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Topic: I am rich

Anonymous A started this discussion 14.3 years ago #1,109

I checked my paypal account and i suddenly have 80 euros on there, I think its from some refunds i forgot about. Its awesome cause I thought that I was broke as shit.

Im not even going to ask you guys what to spend it on, gonna spend that shit on some new clothes!

Anonymous B joined in and replied with this 14.3 years ago, 1 minute later[^] [v] #21,354


Anonymous C joined in and replied with this 14.3 years ago, 0 seconds later, 1 minute after the original post[^] [v] #21,355


Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 14.3 years ago, 31 seconds later, 1 minute after the original post[^] [v] #21,358


Anonymous B replied with this 14.3 years ago, 1 minute later, 3 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #21,363

@previous (A)

How did you get this money? joined in and replied with this 14.3 years ago, 51 seconds later, 4 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #21,365

How did you get this money?

Anonymous E joined in and replied with this 14.3 years ago, 21 seconds later, 4 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #21,367

> inb4 donate to GHOUL

Anonymous C replied with this 14.3 years ago, 1 minute later, 6 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #21,371

@previous (E)
gtfo DM

Anonymous E replied with this 14.3 years ago, 1 minute later, 8 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #21,379

@previous (C)
Fuck you, you fat fucking cocksucker. I am not DM. You are a fucking high school fat faggot, so fuck off.

Anonymous C replied with this 14.3 years ago, 1 minute later, 9 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #21,381

@previous (E)
you are dm

Anonymous E replied with this 14.3 years ago, 20 seconds later, 9 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #21,382

@previous (C)
No I am not you fat fucking cocksucker.

Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 14.3 years ago, 28 seconds later, 10 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #21,384

@21,365 (How did you get this money?)
Seems that i have gotten a couple of refunds and a payment for a screenprint i did.

Anonymous C replied with this 14.3 years ago, 18 seconds later, 10 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #21,385

@21,382 (E)

Anonymous E replied with this 14.3 years ago, 1 minute later, 11 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #21,392

(Citing a deleted or non-existent reply.)
Fuck you, fat faggot cocksucker.

Anonymous E double-posted this 14.3 years ago, 1 minute later, 13 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #21,398

(Citing a deleted or non-existent reply.)
You are fucking hilarious! Now, go cum in a fag's mouth ten times like you did lat month, fat faggot.

Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 14.3 years ago, 10 seconds later, 13 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #21,399

@21,392 (E)
Jesus christ that is scary. Goddamnit I hate how expensive jeans, are even on clearance its still fucking expensive.

Anonymous E replied with this 14.3 years ago, 34 seconds later, 14 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #21,400

@previous (A)

Anonymous G joined in and replied with this 14.3 years ago, 34 seconds later, 15 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #21,402

@21,399 (A)


Anonymous C replied with this 14.3 years ago, 1 second later, 15 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #21,403

@21,398 (E)
> lat month


Anonymous H joined in and replied with this 14.3 years ago, 1 minute later, 16 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #21,407

This thread was derailed by Depressionman.

Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 14.3 years ago, 24 minutes later, 41 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #21,432

@previous (H)
Fuck him.

Anyway, whenever i start shopping i always want way too much. Luckily my paypal is linked to my parents back account, and my mum said she'd give me some money for new jeans, so this will save her some trouble right?

Godfucking damnit, asos doesnt accept this kind of payment through paypal. Guess i have to choose, i fucking hate choosing.

(Edited 5 minutes later.)

dreamworks !xPoNIEsltA joined in and replied with this 14.3 years ago, 5 minutes later, 46 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #21,449

jeans are not that expensive on clearance gezichtman

Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 14.3 years ago, 3 seconds later, 46 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #21,450

this is what i wanted to buy

Anonymous A (OP) double-posted this 14.3 years ago, 27 seconds later, 47 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #21,453

@21,449 (dreamworks !xPoNIEsltA)
voor mij wel nikkertje, maar ik ben dan ook erg skir.

dreamworks !xPoNIEsltA replied with this 14.3 years ago, 1 minute later, 48 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #21,461

@previous (A)
wat the fuck is skir nou weer dan

dreamworks !xPoNIEsltA double-posted this 14.3 years ago, 2 minutes later, 50 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #21,474

serieus man
skir is geen woord

Anonymous A (OP) replied with this 14.3 years ago, 4 minutes later, 55 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #21,497

@previous (dreamworks !xPoNIEsltA)


arm, blut alles.

dreamworks !xPoNIEsltA replied with this 14.3 years ago, 15 minutes later, 1 hour after the original post[^] [v] #21,546

@previous (A)
ja das kut

Anonymous J joined in and replied with this 1 week ago, 14.2 years later, 14.2 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,338,328

Fake anon !ZkUt8arUCU joined in and replied with this 1 week ago, 7 minutes later, 14.2 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,338,329

14 year old thread
DreamWorks being cheap
Matt anonposting and denying it's him
Anon derailing a thread because he thinks he's a genius he recognized Matt's obvious text voice

The more things change the more they stay the same.

Anonymous L joined in and replied with this 1 week ago, 5 hours later, 14.2 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,338,357

I hope OP bought some sweet Evisu.

Anonymous M joined in and replied with this 1 week ago, 10 hours later, 14.2 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,338,539

@1,338,329 (Fake anon !ZkUt8arUCU)
Are you saying that there is more to life than detecting Matt's obvious text voice?

Anonymous N joined in and replied with this 1 week ago, 1 hour later, 14.2 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,338,553

@previous (M)

Dachan-da joined in and replied with this 1 week ago, 9 hours later, 14.2 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,338,598

lol 10/10 bud

Fake anon !ZkUt8arUCU replied with this 1 week ago, 1 hour later, 14.2 years after the original post[^] [v] #1,338,608

@1,338,539 (M)
There are exactly three things more important than that, but I cannot tell you what they are. You will need to go on a journey of self-discovery to figure that out.

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