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Topic: I have decided upon a religion: Dystheism

Anonymous A started this discussion 2 weeks ago #117,581

I am a Dystheist. I believe that God definitely exists, but that he is cruel and arbitrary.

Anonymous B joined in and replied with this 2 weeks ago, 4 minutes later[^] [v] #1,293,885

Too bad your God now saw what you said

Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 2 weeks ago, 24 seconds later, 4 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #1,293,886

@previous (B)
Well, if he is cruel and arbitrary, then what does it matter? He was already being cruel to me.

Anonymous B replied with this 2 weeks ago, 1 minute later, 5 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #1,293,887

@previous (A)

Well maybe he wouldn't have if he knew you weren't gonna call him cruel

Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 2 weeks ago, 1 minute later, 6 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #1,293,888

@previous (B)
Oh, he was already cruel, both to me, and to most of humanity. He blesses with wealth a few privileged people, and the majority of them are horrible people. It only proves my belief.

Anonymous B replied with this 2 weeks ago, 1 minute later, 8 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #1,293,889

@previous (A)

Yeah but what I'm saying is, don't piss on the bear. Especially if the bear is actually a cruel god that knows you gonna do it.

Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 2 weeks ago, 2 minutes later, 10 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #1,293,891

@previous (B)
Too late. He is already horribly cruel. What's he gonna do, make it even worse? Alright, then I'll just kill myself.

Anonymous B replied with this 2 weeks ago, 8 minutes later, 19 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #1,293,892

@previous (A)

Wow wow wow! That would be a terrible choice because in all likely hood, the god you describe won't let you go after death. Why do you think he's so cruel though?

Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 2 weeks ago, 2 minutes later, 21 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #1,293,893

@previous (B)
The majority of humans in the world live in misery. Most do not have enough to eat. Then there is disease, abuse, mental illness, and all the other stuff. How can a good, loving God be alright with that? And on top of it all, a tiny group of really bad people hold most of the wealth.

Anonymous B replied with this 2 weeks ago, 1 minute later, 23 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #1,293,894

@previous (A)

Well in some religions, there's eternal life at the end of the tunnel. There's no such thing for you?

Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 2 weeks ago, 23 seconds later, 23 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #1,293,895

@previous (B)
If God is cruel and arbitrary, why would he then design an afterlife that is good?

Anonymous B replied with this 2 weeks ago, 4 minutes later, 28 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #1,293,896

@previous (A)

The point is, you say your God is cruel because of what happens here. However, what if without him, the things you call cruel is all you would know but maybe he's spared you that with eternal life.

Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 2 weeks ago, 10 hours later, 10 hours after the original post[^] [v] #1,293,931

@previous (B)
But if eternal life is cruel too, then what does it matter?

Anonymous B replied with this 2 weeks ago, 3 minutes later, 10 hours after the original post[^] [v] #1,293,932

@previous (A)

So your religion also believes in eternal suffering after this life? Is this some kind of east Asian religion 🤔

Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 2 weeks ago, 8 minutes later, 11 hours after the original post[^] [v] #1,293,933

@previous (B)
I believe that God is cruel and arbitrary. So, such a God would naturally not design a great afterlife.

Indie the Grate joined in and replied with this 2 weeks ago, 1 hour later, 12 hours after the original post[^] [v] #1,293,936

Congratulations on your conversion to Judaism. Thanks.

(Edited 29 seconds later.)

23bitch !tSUV24M.jg joined in and replied with this 2 weeks ago, 8 hours later, 20 hours after the original post[^] [v] #1,294,000

It's much easier to believe that there simply is no God. Why do you think there's an evil one? A small number of bad people having the most wealth and power in the world isn't something that needs a religious explanation. It's just how history developed.

Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 2 weeks ago, 1 minute later, 20 hours after the original post[^] [v] #1,294,001

@previous (23bitch !tSUV24M.jg)
Because life is miserable for most people. I believe in a god because of the universe, but I cannot see how he/she/it is good.

23bitch !tSUV24M.jg replied with this 2 weeks ago, 8 minutes later, 20 hours after the original post[^] [v] #1,294,004

@previous (A)
But you could also believe God is neutral. Just created a universe for whatever reason and let it do its thing, and we happened to evolve. Maybe it doesn't even know about us.

Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 2 weeks ago, 1 minute later, 20 hours after the original post[^] [v] #1,294,005

@previous (23bitch !tSUV24M.jg)
If he were truly neutral, then the misery to happiness ratio would be approximately 50/50. But in reality, probably 95% of humans are miserable. It seems weighted to me.

(Edited 11 seconds later.)

23bitch !tSUV24M.jg replied with this 2 weeks ago, 5 minutes later, 21 hours after the original post[^] [v] #1,294,007

@previous (A)
By neutral I mean he doesn't interfere, so he's neutral to our existence and our lives. It's not like everyone being miserable and the other problems you described require divine intervention to happen, maybe humans just suck and God doesn't care.

I suppose if God does know about our suffering and doesn't do anything, that's still bad. But it's better than making us this way on purpose. And you could just believe he literally doesn't know about us. The universe is so big after all, possibly infinite.

Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 2 weeks ago, 49 minutes later, 21 hours after the original post[^] [v] #1,294,025

@previous (23bitch !tSUV24M.jg)
But because humans have happy hormones built in, then I would expect about half of humanity to be at least content. But the vast majority are miserable. That requires divine will.

23bitch !tSUV24M.jg replied with this 2 weeks ago, 3 minutes later, 21 hours after the original post[^] [v] #1,294,026

@previous (A)
Now you're just not making sense. Besides, I don't even believe the vast majority of people live miserable lives.

Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 2 weeks ago, 1 minute later, 21 hours after the original post[^] [v] #1,294,027

@previous (23bitch !tSUV24M.jg)
Oh, they do. If you live in a developed, Western country, you cannot understand how the majority of humanity is miserable.

23bitch !tSUV24M.jg replied with this 2 weeks ago, 9 minutes later, 22 hours after the original post[^] [v] #1,294,031

@previous (A)
Just because people live in poorer conditions doesn't mean they're significantly less happy. Living your whole life in the same environment, you get used to it and can still live happily. This isn't to say that wouldn't be happier with better conditions, but I don't think they're all miserable because of it.

Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 2 weeks ago, 52 seconds later, 22 hours after the original post[^] [v] #1,294,032

@previous (23bitch !tSUV24M.jg)
Have you ever interacted with rural, impoverished people in, say, a third world country? I can guarantee you that they are not happy.

23bitch !tSUV24M.jg replied with this 2 weeks ago, 16 minutes later, 22 hours after the original post[^] [v] #1,294,034

@previous (A)
And you think an evil God is required to explain that? If they're so miserable because of their conditions, it should be obvious that their conditions are the result of history. All humans lived far worse than them for hundreds of thousands of years, and once we invented technology our conditions slowly improved. Since the Industrial Revolution we've been able to make everyone's conditions good, but instead wealth and power are unequally distributed as a result of the hierarchical nature of most societies. No divine intervention needed to explain any of that.

Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 2 weeks ago, 2 minutes later, 22 hours after the original post[^] [v] #1,294,037

@previous (23bitch !tSUV24M.jg)
Let me explain in more detail. It's not that most humans are randomly miserable, as they might be from natural things. No, it's that life seems to go out of its way to specifically torture and punish humans. Cruel, ironic things happen to people to cause them to suffer. The things happening are not possible under natural chance.

23bitch !tSUV24M.jg replied with this 2 weeks ago, 6 minutes later, 22 hours after the original post[^] [v] #1,294,041

@previous (A)
Okay, name an example. Something that causes massive harm, and happens so often that it's impossible it can be natural and is therefore evidence of a literal God deciding to fuck us over. I genuinely can't think of a single thing like that.

Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 2 weeks ago, 3 minutes later, 22 hours after the original post[^] [v] #1,294,044

@previous (23bitch !tSUV24M.jg)
It happens all the time. People are miserable, say because of love, and it goes far beyond rejection into the woman fucking his father or best friend. Happens all the time.

23bitch !tSUV24M.jg replied with this 2 weeks ago, 4 minutes later, 22 hours after the original post[^] [v] #1,294,047

@previous (A)
What? That seems perfectly natural to me. Lots of people can be bad partners. Do you really think God makes women cheat on their boyfriends?

I'm starting to think you just have a shit life and want someone to blame it on. Do you often have women cheat on you with your father or best friend?

Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 2 weeks ago, 1 minute later, 22 hours after the original post[^] [v] #1,294,050

@previous (23bitch !tSUV24M.jg)
The thing is that I believe in God. The universe is too obviously designed to be random. Given that I believe in God, I look at the wort of life that God has created for humans, an it is horrible. Thus, I believe that God is cruel and arbitrary. My argument begins with my belief that God exists.

23bitch !tSUV24M.jg replied with this 2 weeks ago, 5 minutes later, 22 hours after the original post[^] [v] #1,294,057

@previous (A)
See, that makes a lot more sense. If you already believe in God, you'd have to be extra delusional to think all the terrible stuff that happens is part of his plan and he's actually good. Still though, there isn't any actual evidence to believe that's happening, it's just confirmation bias at that point. Anyways, my apologies for resorting to insults.

Also, your original belief in God isn't necessary to explain how the universe appears designed for us. It's equally valid to believe we live in some kind of multiverse, and there's tons of other random universes where nothing happened, but we only evolved in the universe where it was possible for us to exist. There's no evidence for this, but there's no evidence for God either, and at least the multiverse theory is potentially provable.

(Edited 21 seconds later.)

Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 2 weeks ago, 1 minute later, 22 hours after the original post[^] [v] #1,294,059

@previous (23bitch !tSUV24M.jg)
Yes, ok, but I do believe in God. In that framework, hypothetically, would you agree that the God I believe in must be cruel and arbitrary?

23bitch !tSUV24M.jg replied with this 2 weeks ago, 4 minutes later, 22 hours after the original post[^] [v] #1,294,060

@previous (A)
If he's omniscient, yes. Otherwise he might just not know about us. But I think that because if he was all-powerful and aware of our existence, it's his lack of making our lives better that proves he must be evil. I still don't think it makes sense to believe he actively makes our lives worse.

Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 2 weeks ago, 2 minutes later, 22 hours after the original post[^] [v] #1,294,061

@previous (23bitch !tSUV24M.jg)
Then we just disagree. Fair enough.

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