Anonymous C joined in and replied with this 1 week ago, 9 minutes later, 13 minutes after the original post[^][v]#1,338,738
I’m black but I’m just gonna point out that most white people eat deer and most black people don’t hunt. I think it’s weird how much white people care about animals. Like when there’s a disaster somewhere white people will be more worried about cats and dogs than actual humans.
Anonymous C replied with this 1 week ago, 1 minute later, 15 minutes after the original post[^][v]#1,338,742
@1,338,739 (D)
I’ll never understand why white people want blacks to rob you so bad. It’s like the thought of blacks robbing you makes you happy or something.
Anonymous C double-posted this 1 week ago, 5 minutes later, 20 minutes after the original post[^][v]#1,338,744
Honestly I find it kind of stupid that white people want to portray two things as true that can’t be true at the same time. On the one hand, we are supposed to believe that whites are smarter and have superior cultures because whites had the largest empires and invented all the technology in the world and have the strongest militaries. On the other hand we’re supposed to also believe that whites are oppressed by blacks and that blacks are destroying white societies and white cultures and there’s nothing that whites can do about it. It’s not believable that whites are superior and have everything and are losing to people who are inferior and have nothing. One half of that has to be false, either blacks aren’t inferior or whites aren’t superior. Otherwise, it’s a contradiction.
Anonymous C triple-posted this 1 week ago, 7 minutes later, 27 minutes after the original post[^][v]#1,338,745
@previous (C)
Like if you’re really superior, you can’t be victims, because you would have won. But you claim that you’re superior because you won in the past, but you’re also victims now. It doesn’t work. I don’t understand how it’s possible for someone to make that make sense in their head when it inherently is contradictory.
Anonymous C quadruple-posted this 1 week ago, 1 minute later, 29 minutes after the original post[^][v]#1,338,746
And really if you think like that… can you win? It’s a perpetual mindset of victimhood. If you can have the largest empires the world has ever known and still have the most powerful military in the world and the largest economy in the world and STILL feel like victim, then maybe you actually can’t feel like you’ve won no matter what happens. In which case, you must just enjoy feeling upset. Which is crazy.
Anonymous G replied with this 1 week ago, 17 minutes later, 23 hours after the original post[^][v]#1,338,955
@1,338,870 (D)
Man, das wuh ah ax da honkey at checkout. Yo, you got an noo sheit bitch? He say jus dis ah foam. Sheeeit nigguh. Ah foam fowteen. Tsss.