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Topic: Practicing lying

Anonymous A started this discussion 3 weeks ago #122,683

There’s one site emeraldchat where you can talk with random people anonymously in a text chat. But everyone just spams "m or f" so in order to actually have a conversation with someone you need to say something crazy to catch people off guard. I think through that and also being on Omegle as a teenager before it got shut down, I learned that saying things that are false annoys people. And the easiest way to get someone to talk to you for a long time is to get them to want to argue with you. Because nobody actually enjoys anything or finds anything interesting. So the way to get attention is you just say something that’s obviously false then defend it to the death. And I’ve realized this can take the form of absurdities. The thing is though, people will actually believe that I’m serious and think I’m dumb. But I’ve found it’s easy to joke about myself, except, when I’m joking I don’t feel like I’m lying because I know what I’m saying is obviously wrong. Except, I’ve found that people actually believe the things I’m saying about myself when I’m lying if I think I’m joking. I sorta wonder if this could work IRL. Like if you pretend you’re joking about being someone else or have certain credentials you don’t actually have or knowing something you don’t know, and you just relentlessly defend it as part of the joke, I wonder if that’s more effective than just straight up lying. Because when you try to lie you feel anxious because you’re trying to make your lie sound believable. But when you’re joking you’re trying to do the opposite so you don’t feel worried about it, so you sound less suspicious and more believable.

Summatron !06NY4sFIG. joined in and replied with this 3 weeks ago, 44 minutes later[^] [v] #1,338,557


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