Topic: Tiny Life has potential as a Sims alternative.
La Reina Catalina !j0siCathyI started this discussion 1 month ago#120,480
Not only has the demo version of the game already provided everything The Sims 4 had at launch, but the game in early access already shows great potential bringing back the charm and simplistic nature of the first game in the franchise all the way back in 1999 CE.
Despite it's retro pixelated graphics reminiscent of the old G4 show Code Monkeys, there is a bright future for this game and its developer.
This game is charming and intriguing at the same time. I highly recommend you check out Tiny Life today! Even if its just the free demo. Available on Steam.
Anonymous E joined in and replied with this 1 month ago, 47 minutes later, 6 hours after the original post[^][v]#1,319,165
May I recommend you gain employment, sir? You're 30 years old, still live with mommy and daddy, and you play children's games. You are going to die alone, and unhappy.
Anonymous G double-posted this 1 month ago, 2 minutes later, 18 hours after the original post[^][v]#1,319,323
> AI Town is a virtual town where AI characters live, chat and socialize.
> This project is a deployable starter kit for easily building and customizing your own version of AI town. Inspired by the research paper Generative Agents: Interactive Simulacra of Human Behavior.
> The primary goal of this project, beyond just being a lot of fun to work on, is to provide a platform with a strong foundation that is meant to be extended. The back-end natively supports shared global state, transactions, and a simulation engine and should be suitable from everything from a simple project to play around with to a scalable, multi-player game. A secondary goal is to make a JS/TS framework available as most simulators in this space (including the original paper above) are written in Python. 🐍
> 30 years old ✅ > > Unemployed ✅ > > Still lives at home ✅ > > Mooches off parents ✅ > > Roleplays as a girl ✅ > > Watches children's shows ✅ > > Plays children's games ✅ > > > All signs of another Chris Chan. Enjoy your downfall.
Chris raped his mother. Catalina has a non functional penis. so that isn't possible.