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Latest bumps

Headline Replies Visits Last bump ▼
Minichan's Official "Thread For TC's Obsessed Pedophiles To Cry About Dave Trolling Them"[STICKY] 72 34 8 hours
Line of the day 1 2 13 seconds
The Falklands belong to Argentina - 1 4 minutes
there just aren't very many frog-boiling experiments to allow certainty - 2 18 minutes
risk of dropping dead after prison release is especially high for two days 1 3 37 minutes
Are Dave and Matt really the same person? (Poll) 4 11 42 minutes
Next time someone posts some dumb shit without doing a basic google search first 1 5 53 minutes
Why won't Dave tell us his age? 40 27 1 hour
Which one of you posted this? 8 22 1 hour
protest is fun but silly 10 20 1 hour
This game is kind of nice. 1 7 1 hour
Stop antisemitism - 6 1 hour
Rightists: what happens when your side supports Fascism? 8 16 2 hours
FAO: Gorge the clown or Jorge or whatever 3 8 2 hours
Whom else here uses TempleOS 3 23 3 hours
There should be an AI that could write legal documents. 2 11 3 hours
This site isn't blocked at school, so I'll use it as a small blog just to give me something to do. 1,069 740 3 hours
Our future president 12 10 3 hours
How long before AI becomes sentient? 211 44 5 hours
Converse Chuck Taylors or PF Flyers? (Poll) 9 19 5 hours
Line of the day 2 11 5 hours
I'm still mad that the 25th anniversary yugioh reprints had the new card layout and not the original 2 11 5 hours
Should I start an anime figureine collection, fora (Poll) 5 19 5 hours
Welcome to the Dave Fora! 9 14 5 hours
Why should I believe Bitcoin will ever reach 100k? 12 21 6 hours
I miss the days of Becky's full blown support of Hillary Clinton 5 20 6 hours
Pronunciation buffs: How do you pronounce "power"? (Poll) 2 12 6 hours
FAO: Jorge the Amazonian Indigenous Clown 9 14 7 hours
So there were no ghosts and the governess was a repressed nonce who squeezed the boy to death? 54 15 7 hours
I've been offered an allotment fora 14 22 8 hours
Hey Dave 16 19 8 hours
"What I wouldn't give to be 55 again!" 1 14 8 hours
PSA: capitalize Black when referring to people of color 16 15 8 hours
ACAB - 9 10 hours
This is so sad 5 17 10 hours
someone made my nickname mean stick a pill in your butthole 1 12 10 hours
Looks like Easter Sunday all over again! 5 14 10 hours
Official Wordle Thread 3: Green Leaves 451 77 11 hours
How many threads will Dave lock by Saturday, May 4th, at 12am EST(USA time) (Poll)[LOCKED] - 14 12 hours
The truth 2 13 12 hours
Lessons from the Catholic Church 1 12 12 hours
Yo Dave[LOCKED] - 10 12 hours
Lessons from the circus - 11 13 hours
Bawwww! She touched my skirt!! I feel violated!!! 20 25 13 hours
If a poor, black American citizen were on trial for felonies (Poll) 2 14 13 hours
there's something about butt-dialing that I do not understand - 11 13 hours
You think you know more about doughnuts and produce than grocers 2 14 13 hours
Everyone make a thread about Dave![LOCKED] 4 13 14 hours
Hey Dave[LOCKED] 1 12 14 hours
Oh good, it's "I'm leaving America if Trump wins" season again. 3 13 15 hours