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Topic: Interesting contrasts between the Boston Marathon Bombing and the Crocus City Hall massacre

Meta !Sober//iZs started this discussion 1 month ago #117,022

Russia did warn the US, and the warning specifically named the bomber:

The US issued a uselessly vague warning to Russia, despite knowing where and when the attack was going to happen.

lib joined in and replied with this 1 month ago, 8 minutes later[^] [v] #1,290,339

Islamophobia has no home here.

Fake anon !ZkUt8arUCU joined in and replied with this 1 month ago, 44 minutes later, 52 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #1,290,341

> The US issued a uselessly vague warning to Russia, despite knowing where and when the attack was going to happen
Where can we see the warning the CIA/FBI relayed to the FSB that was vague?

The Tsarnaev thing was a fuckup by the US Intelligence/Law Enforcement letting him leave the country, but that warning was given 18 months before the bombing and the FBI did interview him, helpfully concluding that he was not a terrorist (whoops!).

(Edited 38 seconds later.)

tteh !MemesToDNA joined in and replied with this 1 month ago, 32 minutes later, 1 hour after the original post[^] [v] #1,290,342

How do we know what was said to Russia? The Embassy's public warning won't be the same as whatever was relayed privately by US intelligence.

Anonymous E joined in and replied with this 1 month ago, 1 hour later, 2 hours after the original post[^] [v] #1,290,344

when privileged fags running a race get merked im glad

Meta !Sober//iZs (OP) replied with this 1 month ago, 24 minutes later, 3 hours after the original post[^] [v] #1,290,350

@1,290,342 (tteh !MemesToDNA)
No one will say which isn’t a good look, frankly!

Meta !Sober//iZs (OP) double-posted this 1 month ago, 31 seconds later, 3 hours after the original post[^] [v] #1,290,351

@1,290,344 (E)
Agreed no one likes faggots prancing down the street and blocking traffic.

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