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Topic: Naked disemboweled black man walking past an ice cream truck.

HaikerensGuide !dBGi/iH4eY started this discussion 11.4 years ago #27,911

TTEH !JXsxEkDBLs joined in and replied with this 11.4 years ago, 52 seconds later[^] [v] #415,224

I'll pass on watching that.

Killer Lettuce !!iNo3FkiZx joined in and replied with this 11.4 years ago, 11 minutes later, 11 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #415,225

@previous (TTEH !JXsxEkDBLs)

Falco !a7Q.SWNEJw joined in and replied with this 11.4 years ago, 4 minutes later, 16 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #415,226

im good

beckyderp !8ElfFaoFao joined in and replied with this 11.4 years ago, 4 minutes later, 20 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #415,228

"Yo guts hangin' out, baby, yo guts hangin' out!"

squeegee !first/o5zA joined in and replied with this 11.4 years ago, 54 seconds later, 21 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #415,229

@previous (beckyderp !8ElfFaoFao)
"i don't give a fuck!@"

beckyderp !8ElfFaoFao replied with this 11.4 years ago, 55 seconds later, 22 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #415,230

@previous (squeegee !first/o5zA)
He 'bout to die, man. This is some fuckin' crazy shit.

Falco !a7Q.SWNEJw replied with this 11.4 years ago, 1 minute later, 24 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #415,231

had to watch

not that gross or bad

squeegee !first/o5zA replied with this 11.4 years ago, 5 minutes later, 30 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #415,234

@415,230 (beckyderp !8ElfFaoFao)
"motha'fucka stab me? Motha'fucka stab ME!? I'm the don don of the world! motha'fucka stab me?"

beckyderp !8ElfFaoFao replied with this 11.4 years ago, 4 minutes later, 34 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #415,235

@previous (squeegee !first/o5zA)
"Yeah, his guts hangin' out! His guts hangin' out!" While he tried to rip down a tree. I wish he could've ripped down that tree.

beckyderp !8ElfFaoFao double-posted this 11.4 years ago, 52 seconds later, 35 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #415,236

@415,234 (squeegee !first/o5zA)
He shouldn'ta fuckin' stabbed that bitch.

TTEH !JXsxEkDBLs replied with this 11.4 years ago, 5 minutes later, 41 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #415,237

@415,228 (beckyderp !8ElfFaoFao)
@415,230 (beckyderp !8ElfFaoFao)
@415,235 (beckyderp !8ElfFaoFao)
@previous (beckyderp !8ElfFaoFao)
This enticed me to watch it and now I regret it.

'Call Amberlamps!' was funny though.

(Edited 18 seconds later.)

kook !!32zdfdzi+ joined in and replied with this 11.4 years ago, 11 minutes later, 52 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #415,238

He probably did it himself

squeegee !first/o5zA replied with this 11.4 years ago, 8 minutes later, 1 hour after the original post[^] [v] #415,241

@previous (kook !!32zdfdzi+)
"no, it was the dude in the green shirt. that dude over there."

kook !!32zdfdzi+ replied with this 11.4 years ago, 11 minutes later, 1 hour after the original post[^] [v] #415,242

@previous (squeegee !first/o5zA)
He seemed like he might have been drug rambling

TTEH !JXsxEkDBLs replied with this 11.4 years ago, 2 minutes later, 1 hour after the original post[^] [v] #415,243

@previous (kook !!32zdfdzi+)
Or just in shock from, you know... being stabbed.

kook !!32zdfdzi+ replied with this 11.4 years ago, 5 minutes later, 1 hour after the original post[^] [v] #415,244

@previous (TTEH !JXsxEkDBLs)
would a guy who stabbed him just be wandering around?

TTEH !JXsxEkDBLs replied with this 11.4 years ago, 4 minutes later, 1 hour after the original post[^] [v] #415,245

@previous (kook !!32zdfdzi+)
True, although up until today I wouldn't think a guy who's just been stabbed and has his guts hanging from his stomach would just be wandering around either, but there you go.

kook !!32zdfdzi+ replied with this 11.4 years ago, 2 minutes later, 1 hour after the original post[^] [v] #415,246

@previous (TTEH !JXsxEkDBLs)
Also, why was he naked, I wonder?

!KThEOwLwbU joined in and replied with this 11.4 years ago, 2 hours later, 3 hours after the original post[^] [v] #415,260

@previous (kook !!32zdfdzi+)


kook !!32zdfdzi+ replied with this 11.4 years ago, 12 minutes later, 3 hours after the original post[^] [v] #415,263

@previous (!KThEOwLwbU)
Thats exactly what I thought. He wasnt even trying to hold in his guts

HaikerensGuide !dBGi/iH4eY (OP) replied with this 11.4 years ago, 31 minutes later, 4 hours after the original post[^] [v] #415,266

@previous (kook !!32zdfdzi+)
Can you blame him? My hands are rarely ever clean enough for me to want my intestines touching them.

Anonymous I joined in and replied with this 11.4 years ago, 2 hours later, 6 hours after the original post[^] [v] #415,286

poor guy

you guys are assholes if the only striking thing about this video is the way people talk

squeegee !first/o5zA replied with this 11.4 years ago, 35 minutes later, 6 hours after the original post[^] [v] #415,298

@previous (I)
sup handle?

Anonymous I replied with this 11.4 years ago, 36 minutes later, 7 hours after the original post[^] [v] #415,307

@previous (squeegee !first/o5zA)

kook !!32zdfdzi+ replied with this 11.4 years ago, 7 hours later, 14 hours after the original post[^] [v] #415,363

@415,266 (HaikerensGuide !dBGi/iH4eY)
lol cute

beckyderp !8ElfFaoFao replied with this 10.8 years ago, 7 months later, 7 months after the original post[^] [v] #458,747


TTEH !JXsxEkDBLs replied with this 10.8 years ago, 7 minutes later, 7 months after the original post[^] [v] #458,748

@415,246 (kook !!32zdfdzi+)
I don't know about you but when I get stabbed in the gut I like to get naked too.

Anonymous J joined in and replied with this 10.8 years ago, 59 minutes later, 7 months after the original post[^] [v] #458,751

This is my fav pcp video of all time

Anonymous J double-posted this 10.8 years ago, 1 minute later, 7 months after the original post[^] [v] #458,752

Also yes, that man is on pcp. He's heeled the fuck out which is why he doesn't know about it and also because pcp is an anesthetic

Anonymous K joined in and replied with this 10.8 years ago, 23 hours later, 7 months after the original post[^] [v] #458,807

@previous (J)
pcp is hella drug.

Meta !PARAdoxiHw joined in and replied with this 10.8 years ago, 1 hour later, 7 months after the original post[^] [v] #458,811

@415,244 (kook !!32zdfdzi+)
It seems possible. Remember that guy who decapitated the British soldier in the middle of a busy street in broad daylight and he was walking around and explaining it was because of the British killing Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan?

(Edited 20 seconds later.)

cccuuunnttt !CUuNTTZV9M replied with this 10.2 years ago, 6 months later, 1.2 year after the original post[^] [v] #487,994

Bump. If you haven't seen this, you should watch it. Thanks.

HaikerensGuide !dBGi/iH4eY (OP) replied with this 10.2 years ago, 13 minutes later, 1.2 year after the original post[^] [v] #488,002


dw joined in and replied with this 10.2 years ago, 4 minutes later, 1.2 year after the original post[^] [v] #488,006

@415,286 (I)

> poor guy
> you guys are assholes if the only striking thing about this video is the way people talk
> jeez

jeez though
I think that is me

Anonymous N joined in and replied with this 10.2 years ago, 4 hours later, 1.2 year after the original post[^] [v] #488,034

Oh mah geeerrdd!!

The Captain !PundosRBSM joined in and replied with this 10.2 years ago, 42 minutes later, 1.2 year after the original post[^] [v] #488,041

Classic liveleak.

Killer Lettuce !!iNo3FkiZx replied with this 10.2 years ago, 9 hours later, 1.2 year after the original post[^] [v] #488,077

I bet that Becky is behind all of these bumps...

But why?

cccuuunnttt !CUuNTTZV9M replied with this 10.2 years ago, 2 minutes later, 1.2 year after the original post[^] [v] #488,078

@previous (Killer Lettuce !!iNo3FkiZx)
Most of the latest necro-bumps were someone else!

Killer Lettuce !!iNo3FkiZx replied with this 10.2 years ago, 14 minutes later, 1.2 year after the original post[^] [v] #488,080

@previous (cccuuunnttt !CUuNTTZV9M)
Under your orders, no doubt.

I'm watching you, "pal".

Anonymous P joined in and replied with this 10.2 years ago, 12 hours later, 1.2 year after the original post[^] [v] #488,178

lol i remember this topic

(Edited 18 seconds later.)

Meowth joined in and replied with this 10.2 years ago, 1 day later, 1.2 year after the original post[^] [v] #488,281

I haven't laughed this hard in ages!!

Anonymous R joined in and replied with this 10.2 years ago, 11 hours later, 1.2 year after the original post[^] [v] #488,340


(Edited 4.6 years later by a moderator.)

Titicaca joined in and replied with this 10.2 years ago, 1 day later, 1.2 year after the original post[^] [v] #488,573

Hopefully the nigger was made good.

beckyderp !8ElfFaoFao replied with this 10.1 years ago, 2 weeks later, 1.3 year after the original post[^] [v] #490,986

Externally hosted imageIt looks like a jello mold sticking out of his belly

(Edited 2 minutes later.)

Titicaca joined in and replied with this 10.1 years ago, 36 minutes later, 1.3 year after the original post[^] [v] #490,989

We don't see enough of these feel good stories.

Anonymous N replied with this 9.9 years ago, 2 months later, 1.5 year after the original post[^] [v] #506,291

@previous (Titicaca)

Anonymous U joined in and replied with this 9.9 years ago, 56 minutes later, 1.5 year after the original post[^] [v] #506,300

i love this video but for ppl not in the loop or whatever (i didnt read the rest of the thread beyond op) the dude was high as fuck on pcp

beckyderp !yDoooooooo replied with this 7.7 years ago, 2.2 years later, 3.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #745,229

bump for irc

dw skg joined in and replied with this 7.7 years ago, 1 hour later, 3.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #745,267

@488,006 (dw)

> > poor guy
> >
> > you guys are assholes if the only striking thing about this video is the way people talk
> > jeez
> jeez though
> I think that is me

jeez tho

Meta replied with this 6.4 years ago, 1.3 year later, 5 years after the original post[^] [v] #881,572

The guy at least could have given him a free ice cream or something.

Anonymous W joined in and replied with this 6.4 years ago, 4 minutes later, 5 years after the original post[^] [v] #881,574

Thums up if u rememer dis thred

(Edited 22 seconds later.)

Anonymous V replied with this 6.4 years ago, 4 seconds later, 5 years after the original post[^] [v] #881,575

@881,572 (Meta)

> The guy at least could have given him a free ice cream or something.

right? jeez

Anonymous X joined in and replied with this 6.4 years ago, 3 minutes later, 5 years after the original post[^] [v] #881,576

@881,572 (Meta)
That poor guy is having enough trouble watching his waistline.

Anonymous Z-1 joined in and replied with this 6.4 years ago, 27 minutes later, 5 years after the original post[^] [v] #881,583

@881,572 (Meta)
Only your fat ass would still want ice cream after getting disemboweled

Big Daddy Derek !Uvm54ORbmo joined in and replied with this 6.4 years ago, 12 minutes later, 5 years after the original post[^] [v] #881,587

@881,574 (W)

!faggot replied with this 6.4 years ago, 9 minutes later, 5 years after the original post[^] [v] #881,590

@881,574 (W)

Was gonna say I saw this years ago

cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE replied with this 5.4 years ago, 10 months later, 5.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #974,203

Your mouth waters and your stomach rumbles with dreams of an anus smorgasbord.

Meta !Sober//iZs replied with this 5.4 years ago, 5 minutes later, 5.9 years after the original post[^] [v] #974,206

I still think they should have given the poor bastard an ice cream ?

Fake anon !ZkUt8arUCU joined in and replied with this 5.1 years ago, 4 months later, 6.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,012,555

@974,203 (cccuuunnttt !RwordOooFE)
Come again?

terri !RwordOooFE replied with this 5.1 years ago, 1 minute later, 6.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,012,556

@previous (Fake anon !ZkUt8arUCU)

Your mouth waters and your stomach rumbles with dreams of an anus smorgasbord.

Anonymous Z-4 joined in and replied with this 5.1 years ago, 4 minutes later, 6.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,012,557

cow d'amblans!

Anonymous Z-5 joined in and replied with this 5.1 years ago, 1 hour later, 6.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,012,561

Naked disemboweled black man walking past an ice cream truck.

Anonymous Z-6 joined in and replied with this 5.1 years ago, 18 minutes later, 6.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,012,564

@1,012,555 (Fake anon !ZkUt8arUCU)

Where do you want it?

Fake anon !ZkUt8arUCU replied with this 5.1 years ago, 9 minutes later, 6.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,012,565

@previous (Z-6)
In ur mom

Anonymous Z-6 replied with this 5.1 years ago, 1 minute later, 6.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,012,568

@previous (Fake anon !ZkUt8arUCU)

Why would I do that? If you don't give me a serious answer, it is going in your hair.

Meta !Sober//iZs replied with this 5.1 years ago, 1 hour later, 6.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,012,620

Seriously the least you could do is give the guy an ice cream ?

Bilbo !RwordOooFE replied with this 5.1 years ago, 10 hours later, 6.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,012,719

@881,590 (!faggot)

> Was gonna say I saw this years ago

It happened again!

jodi !ariasXXmaE replied with this 4.7 years ago, 5 months later, 6.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,065,725

@previous (Bilbo !RwordOooFE)
Your mouth waters and your stomach rumbles with dreams of an anus smorgasbord.

Anonymous H replied with this 4.7 years ago, 2 hours later, 6.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,065,747

@1,012,719 (Bilbo !RwordOooFE)

I remembered this time!

chill dog !!81dzJNNYL joined in and replied with this 4.7 years ago, 7 hours later, 6.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,065,891

@881,576 (X)

Not watching tho

Meowth replied with this 4.7 years ago, 2 hours later, 6.7 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,065,949

Thanks for bringing this back to my attention.

beckyderp !3NeoVaGFAg replied with this 4.1 years ago, 6 months later, 7.2 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,132,788

These were simpler, and happier, times

blom replied with this 4.1 years ago, 1 day later, 7.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,133,110

@1,065,747 (H)

I remembered this time also

Anonymous Z-8 joined in and replied with this 4.1 years ago, 4 hours later, 7.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,133,175

I'd go back to 1980 in a heartbeat, if it were possible.

Meta !Sober//iZs replied with this 4.1 years ago, 9 hours later, 7.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,133,297

Seriously I would have given the poor bastard an ice cream

Meta !Sober//iZs double-posted this 4.1 years ago, 2 weeks later, 7.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,138,226

How does everyone feel about the situation now, knowing that the ice cream truck jingle is actually a 90 year old song called "Nigger Love a Watermelon Ha Ha Ha!"? ?

jodie !foster2PAQ replied with this 4.1 years ago, 34 minutes later, 7.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,138,238

@previous (Meta !Sober//iZs)
it's not

Anonymous Z-6 replied with this 4.1 years ago, 2 hours later, 7.3 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,138,278

@1,138,226 (Meta !Sober//iZs)

> it's not

Anonymous Z-9 joined in and replied with this 2 years ago, 2.1 years later, 9.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,183,851

Nice necrobump. Thanks.

cccuuunnttt !.cATkimmOo replied with this 4 months ago, 1.7 year later, 11.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,285,691

Does anyone have a link?

Anonymous H replied with this 4 months ago, 1 hour later, 11.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,285,696

@previous (cccuuunnttt !.cATkimmOo)

All attempts have failed

Anonymous Z-10 joined in and replied with this 4 months ago, 8 minutes later, 11.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,285,699

@1,285,691 (cccuuunnttt !.cATkimmOo)
I found a contemporaneous reaction video.
Unfortunately it doesn't contain any part of this classic clip, just some soundcloud rapper describing it.

Anonymous Z-10 double-posted this 4 months ago, 2 minutes later, 11.1 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,285,700

I found a reddit post ( ) with a youtube link to actual content but it was removed for violating Youtube policy. Doesn't seem to have been archived, but I'll leave it here in case someone else wants to follow the breadcrumbs

(Edited 4 minutes later.)

cccuuunnttt !.cATkimmOo replied with this 1 week ago, 3 months later, 11.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,304,208

@1,285,696 (H)
@1,285,699 (Z-10)
@previous (Z-10)
thank you for your efforts

Anonymous Z-11 joined in and replied with this 1 week ago, 8 minutes later, 11.4 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,304,211

i remember seeing this video a while ago but i think its gone forever

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