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Anonymous B joined in and replied with this 1 month ago, 4 minutes later[^][v]#1,320,581
That won't work, you can't just opt-out of inflation.
The US quadrupled it's supply of dollars practically overnight. If you don't pay them $44, someone else will come along with some of that new money and offer what they are asking. Now you don't have the hoodie.
Eventually people give up and decide they will buy clothes, because running around in rags isn't worth it. Plus, the same people complaining have an easier time getting money because there's so much more flowing through the economy.
What's stupid is not understanding how money and markets work. More money without more goods means higher prices. Complaining about that AND acting like you can haggle your way out of it are both reactions from people who are ignorant of economics.
Anonymous C joined in and replied with this 1 month ago, 10 minutes later, 14 minutes after the original post[^][v]#1,320,583
unless you're on that truly fuckin frugal home garden shit and you've got vegetables in season, buying ingredients for home cooking and ordering food are the same cost
Anonymous D joined in and replied with this 1 month ago, 1 hour later, 1 hour after the original post[^][v]#1,320,598
@OP is dumb as fuck. Inflation is precisely why people want to run out and spend their earnings on goods ASAP before the value of their hard earned currency is wiped away by the money printer.