Topic: My boss won't stop talking about her black kid
Anonymous A started this discussion 4 weeks ago#120,682
Apparently he won't stop pissing himself at school, she asked him to tell a teacher if he needs to use the bathroom and he said "no" and walked away laughing.
I don't give a fuck about this little kid pissing himself, but I'm stuck listening to the story. It must be good to be boss and force your employees to listen to these stories.
Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 3 weeks ago, 3 days later, 3 days after the original post[^][v]#1,321,527
Update, my bosses black son is in trouble at school because he keeps finding excuses to say the word "school" to his homeroom teacher, but he on purpose pronounces it wrong, like "schcool".
Anonymous E replied with this 3 weeks ago, 10 minutes later, 3 days after the original post[^][v]#1,321,551
@previous (Erik !saAqdaazn2)
Kid pisses himself - As he gets older this is going to haunt him and one day he may be in the news for something very bad.
Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 2 weeks ago, 6 days later, 1 week after the original post[^][v]#1,322,353
My bosses black kid has adopted a pet rock and refuses to eat his food until he has observed his mother feed the rock. It eats sand and small gravel, in case you were wondering.