally hosted image@1,020,937 (vocalon)
How could they delete this

Anonymous Z-46 replied with this 5.6 years ago, 17 hours later, 4.6 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,023,393

Anonymous Z-46 double-posted this 5.6 years ago, 4 days later, 4.6 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,025,403

Fake anon !ZkUt8arUCU replied with this 5.6 years ago, 26 minutes later, 4.6 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,025,419

(Edited 11 seconds later.)

Anonymous Z-46 replied with this 5.6 years ago, 1 hour later, 4.6 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,025,453

This one made me think of Becky.

Anonymous Z-46 double-posted this 5.6 years ago, 1 minute later, 4.6 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,025,455

@1,025,419 (Fake anon !ZkUt8arUCU)

beckyderp !DONgSbOYdw replied with this 5.6 years ago, 3 days later, 4.6 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,027,226

beckyderp !DONgSbOYdw double-posted this 5.6 years ago, 1 week later, 4.6 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,030,835

Bilbo !RwordOooFE replied with this 5.6 years ago, 1 week later, 4.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,033,632

Bilbo !RwordOooFE double-posted this 5.6 years ago, 5 days later, 4.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,035,242

Anonymous M replied with this 5.5 years ago, 1 week later, 4.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,037,718

(Edited 37 seconds later.)

Anonymous M double-posted this 5.5 years ago, 15 minutes later, 4.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,037,722

And on a related note:

Now with erototoxins!

Anonymous Z-11 replied with this 5.5 years ago, 1 week later, 4.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,040,858

beckyderp !3NeoVaGFAg replied with this 5.4 years ago, 1 month later, 4.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,052,071

beckyderp !3NeoVaGFAg double-posted this 5.4 years ago, 10 minutes later, 4.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,052,073

@1,037,722 (M)
I appreciate that unicorn horns were discredited by "failure to find any since medieval times"

Anonymous M replied with this 5.4 years ago, 15 minutes later, 4.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,052,078

@previous (beckyderp !3NeoVaGFAg)
Maybe unicorn spotting will be the next big cryptid craze once everybody gets bored of bigfoot hunter documentaries.

beckyderp !3NeoVaGFAg replied with this 5.4 years ago, 2 weeks later, 4.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,058,486

beckyderp !3NeoVaGFAg double-posted this 5.4 years ago, 7 hours later, 4.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,058,562

beckeyderp !3NeoVaGFAg triple-posted this 5.4 years ago, 2 days later, 4.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,059,248

Anonymous M replied with this 5.4 years ago, 54 minutes later, 4.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,059,252

@1,058,562 (beckyderp !3NeoVaGFAg)
What a hare-raising tale!

(Edited 14 seconds later.)

Anonymous Z-44 replied with this 5.4 years ago, 4 hours later, 4.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,059,280

beckyderp !3NeoVaGFAg replied with this 5.3 years ago, 2 weeks later, 4.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,064,770

Anonymous Z-44 replied with this 5.3 years ago, 44 minutes later, 4.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,064,778 the Southern Gentleman

Anonymous M replied with this 5.3 years ago, 1 day later, 4.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,065,350

Not about lettuce cultivars popularized by the Celts.

beckeyderp !3NeoVaGFAg replied with this 5.3 years ago, 1 week later, 5 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,068,232

Anonymous M replied with this 5.3 years ago, 5 minutes later, 5 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,068,236

@previous (beckeyderp !3NeoVaGFAg)
Sounds like a fun hang. I'll put Jemima Wilkinson on my time machine hangout bucket list.

beckyderp !3NeoVaGFAg replied with this 5.2 years ago, 3 weeks later, 5 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,074,721

Elfor, The Land Stander !!9NqxpFc1W replied with this 5.2 years ago, 27 minutes later, 5 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,074,725

@previous (beckyderp !3NeoVaGFAg)

There are several pornographic Atari 2600 titles. Beat 'em and Eat 'em is just the start of the rabbit hole.

Elfor, The Land Stander !!9NqxpFc1W double-posted this 5.2 years ago, 4 minutes later, 5 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,074,726

Externally hosted image@1,074,721 (beckyderp !3NeoVaGFAg)

This one is called "Custer's Revenge", and the objective is to avoid the arrows and rape the native woman.

beckyderp !3NeoVaGFAg replied with this 5.2 years ago, 2 weeks later, 5.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,080,490

Anonymous M replied with this 5.2 years ago, 11 minutes later, 5.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,080,491

@previous (beckyderp !3NeoVaGFAg)
LOL The edit history for that page does not disappoint.

Anonymous Z-44 replied with this 5.2 years ago, 7 hours later, 5.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,080,583

Fake anon !ZkUt8arUCU replied with this 5.1 years ago, 1 week later, 5.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,084,193

Anonymous Z-46 replied with this 5.1 years ago, 51 minutes later, 5.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,084,209

@previous (Fake anon !ZkUt8arUCU)

Wow, nice name.

Fake anon !ZkUt8arUCU replied with this 5.1 years ago, 7 hours later, 5.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,084,289

@previous (Z-46)
His name is my name too.

Anonymous Z-44 replied with this 5.1 years ago, 4 minutes later, 5.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,084,292

dreamworks replied with this 5.1 years ago, 1 week later, 5.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,088,538

jodi !ariasXXmaE replied with this 5.1 years ago, 1 week later, 5.2 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,092,980

Anonymous Z-46 replied with this 4.7 years ago, 4 months later, 5.5 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,136,655

jodie !foster2PAQ replied with this 4.7 years ago, 1 day later, 5.5 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,137,014

@previous (Z-46)
townes van zandt underwent insulin shock therapy

Anonymous Z-54 joined in and replied with this 3 years ago, 1.7 year later, 7.2 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,158,939

jodie !foster2PAQ replied with this 3 years ago, 7 hours later, 7.2 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,158,961

@previous (Z-54)
oh no

Anonymous Z-55 joined in and replied with this 3 years ago, 17 hours later, 7.2 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,159,078

Killer Lettuce🌹 !HonkUK.BIE replied with this 3 years ago, 9 hours later, 7.2 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,159,109

Externally hosted imageWell, right now, it's this:

Anonymous Z-46 replied with this 3 years ago, 1 week later, 7.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,160,813

"Asians are truly the superior race. I believe this."

~Some mysterious anon

jodie !foster2PAQ replied with this 2.9 years ago, 3 weeks later, 7.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,165,285

Anonymous M replied with this 2.9 years ago, 2 hours later, 7.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,165,323

@1,159,109 (Killer Lettuce🌹 !HonkUK.BIE)
> In the middle of the first century Seneca reported that a Germanic gladiator had committed suicide with a sponge on a stick. The Germanic gladiator hid himself in the latrine of an amphitheater and pushed the wooden stick into his gullet and choked to death.

I feel a gladiatorial fight would be a way better way to go out. Maybe quicker too. Although, death by toilet sponge makes it easier for Pre-Raphaelite painters to easily depict his death scene in mummy brown.

Anonymous Z-46 replied with this 2.9 years ago, 32 minutes later, 7.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,165,341

Anonymous Z-56 joined in and replied with this 2.9 years ago, 1 week later, 7.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,166,635

Anonymous M replied with this 2.8 years ago, 1 week later, 7.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,168,625

Anonymous Z-46 replied with this 2.8 years ago, 5 hours later, 7.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,168,635

Greet the sacred cow

cccuuunnttt !.cATkimmOo replied with this 2.8 years ago, 1 week later, 7.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,169,990

List of games that Buddha would not play

Anonymous Z-57 joined in and replied with this 2.8 years ago, 44 minutes later, 7.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,169,994

Asher Yatzer

> Asher yatzar (Hebrew: בִּרְכַּת אֲשֶׁר יָצַר "Who has formed man") is a blessing in Judaism. It is recited after engaging in an act of excretion or urination, but is also included in many Jewish prayer books as a part of daily prayer prior to birkot hashachar.

cccuuunnttt !.cATkimmOo replied with this 2.8 years ago, 4 hours later, 7.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,169,999

@previous (Z-57)
There is no consensus as to whether or not (or how often) a person with medical issues should recite Asher Yatzar:[5]

A person suffering from incontinence should recite the blessing after urination, even if it is involuntary

One who has no bowel or bladder control does not recite the blessing at all

One who, as a result of medication feels an interrupted need to urinate, should recite the blessing a single time after they have emptied their bladder

One who has a urinary catheter is considered to engage in a single act of urination lasting the entire day, so the catheter's wearer should recite the blessing once in the morning with the intent that it apply to all urination for the entire day.

One who has diarrhea should recite the blessing after each instance of diarrhea
One who has taken a laxative should not recite the blessing until the laxative has taken effect

Anonymous Z-58 joined in and replied with this 2.8 years ago, 1 day later, 7.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,170,301

@previous (cccuuunnttt !.cATkimmOo)
These are the people making global financial decisions?

Anonymous Z-46 replied with this 2.8 years ago, 11 hours later, 7.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,170,322

@previous (Z-58)

Your mother made global financial decisions last night. 😎

Anonymous M replied with this 2.8 years ago, 1 day later, 7.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,170,573

@1,170,301 (Z-58)
No, the space reptiles are making all our globalist economic decisions now. That's why the economy is great and all the prices are low. It has nothing to do with global trade and capitalism. The worldwide cabal is keeping prices controlled and comfortably low for all working class Americans to keep us happy.

Anonymous Z-46 replied with this 2.8 years ago, 4 minutes later, 7.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,170,575

@previous (M)

The space reptiles made your mom last night. 😎

Anonymous M replied with this 2.8 years ago, 1 minute later, 7.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,170,576

@previous (Z-46)

Anonymous Z-46 replied with this 2.8 years ago, 3 minutes later, 7.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,170,578

@previous (M)

Seriously, gas the reptoids.

Anonymous M replied with this 2.8 years ago, 1 hour later, 7.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,170,589

@previous (Z-46)
Meh. Sounds pretty lame.

Anonymous M double-posted this 2.8 years ago, 23 hours later, 7.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,170,775

Killer Lettuce🌹 !HonkUK.BIE replied with this 2.8 years ago, 1 week later, 7.5 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,172,390

Externally hosted image
The Codex Gigas ("Giant Book") is the largest extant medieval illuminated manuscript in the world, at a length of 92 cm (36 in). Very large illuminated bibles were a typical feature of Romanesque monastic book production, but even within this group, the page-size of the Codex Gigas is noted as exceptional. The manuscript is also known as the Devil's Bible, due to its highly unusual full-page portrait of Satan, and the legend surrounding its creation.

Anonymous Z-59 joined in and replied with this 2.8 years ago, 1 week later, 7.5 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,174,946

> Clitoral enlargement methods are forms of body modification that have the potential to enhance the size of the clitoris and increase sexual pleasure. Clitoral enlargement can be accomplished through a variety of means, each potentially having certain side effects and risks.

𝔹𝕝𝕠𝕞 replied with this 2.7 years ago, 2 weeks later, 7.5 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,179,045

cccuuunnttt !.cATkimmOo replied with this 2.6 years ago, 1 month later, 7.6 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,186,074

Anonymous Z-46 replied with this 2.6 years ago, 12 hours later, 7.6 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,186,117

(Edited 11 seconds later.)

Anonymous Z-46 double-posted this 2.6 years ago, 47 seconds later, 7.6 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,186,118

(Edited 10 seconds later.)

Anonymous Z-46 triple-posted this 2.6 years ago, 30 seconds later, 7.6 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,186,119

Anonymous Z-46 quadruple-posted this 2.6 years ago, 21 seconds later, 7.6 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,186,120

Hail Satan.

Anonymous Z-61 joined in and replied with this 2.6 years ago, 18 hours later, 7.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,186,254

Needs a translation, but worth the effort.

Fake anon !ZkUt8arUCU replied with this 2.6 years ago, 19 hours later, 7.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,186,355

@previous (Z-61)
Somewhat related, but I read a but very niche article covering something similar that you might like:

Dick Minichan™ !Memes4aSuc joined in and replied with this 2.6 years ago, 1 week later, 7.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,188,937

shelly replied with this 2.6 years ago, 8 hours later, 7.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,189,076

@previous (Dick Minichan™ !Memes4aSuc)
aw good for them

cccuuunnttt !.cATkimmOo replied with this 2.5 years ago, 6 days later, 7.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,190,788

Anonymous Z-44 replied with this 2.5 years ago, 1 hour later, 7.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,190,795

(Edited 8 minutes later.)

cccuuunnttt !.cATkimmOo replied with this 2.5 years ago, 3 hours later, 7.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,190,817

Anonymous Z-44 replied with this 2.5 years ago, 17 hours later, 7.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,190,893

> Ukrainian volunteer battalion "Tornado" became another infamous example of a mass torture and sadistic practices used by Ukrainian paramilitary forces. According to Der Spiegel the prisoners captured by "Tornado" were held in basements, stripped naked, placed on a concrete wall, doused with water and tortured by applying electricity to their testicles, genitals and other body parts. Also some prisoners were forced to rape each other under threat of death.

Green !StaYqkzUPc joined in and replied with this 2.5 years ago, 1 day later, 7.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,191,222

Posting in a deleted thread.

Anonymous Z-60 replied with this 2.5 years ago, 13 hours later, 7.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,191,332

@1,190,893 (Z-44)
[citation needed]

dw !p9hU6ckyqw replied with this 2.5 years ago, 12 hours later, 7.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,191,370

@previous (Z-60)

dw replied with this 2.5 years ago, 1 week later, 7.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,193,516

¡Hola, mi nombre es dreamworks! ¡Soy gay! lol. Me encanta el pene!

Anonymous Z-64 joined in and replied with this 2.5 years ago, 6 days later, 7.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,194,487

Externally hosted image

cccuuunnttt !.cATkimmOo replied with this 2.5 years ago, 12 hours later, 7.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,194,576

Anonymous Z-51 replied with this 2.5 years ago, 3 hours later, 7.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,194,591

Used to play this in elementary school with friends

cccuuunnttt !.cATkimmOo replied with this 2.4 years ago, 1 week later, 7.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,197,409

Killer Lettuce🌹 !HonkUK.BIE replied with this 2.4 years ago, 15 hours later, 7.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,197,489

@previous (cccuuunnttt !.cATkimmOo)
That's Fake anon's favourite, for sure.

Anonymous Z-46 replied with this 2.4 years ago, 1 minute later, 7.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,197,490

@previous (Killer Lettuce🌹 !HonkUK.BIE)

He can't get enough of them, m8.

Anonymous Z-65 joined in and replied with this 2.2 years ago, 3 months later, 8.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,214,569

Anonymous Z-66 joined in and replied with this 2.2 years ago, 2 hours later, 8.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,214,581,_Don%27t_Fail_Me_Now_(disambiguation)

Anonymous Z-67 joined in and replied with this 2.2 years ago, 9 hours later, 8.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,214,614

Externally hosted image@previous (Z-66)

Anonymous Z-44 replied with this 2.2 years ago, 8 minutes later, 8.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,214,615

This isn't gay.

Anonymous Z-44 double-posted this 2.2 years ago, 1 minute later, 8.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,214,616

This is zreakmo

cccuuunnttt !.cATkimmOo replied with this 2.1 years ago, 1 day later, 8.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,214,819

Anonymous Z-68 joined in and replied with this 1.9 year ago, 3 months later, 8.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,229,422

Anonymous Z-69 joined in and replied with this 1.8 year ago, 2 weeks later, 8.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,231,832

Externally hosted image

Anonymous Z-70 joined in and replied with this 1.5 year ago, 3 months later, 8.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,245,671

Anonymous Z-71 joined in and replied with this 1.5 year ago, 2 weeks later, 8.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,249,696

Anonymous Z-72 joined in and replied with this 1.5 year ago, 4 days later, 8.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,250,710

Anonymous Z-73 joined in and replied with this 1.5 year ago, 1 week later, 8.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,253,492

Anonymous Z-74 joined in and replied with this 1.4 year ago, 2 weeks later, 8.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,256,283

Anonymous Z-62 replied with this 1.4 year ago, 2 weeks later, 8.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,259,921

What Z-X am I?

dj coco nutty replied with this 1.4 year ago, 3 hours later, 8.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,259,942

dj coco nutty double-posted this 1.4 year ago, 57 minutes later, 8.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,259,971

Anonymous Z-75 joined in and replied with this 1 year ago, 4 months later, 9.2 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,281,116
> This list is incomplete; you can help by adding missing items. (September 2022)

Anonymous Z-76 joined in and replied with this 1 year ago, 34 minutes later, 9.2 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,281,123

@previous (Z-75)

Anonymous Z-77 joined in and replied with this 1 year ago, 2 minutes later, 9.2 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,281,124

@530,242 (M)

Anonymous Z-76 replied with this 6 months ago, 5 months later, 9.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,308,752

Anonymous Z-78 joined in and replied with this 5 months ago, 1 month later, 9.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,317,354

Anonymous Z-79 joined in and replied with this 5 months ago, 5 hours later, 9.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,317,387

@1,256,283 (Z-74)


Some men who insist on dry sex regard "wet" women as unchaste.
This needs a Kook reply.

Anonymous Z-80 joined in and replied with this 5 months ago, 28 minutes later, 9.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,317,392

@previous (Z-79)

Kook !!rcSrAtaAC joined in and replied with this 5 months ago, 11 minutes later, 9.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,317,395

@1,317,387 (Z-79)
A lot of Haitian men are like this as well. One taught me about pussy rags and I was like wtf

Anonymous Z-79 replied with this 5 months ago, 14 minutes later, 9.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,317,396

@previous (Kook !!rcSrAtaAC)
I know firsthand what dry sex feels like. Memories of removing a tampon and at first entry dry dry dry as all fuck. NOT Pleasant for me. Did not ask wife how it felt for her.

Kook !!rcSrAtaAC replied with this 5 months ago, 6 minutes later, 9.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,317,398

@previous (Z-79)
It also heavily increases the chance of spreading or contracting stis

the spirit of bert.. replied with this 5 months ago, 6 days later, 9.8 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,318,557


Anonymous Z-82 joined in and replied with this 2 months ago, 2 months later, 10 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,329,396

@586,922 (kook !!b4KbSydQS)

you are sick

Kook !!rcSrAtaAC replied with this 2 months ago, 1 hour later, 10 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,329,407

@previous (Z-82)
You're obsessed

Anonymous Z-83 joined in and replied with this 2 months ago, 1 day later, 10 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,329,552

Anonymous Z-79 replied with this 2 months ago, 12 hours later, 10 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,329,575

@previous (Z-83)

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