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Topic: the movie Boogie Nights teaches us what it was like to be a teen in the 1970s in Loas Angeles

boof started this discussion 1 month ago #116,995

You go to school in the day, then work at the restaurant kitchen where a guy pays you five clams to look at your cock. And the rollerskating girl in your class and you both do skin flicks.

Anonymous B joined in and replied with this 1 month ago, 3 minutes later[^] [v] #1,290,151

Does it feature a scene where the two are in a car at makeout point?

Father Dave !RsSxeehGwc joined in and replied with this 1 month ago, 3 hours later, 3 hours after the original post[^] [v] #1,290,161

Rollergirl wasn't in Dirk's class, she was in the class of the guy she was supposed to bang in the back of the car but instead rearranged his face with her roller skates. Good film but PTA would go on to do better.

Anonymous D joined in and replied with this 1 month ago, 1 hour later, 5 hours after the original post[^] [v] #1,290,165

I think he has a small penis.

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