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Topic: a good story to tell the children who remove the pickle from their hamburger

boof started this discussion 1 month ago #117,024

"You know, if you put that pickle under your pillow tonight, the pickle fairy will come and trade it for money"

Anonymous B joined in and replied with this 1 month ago, 48 minutes later[^] [v] #1,290,359

Then they'll never learn to stop being little ingrates and eat the pickle. I think a better story would be to tell them that the pickle demon comes to take uneaten pickles and uses them to suffocate children in their beds.

boof (OP) replied with this 1 month ago, 3 hours later, 4 hours after the original post[^] [v] #1,290,373

Anonymous C joined in and replied with this 4 weeks ago, 2 days later, 2 days after the original post[^] [v] #1,290,578

@1,290,359 (B)
It's a job he enjoys.

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