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Topic: Controversial opinion

Anonymous A started this discussion 1 week ago #122,677

I think humanity would be better off if the entire world was under one government, one nationality, and one identity. Then war would become impossible if that government was strong enough to deter any kind of organized opposition. People of different cultures would not fight for independence because every human baby is born without a language, without a religion, and without a culture. It only takes on generation to erase all cultural identity. The greatest mistake in the history of human civilization was when America dropped the atomic bombs on Japan, because essentially what we did is we took the easy route to solve one war and made it impossible to defeat any of our enemies ever again in the future. Russia and China can never be truly defeated so long as they have nuclear weapons, which makes it impossible to united the human species, which makes us more vulnerable as a species and prevents us from collectively utilizing the resources of our planet in order to expand outwards in the universe and compete with other alien civilizations. If we don’t conquer the entire world, humanity will be at risk of extinction from alien empires unless we develop interstellar travel which is only possible if 100% of the economy of Earth is centrally controlled by one world government towards one end.

Anonymous B joined in and replied with this 1 week ago, 24 minutes later[^] [v] #1,338,512

Alternate take: we could go back to city-states so the only opinion that matters is your local one. That would avoid all of us needing to be Chinese or Indian, or converting to Islam.

But I think we both agree nation states ain't working that well.

(Edited 1 minute later.)


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