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Topic: Iconic Comic Book Creator and Historian Passes Away at Age 85

Anonymous A started this discussion 2 weeks ago #117,328

Anonymous B joined in and replied with this 2 weeks ago, 9 hours later[^] [v] #1,292,326

First Paul McCartney, and then her. Damn.

boof joined in and replied with this 2 weeks ago, 6 hours later, 16 hours after the original post[^] [v] #1,292,391

Joe Matt keeled over recently and also Aline Crumb

Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 2 weeks ago, 2 days later, 2 days after the original post[^] [v] #1,292,590

I don't understand. Why isn't anyone here posting tributes to this world-renowned pioneer?

boof replied with this 2 weeks ago, 6 minutes later, 2 days after the original post[^] [v] #1,292,591

OK, she's drawing the baby Jesus's cock in heaven now

Anonymous D joined in and replied with this 2 weeks ago, 21 hours later, 3 days after the original post[^] [v] #1,292,684

the punisher seems to have the right idea about justice since the dumb cops are worthless now
pew pew

boof replied with this 2 weeks ago, 1 hour later, 3 days after the original post[^] [v] #1,292,686

apparently some of these retarded policemen wear punisher badges sewn onto their uniforms, like psychopathic boy scouts

you'd think they'd be smart enough to know the punisher character is a vigilante who simply murders the wicked in an extrajudicial manner

Anonymous E joined in and replied with this 2 weeks ago, 9 hours later, 4 days after the original post[^] [v] #1,292,713

@previous (boof)

The Punisher is based, he is effective at punishment.

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