Anonymous A started this discussion 1 week ago#122,699
Zuck the cuck has been sucking up to the dump truck.
But seriously, Mark Zuckerberg learned Mandarin, married a Chinese woman, and asked Xi Jinping to name his first born son in order to get Facebook unblocked in China. Xi Jinping declined to name his first born son or unblock Facebook. He is the king of sucking up. All I’m saying is it doesn’t matter if you’re left wing or right wing, nobody should like that guy.
Anonymous F joined in and replied with this 6 days ago, 2 hours later, 3 days after the original post[^][v]#1,339,865
@previous (Chuffed !m8sJfgzmLE)
Imagine living in a virtual universe created by a tech billionaire capitalist instead of living in the real universe created by God because the guy who does psychological experiments on people thinks he can do a better job.