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Topic: Attention: Toni: your opinion, please.

Anonymous A started this discussion 8.8 years ago #45,908

As a psychology major, what do you make of this:
One of our regular users is a 41 year old white American male who was once caught asking a 15 year old girl for sexually explicit photos in a chat room. He was in full knowledge of her age, and after being exposed, mounted a campaign of harassment against her on several boards.
At around the same time, he was working at a Catholic girls' school, teaching French classes, and began writing sexual fiction about his students (a claim he denies to this day, despite originally boasting about it on a number of different sites).
In both cases, he was aware of the age of the girls involved, and understood they were all minors in the eyes of the law. He has never, on any occasion, expressed remorse for his actions, preferring to blame his victims for the hostile response he has received from the online community.
In addition to all of this, he once created a fictitious girlfriend by posting photos of a working acquaintance and falsely claiming to have gotten her pregnant (potentially causing problems between this unfortunate woman and her fiance). He currently lives in China to avoid a $26,000 tax liens which he owes to the government to cover his student loans and could face prosecution if he returns to the United States.
Based on what I've told you, would you consider this individual to have pedophillic and sociopathic tendencies? Should he be considered a threat to society in general and young children in particular?

(Edited 1 minute later.)

squeegee joined in and replied with this 8.8 years ago, 2 minutes later[^] [v] #605,884

Anonymous C joined in and replied with this 8.8 years ago, 42 seconds later, 3 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #605,885

Matthew Rosteet Miller?

Toni !gM.fIrVe1Q joined in and replied with this 8.8 years ago, 3 minutes later, 7 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #605,887

First, I will assume that this is all true, and I stress assume. As a societal outcast (transsexual), I have often been the victim of slander and rumor campaigns, much of which was not even true. So, if these claims are all true, I would say that this person is attracted to teenage girls, sure. He would not be a pedophile in terms of psychological classification, as pedophile refers to adults who are sexually attracted to pre-pubescent children. If his attraction palate includes high school girls around age 15, then he is a hebephile. What is interesting, is that biologically, the time the women are most fertile for childbirth is around age 15, or, at the time that they fully come into puberty. And, many, many studies have shown that mos adult men are sexually attracted to teenage pubescent girls. They will not admit it because of societal ramifications, but in studies that assure their anonymity, or in studies that measure their physical and brain response to photos, it turns out that almost all men are attracted to 15 year old girls. I also remind you that in many countries, it is perfectly legal for grown men to have physical relations with girls as young as 12, but I digress. So does he demonstrate pedophile tendencies? No. He is more likely a hebephile, or in other terms, a healthy adult male.

As for his sociopath tendencies, I could not possibly make a diagnosis. If he indeed moved to China for the specific purpose of evading taxes, then I would say he has some antisocial tendencies, but that does not in any way mean that he is a psychopath, a sociopath, or a danger. I remind you that 100% of all millionaires and billionaires in the US stretch, and often break, tax law in order to avoid paying taxes, so it is pretty common. Also, studies have shown that the average American worker usually lies on his or her tax forms, claiming exemptions that do not exist. I hope all this helps. It is all just my opinion.

Toni !gM.fIrVe1Q double-posted this 8.8 years ago, 1 minute later, 8 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #605,888

P.S. In terms of his fictitious girlfriend, if he is a regular chan poster, then I daresay a fake girlfriend is the least of the things that chan posters make up on a daily basis.

squeegee replied with this 8.8 years ago, 3 minutes later, 12 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #605,890

@605,887 (Toni !gM.fIrVe1Q)

squeegee double-posted this 8.8 years ago, 15 seconds later, 12 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #605,891

@605,888 (Toni !gM.fIrVe1Q)

Toni !gM.fIrVe1Q replied with this 8.8 years ago, 2 minutes later, 14 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #605,894

@previous (squeegee)
Haha what does that mean? Is that your persona mascot?

Anonymous E joined in and replied with this 8.8 years ago, 2 minutes later, 17 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #605,896

@605,887 (Toni !gM.fIrVe1Q)
i guess youre a fucking retard or someone with downs or something because that made no sense at all

Anonymous C replied with this 8.8 years ago, 15 seconds later, 17 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #605,897

Toni almost sounded like Matt there for some reason.

Anonymous C double-posted this 8.8 years ago, 1 minute later, 18 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #605,898

@605,896 (E)
I'm not retarded or have downs syndrome and I understand it perfectly.
It's not that hard, anon.

Even To Catch A Predator said the people caught on their show aren't pedophiles.

squeegee replied with this 8.8 years ago, 5 minutes later, 24 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #605,900

@605,894 (Toni !gM.fIrVe1Q)
how new are you?

Catherine !TGirlYJKXM replied with this 8.8 years ago, 1 minute later, 26 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #605,901

@previous (squeegee)
She said she found this site because a friend of her's on Facebook gave her a link to mine.

Toni !gM.fIrVe1Q replied with this 8.8 years ago, 50 minutes later, 1 hour after the original post[^] [v] #605,909

@605,896 (E)
I believe me reply was well though-out, and I based it on the realities of my graduate-level studies of psychology.

@605,900 (squeegee)
Three days, I think.

Anonymous F joined in and replied with this 8.8 years ago, 28 minutes later, 1 hour after the original post[^] [v] #605,913

As the leader of Matts Merry Men, do you have a copy of his impeccable record, or is it simply committed to memory?
Also, how long have you been dedicated to him?

Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 8.8 years ago, 14 minutes later, 1 hour after the original post[^] [v] #605,914

@605,894 (Toni !gM.fIrVe1Q)
Might be a good idea to simply ignore Squeegee, his sole purpose in posting here is to disrupt the flow of conversation. That image is his way of marking the thread as his property and proving his supposed alpha status on the board.

@605,887 (Toni !gM.fIrVe1Q)
> He is more likely a hebephile, or in other terms, a healthy adult male.

Do you consider it healthy behavior when a middle aged man willfully asks a minor for "open leg vulva" shots in full knowledge that the request violates both state and federal laws? Bear in mind that he was well aware that his actions would become public knowledge; unlike the offenders featured on "To Catch a Predator", this individual did not believe he was operating in secret.

Killer Lettuce?? !!iNo3FkiZx joined in and replied with this 8.8 years ago, 29 minutes later, 2 hours after the original post[^] [v] #605,916

@605,887 (Toni !gM.fIrVe1Q)
Yeah, somebody should probably explain Matt to you, at some point.

The very short version: he has been a troll here and on this website's predecessor for a very long time. He's widely mocked and disliked for his odd and annoying behaviour. Some of what you read about him is true to an extent, but some might be hyperbole. There's a lot of drama surrounding him.

Currently, he's banned for evading his bans.

Anonymous F replied with this 8.8 years ago, 23 minutes later, 2 hours after the original post[^] [v] #605,919

@605,914 (A)
Why did you ignore my questions? Here they are again:

> As the leader of Matts Merry Men, do you have a copy of his impeccable record, or is it simply committed to memory?
> Also, how long have you been dedicated to him?

@previous (Killer Lettuce?? !!iNo3FkiZx)
That is a very one sided and somewhat sheltered view coming from someone that only ever posts on Minichan. I like Matt, I think he's funny and he has made more autists madder than hell, than t04str and Syntax combined. Only a small group of people actually believe anything syntax says about Matt, and he is the sauce of all the lies, doctored documents, and even paid Meals to take photos of Matts medicine cabinet.

The whole fake girlfriend thing is a pissing contest between Matt and syntax, who is in his 70's and claims to have twin 30 something air hostess girlfriends named Mandy and Sandy.

Only severely autistic people like OP believe everything they read on a chan.

In what way has Matt affected your life? Did you lend him $467.30? Did he tell a fib online, in between making fart jokes, that you believed and now feel cheated in some way?

Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 8.8 years ago, 9 minutes later, 3 hours after the original post[^] [v] #605,920

@previous (F)
Perhaps you should recheck the original post. Apart from the person it was addressed to, I mentioned nobody by name.

(Edited 56 seconds later.)

Anonymous F replied with this 8.8 years ago, 14 minutes later, 3 hours after the original post[^] [v] #605,921

@previous (A)
Don't play the "who is Matt" game. Please grow a pair and answer the questions.

Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 8.8 years ago, 10 minutes later, 3 hours after the original post[^] [v] #605,923

@previous (F)
The original post was not addressed to you.

Toni replied with this 8.8 years ago, 6 minutes later, 3 hours after the original post[^] [v] #605,925

@previous (A)
Please, if you aren't going to answer the questions why should anyone answer anything you ask?

Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 8.8 years ago, 5 minutes later, 3 hours after the original post[^] [v] #605,927

@previous (Toni)
I wanted your view as a psychology major. Anon F is simply attempting to derail the thread, and I feel no obligation to answer his questions.

Killer Lettuce?? !!iNo3FkiZx replied with this 8.8 years ago, 2 minutes later, 3 hours after the original post[^] [v] #605,929

@605,919 (F)
I don't think my assessment was inaccurate. He is a long-running troll, he's quite controversial, and there's lots of claims about him (some accurate, some exagerrated).

I can admit, he's a funny guy. I and others even picked up a few of his sayings, over the years. But still, he seems to regularly cause drama wherever he goes, and seems to regularly get in trouble with the local moderation.

Toni replied with this 8.8 years ago, 55 seconds later, 3 hours after the original post[^] [v] #605,930

@605,927 (A)
No, I think you should answer his questions. And I'm becoming more interested in you and why you follow this man, it seems like a strange hobby.

Killer Lettuce?? !!iNo3FkiZx replied with this 8.8 years ago, 14 minutes later, 3 hours after the original post[^] [v] #605,935

@previous (Toni)
A lot of Matt's life and past have surfaced, over the years. And, as I said, he's a popular target of ridicule and drama. So he gets discussed and mocked quite a bit.

Admittedly, some people post about him too much, but it's not uncommon for people around here to be familiar with him and to make fun of him.

Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 8.8 years ago, 3 minutes later, 3 hours after the original post[^] [v] #605,937

@605,930 (Toni)
You're welcome to draw any conclusions you wish about me, Toni.

Toni replied with this 8.8 years ago, 12 minutes later, 4 hours after the original post[^] [v] #605,939

@605,935 (Killer Lettuce?? !!iNo3FkiZx)
@previous (A)
Do you believe everything you read on these forums?

Killer Lettuce?? !!iNo3FkiZx replied with this 8.8 years ago, 9 minutes later, 4 hours after the original post[^] [v] #605,941

@previous (Toni)
I did say that stories about him are exaggerated.

But Matt's foolishness is well-documented and quite factual. Just off the top of my head, he set up a fake ghosthunting website (which he later lost control of), didn't pay back loans from other posters here, and he used to regularly post about how he wanted to eat poop.

Maybe think of him like a celebrity or media personality that keeps getting in the news for doing stupid stuff. He's like the BBS equivalent of that.

(Edited 47 seconds later.)

Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 8.8 years ago, 1 minute later, 4 hours after the original post[^] [v] #605,942

@605,939 (Toni)
Only the things that were verified beyond reasonable doubt, Toni.

Toni replied with this 8.8 years ago, 6 minutes later, 4 hours after the original post[^] [v] #605,944

@605,941 (Killer Lettuce?? !!iNo3FkiZx)
Matt is Donald Trump?
@previous (A)
What were the charges? Did any of this actually go to court because that seems to be what you are implying. Otherwise, where did you get all of this information about him from and has this all happened recently?

Catherine !TGirlYJKXM replied with this 8.8 years ago, 17 minutes later, 4 hours after the original post[^] [v] #605,946

It almost sounds like Toni might be a persona of Matt's.

Killer Lettuce?? !!iNo3FkiZx replied with this 8.8 years ago, 4 minutes later, 4 hours after the original post[^] [v] #605,947

@previous (Catherine !TGirlYJKXM)
I don't think so, Toni doesn't seem like a persona. But that would be a hardcore ruse.

Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 8.8 years ago, 22 minutes later, 5 hours after the original post[^] [v] #605,948

@605,944 (Toni)
I saw a transcript of the online conversation, posted by the girl he requested the images from. The incident was confirmed by a number of people who were online with them, and the 41 year old White Male initially admitted that he'd made the request, claiming he thought she was 18 despite the transcript showing that she told him her true age beforehand. He then reversed his position, making several contradictory statements, then launched into a vendetta which continues to this day. I've witnessed this sexual harassment for several years and have no doubt that his stalking is motivated by pure spite over being outed as a pedophile.

Regarding his tax liens, the information is publicly available and he admitted to one of our users that he could face serious charges from the IRS if he ever returns to the US. On the subject of his double-dealing and dishonesty, he has a crowd sourcing account which he used to finance a non existent literary project; basically he stole several thousand dollars from good faith contributors. Residing in Asia, he believes himself beyond the reach of American law and takes great pleasure bragging about the gullibility of his "investors".

On a personal level, I believe that his posting pictures of his co-worker and claiming he'd gotten her pregnant was an utterly despicable act. You seemed to have dismiss that as a trivial matter, Toni, but I consider it nothing less than victimization, in the sense that he knew the woman, and understood the kind of damage he could have done to her reputation and relationships. Quite literally, she could have lost her job over that, and might conceivably have been ostracized from her general community.

All of these events have taken place over a span of five years, though he's apparently been running scams of this kind for well over a decade. Granted, I know nothing about psychology, Toni, but at the very least, his track record suggests he has no moral compass to speak of.

(Edited 5 minutes later.)

Toni replied with this 8.8 years ago, 1 hour later, 6 hours after the original post[^] [v] #605,952

@605,947 (Killer Lettuce?? !!iNo3FkiZx)
I've also heard that Matt is the third greatest troll on the internet and has ruined lives and provoked a suicide.
@previous (A)
Have you ever been diagnosed on the autism spectrum?

Toni double-posted this 8.8 years ago, 44 seconds later, 6 hours after the original post[^] [v] #605,953

@605,946 (Catherine !TGirlYJKXM)
Now I'm Matts alter ego?

Killer Lettuce?? !!iNo3FkiZx replied with this 8.8 years ago, 5 minutes later, 6 hours after the original post[^] [v] #605,955

@605,952 (Toni)
Hey, where did your tripcode go? And that was a very specific Matt reference.

not Toni replied with this 8.8 years ago, 2 minutes later, 6 hours after the original post[^] [v] #605,958

@previous (Killer Lettuce?? !!iNo3FkiZx)
> Do you believe everything you read on these forums?

Killer Lettuce?? !!iNo3FkiZx replied with this 8.8 years ago, 1 minute later, 6 hours after the original post[^] [v] #605,959

@previous (not Toni)

beckyderp !8ElfFaoFao replied with this 8.8 years ago, 1 minute later, 6 hours after the original post[^] [v] #605,960

@previous (Killer Lettuce?? !!iNo3FkiZx)
You must be fucking new here

Catherine !TGirlYJKXM replied with this 8.8 years ago, 2 minutes later, 6 hours after the original post[^] [v] #605,961

@605,953 (Toni)
You're not the real Toni.

@605,952 (Toni)
This was oddly very Matt specific.

@605,947 (Killer Lettuce?? !!iNo3FkiZx)
I don't think so either.

Toni !gM.fIrVe1Q replied with this 8.8 years ago, 5 minutes later, 6 hours after the original post[^] [v] #605,963

@605,955 (Killer Lettuce?? !!iNo3FkiZx)
I did not post that. This is me. I always use a tripcode.

Killer Lettuce?? !!iNo3FkiZx replied with this 8.8 years ago, 4 minutes later, 6 hours after the original post[^] [v] #605,964

@605,960 (beckyderp !8ElfFaoFao)
Just please stop. I know I'm not supposed to say this, but you actually do get to me sometimes. It doesn't make me angry so much as it just makes me really sad. I know I'm not a good person, and I destroyed a relationship that really mattered to me. I get that. Nearly everything you say about me is true at least to some capacity. I feel horrible, you win. Okay?

@previous (Toni !gM.fIrVe1Q)
It seems that we have, inadvertently, boarded a ruse cruise...

Toni !gM.fIrVe1Q replied with this 8.8 years ago, 28 seconds later, 6 hours after the original post[^] [v] #605,965

Hahaha I am laughing in real life here. It seems that, after only three days, I have already attracted impersonators. Keep in mind that I will only post wth my tripcode, without exception.

This Matt sounds like a very interesting person. Keep in mind that the greatest minds in history (in retrospect), were similarly obsessed over, and ridiculed, in their lives. In any case, I digress. I am the real Toni.

Killer Lettuce?? !!iNo3FkiZx replied with this 8.8 years ago, 1 minute later, 6 hours after the original post[^] [v] #605,966

@previous (Toni !gM.fIrVe1Q)
Ha. Well, it is highly doubtful that Matt will become a great person. But stranger things have happened, I suppose. The Miller Guide might yet become a global sensation. Maybe once the temporary psychological panic finally ends.

Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 8.8 years ago, 6 minutes later, 6 hours after the original post[^] [v] #605,967

@605,965 (Toni !gM.fIrVe1Q)
Just out of curiosity, why did you think that dragging an innocent woman's name through the mud and potentially damaging her reputation was so insignificant? I would have thought that as an outsider who has been maligned and slandered, you would have felt more sympathy for her than for him.

I wasn't exaggerating when I said that his allegations could have seriously impacted her life. In a place like China, a good reputation is all that a woman really has. She befriended him, and he paid her back by claiming she was a whore. This doesn't strike a note with you?

Anonymous F replied with this 8.8 years ago, 35 minutes later, 7 hours after the original post[^] [v] #605,970

@previous (A)
Autism spectrum little buddy

Toni double-posted this 8.8 years ago, 2 minutes later, 7 hours after the original post[^] [v] #605,971

@previous (F)
@OP is Leonidas, some retard that is probably a tranny by now

Toni !gM.fIrVe1Q replied with this 8.8 years ago, 10 minutes later, 7 hours after the original post[^] [v] #605,974

@605,967 (A)
Ok, what is your proof and evidence that he did that? I am only playing the advocate.

Anonymous E replied with this 8.8 years ago, 1 hour later, 8 hours after the original post[^] [v] #605,981

@605,909 (Toni !gM.fIrVe1Q)
It's a Minichan meme. You really must learn the Minichan memes.

@previous (Toni !gM.fIrVe1Q)
Matt's crimes are well-documented on this fora. Thanks.

Killer Lettuce !!iNo3FkiZx replied with this 8.8 years ago, 50 minutes later, 9 hours after the original post[^] [v] #605,985

@previous (E)
But how many Minichan memes are there???

Anonymous H joined in and replied with this 8.8 years ago, 2 hours later, 11 hours after the original post[^] [v] #606,015

@previous (Killer Lettuce !!iNo3FkiZx)
over 9000

Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 8.8 years ago, 4 hours later, 16 hours after the original post[^] [v] #606,087

@605,974 (Toni !gM.fIrVe1Q)
> I am only playing the advocate.

No, you're avoiding the question. However, that's OK. Let's simply treat this as a hypothetical situation. If a middle aged white male publicly vilified an innocent woman, threatening both her career prospects and personal relationships - all for his own amusement - what would you make of his character?

(Edited 37 seconds later.)

Killer Lettuce?? !!iNo3FkiZx replied with this 8.8 years ago, 19 minutes later, 16 hours after the original post[^] [v] #606,093

@previous (A)
I would assume he is an asshole, man.

Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 8.8 years ago, 48 minutes later, 17 hours after the original post[^] [v] #606,142

@previous (Killer Lettuce?? !!iNo3FkiZx)
That would be the most logical assumption, yes.

Toni !gM.fIrVe1Q replied with this 8.8 years ago, 3 hours later, 21 hours after the original post[^] [v] #606,236

@606,087 (A)
If that were true, then he would have a negative character.

Anonymous H replied with this 8.8 years ago, 18 hours later, 1 day after the original post[^] [v] #606,534

@605,887 (Toni !gM.fIrVe1Q)
I'd like to honor that this is the closest Matthew Rosteet Miller has ever come to admitting his pedophilia.

Anonymous I joined in and replied with this 8.8 years ago, 29 minutes later, 1 day after the original post[^] [v] #606,553

@previous (H)

> I'd like to honor that this is the closest Matthew Rosteet Miller has ever come to admitting his pedophilia.

wrong, hes fully admitted to it in logs with triptych

Anonymous J joined in and replied with this 8.1 years ago, 9 months later, 9 months after the original post[^] [v] #696,470

Bump, just for the fuck of it..

chili dog !!81dzJNNYL joined in and replied with this 8.1 years ago, 2 hours later, 9 months after the original post[^] [v] #696,482

What a rollercoaster ride

Jenna McMathis !ve8y3LCVsA joined in and replied with this 8.1 years ago, 9 hours later, 9 months after the original post[^] [v] #696,545

@696,470 (J)
Your obsession with Matt has made you bump a thread not even made by Matt.

Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 8.1 years ago, 4 hours later, 9 months after the original post[^] [v] #696,573

@previous (Jenna McMathis !ve8y3LCVsA)
Ridiculing a pedophile does not count as obsession. Thanks.

Jenna McMathis !m2cp3rR5zw replied with this 8.1 years ago, 9 hours later, 9 months after the original post[^] [v] #696,630

@previous (A)
Nice strawman, you obsessed stalker.

Anonymous J replied with this 8.1 years ago, 1 hour later, 9 months after the original post[^] [v] #696,647

@previous (Jenna McMathis !m2cp3rR5zw)

Sup Matt, how's child molesting been going for you?

Jenna McMathis !uBtEV.LAic replied with this 8.1 years ago, 24 minutes later, 9 months after the original post[^] [v] #696,656

@previous (J)
Who is Matt?

Anonymous J replied with this 8.1 years ago, 4 hours later, 9 months after the original post[^] [v] #696,729

@previous (Jenna McMathis !uBtEV.LAic)
Why you always talk to yourself in a 3rd person matt?

Anonymous M joined in and replied with this 8.1 years ago, 1 hour later, 9 months after the original post[^] [v] #696,765

@previous (J)
Literally every poster on the internet, except you, is Matt. Thanks.

Catherine !TGirlYJKXM replied with this 8.1 years ago, 9 minutes later, 9 months after the original post[^] [v] #696,768

Did Matt put himself in the Saints Row games?

Jenna McMathis !uBtEV.LAic replied with this 8.1 years ago, 5 hours later, 9 months after the original post[^] [v] #696,858

@previous (Catherine !TGirlYJKXM)
Did Matt take away your ability to be funny, or were you always like that?

Syntax joined in and replied with this 8.1 years ago, 2 days later, 9 months after the original post[^] [v] #697,670

I was reading and playing catch up from

This old topic is new 2me. OP did more than an OK job - However something very important is missing. Toni is asked for an opinion and Toni (assuming Toni is anything other than FatFuck) 3 days? From Cathy's place? Shows familiarity with MC as years of knowledge and understanding and Killer Lettuce nails it accurately. Sorry I Def~Gress

That which is missing which Toni grabbed on2 is the Age of Victims. Toni says FatFuck cannot be a Pedophile because the Victim is 15 yrs old. The school FatFuck taught French at.

The Academy of the Sacred Heart, founded in 1821 in Grand Coteau, Louisiana, is an independent, Catholic school for girls in Pre-Kindergarten-3 through grade twelve, with residential accommodations for students in grades seven through twelve

The transcripts forwarded to DOJ/FBI contained Brutal Rape - Torture - Molestation - Sodomy (Ass rape) Inserted objects - This is a short list. Names of the girls more often than not had swapped names. First name mixed with another girls last name. Ages ranged from 8 years old to 12 and there may have been a 13-14-15 year old girl in the mix. One should ask me How did I get the names of students from the school? Sacred Heart has learned a bitter lesson and has revised their website. You can still find full student names by poking around on the current site but they now attempt to keep the younger children's name off the site. Several are still there. Back when I contacted the DOJ/FBI there were pages and pages of young VERY young girls with full names and photos. Rewarded for this and that. Honor roll and just ordinary sporting events where every student was named. Class rooms including the French classes with young student names.

It just took seconds to use Firefox's Control F to insert a name first or last from one of the Rape stories and find that student. Of course in an instant it was easy to spot the switched first name with a last name. THEN BANG - FatFuck forget to switch names. Not many but just enough. The website these stories ended up on was Less than 8 hours after my phone call with DOJ/FBI was complete this web site put up and still has this

I am Looking at some new content managment software to manage this site. Please check back when that's figured out.

Lots of years have gone by with that same statement. Oh and How can I be sure it was FatFuck? Cox cable his ISP provided me his most often used IP which matched the IP he used to Spam/Flood forums with Fecal content. They paid me the sum of $1.00 to help them stop the Floods and Spam. Cox was very easy to work with and all they needed was a view of ihatemen as well as the multiple forums he was Spamming.

But how did I find I typed FatFucks IP into browser search and BANG - had 4 forums. FatFuck was banned from 3 of the 4. The 4th stated it was 100% Mod free and no content of any kind wood be deleted. They in their naivety thought that by showing the users IP to everyone-anyone - That wood protect them. My best guess at the time was/is FatFuck was clueless about those numbers.

He changed his Monkier for various content and at that time he had access to WiFi which wood have shown up as other IP's and I had a list of 95% of the Wi-Fi spots he used. Campus and Coffee shops etc. However all the stories of Rape with student names were with just that One IP. I am not 100% sure he did not post with Wi-Fi on that sight its just that I found no reason to continue to search that site after it was clear DOJ/FBI needed to be on the case.

FBI agents were on campus the next day which is apparently totally Co~wink~E~dink with FatFucks departure that very same day.
Follow up - Did FatFuck do anything Illegal? Agents kept going back and forth on phone about Free Speech - Various laws of the State he lived in. Federal laws etc. My best guess is that it was concluded that what he did was morally reprehensible and against legal documents he signed to work for the school but this was also in the era when Priests were molesting children and the Church covered up that shit until a Boston Newspaper blew the whistle on all Catholics schools and churches (Not all just enough)

Only based on feedback from sources who attended the same school including several students FatFuck invited to his Apt when he was finishing up his Masters at Losserana State U. When he applied for the PhD program, the Profs and those in charge were totally aware of why he left Sacred Heart. They were equally aware of his propensity for Fecal content aka Scat. Nor did I have any direct input to the Staff of that PhD program. ( I did get some odd inquires via mail with headers checked that were Losserana State U) In no way do I claim I had anything 2do with FatFuck failing to get in the PhD program but Yes indeed I do know 2 or 3 students who made a case to keep him out.

Content and logs I mailed DOJ/FBI - I made a few copies and forwarded them to several web masters (limited content ) and of course erased all that shit off my computers. Yea if called to testify I know exactly which Agents to contact for support.

Jenna McMathis !uBtEV.LAic replied with this 8.1 years ago, 2 minutes later, 9 months after the original post[^] [v] #697,671

@previous (Syntax)
Do you ever go a day without thinking about Matt?

Syntax replied with this 8.1 years ago, 36 minutes later, 9 months after the original post[^] [v] #697,682

@previous (Jenna McMathis !uBtEV.LAic)
You totally crazy. IF I were obsessed then I wood have known wayyyyy in advance the Sr FatFuck ran from rent on business estate of less than 800Sq Feet. I also wood have been aware of a newspaper article - several newspaper articles at the time rather then long after.

However yes it does please me that someone should help keep track of Pedophiles in the hood. Take the case of Leo Vargas who is again active on Chans! Found a new Chan victim. Of course Jenna perhaps you want your ass raped by Leo?

Jenna nice try - You may now take that dress and push up bra off with the Kleenex stuffing. So sorry your dick is as small as a clit.

Anonymous F replied with this 8.1 years ago, 2 minutes later, 9 months after the original post[^] [v] #697,683

@605,927 (A)
> I wanted your view as a psychology major. Anon F is simply attempting to derail the thread, and I feel no obligation to answer his questions.

@697,671 (Jenna McMathis !uBtEV.LAic)
Syntax thinks about Matt 9/10 myles

bhutan joined in and replied with this 8.1 years ago, 52 minutes later, 9 months after the original post[^] [v] #697,710

so you're just a sloppy stalker then?? also you are gross. don't tell people they want to be raped

Jenna McMathis !uBtEV.LAic replied with this 8.1 years ago, 2 hours later, 9 months after the original post[^] [v] #697,801

@697,682 (Syntax)
Wow. Did that remark come from your own experience, Lynne?

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