Anonymous A started this discussion 1 month ago#120,650
how will you be celebrating? i'll be keeping my celebration small this year, since i don't get days off work for 9/11. didn't even get made an official holiday, so like. i guess people weren't *that* sad about it.
i've got a coincidentally pentagonal fruit salad dish and will be marathoning tragic romances set during 9/11 with friends. did you guys know there's a 9/11 romance movie with robert pattinson? crazy shit.
Anonymous F joined in and replied with this 1 month ago, 10 minutes later, 15 hours after the original post[^][v]#1,320,586
23 years ago today, Matt realized how much of a re: RE: loser he really is, and decided to join a forum and become a re: RE: RE: shtickster ™(pronounced as one word), which he sucks at as well.