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Topic: An old rote-design of mine from SCBAT in an '06 competition rote-drawing-terpolated

!MLHqI35Srs started this discussion 1.2 year ago #110,053

Externally hosted imageNote I've not said trans; I've done less than fuck all with angles as my own self-corrections suggest.

Save a few Ryeom-clan dialect characters customary are all thanks to Kim for even feeding my worthless welfare-ban family during the period. That's to say about 9 of them are missing because of my habit to under-photographer.

(Edited 1 minute later.)

Anonymous B joined in and replied with this 1.2 year ago, 2 minutes later[^] [v] #1,226,470

Externally hosted image

!MLHqI35Srs (OP) replied with this 1.2 year ago, 26 minutes later, 28 minutes after the original post[^] [v] #1,226,472

@previous (B)
What is wrong with your race's pseudo-indigenous, pseudo-Japanese, redefinatorate-Xiatyl/S.-Amerind populations, now?

You do know they're not even supposed to consciously consider the concept with their very specifically specified rote-contract with the ournationbyitselfids?

All the kids look de-thyroxinated; the emphasis in this case is that they're actually being hyper-RT'd and then given special iatrogenic Down's syndrome quasi-codeine/morphine. Why are the Irriqois poisoning their own flesh and blood?

Anyway, I'm a happy sub-human; I've saved half a mega-byte in phone hard storage space.

(Edited 3 minutes later.)

Xlp qkwht joined in and replied with this 1.2 year ago, 1 hour later, 1 hour after the original post[^] [v] #1,226,485

@1,226,470 (B)
there's a perverse irony in the fact that regardless of being either in reality, or in a make believe cartoon world of their own control, the people constructing the example scenarios for how race or gender discrimination against white cis children -the shield from behind which they stand to make race and gender discriminatory allegations- the absolute very best examples they can come up with are these kinds of heartless and trashy strawmen arguments which teachers (of course a main target of attack themselves) find utterly appalling especially since the actual threat against all children and teachers is being slaughtered by gun violence and teachers have quite literally died shielding children by sacrificing their lives for them, and who will reject any notion that these kinds of arguments are anything but blatant, outright, misleading lies.

the irony being the only people who are using white cis children as shields and putting them into the line of fire by doing nothing to stop gun violence are the same people scapegoating teachers, minorities, and trans kids in order to perpetuate their ideological battle to preserve the systems that are killing children and harming kids with race and gender oriented attacks on the rights of families, and everyone involved in these mass shootings.

and parents go to work and have security doors with keyfob entry and private security and policy makers in Washington have their own police force which stopped an armed mob from conducting a coup that lasted 6 hours and was a brutal melee.

and they can't stop a CHILD from accessing guns and walking right into a school and murdering as many people as they can put sights on.

it's a perverse irony. not a funny irony. and you have to be either willfully complicit to deny the obvious, or entirely lacking in moral and ethical principles to not be bothered by it. and seemingly the only reason anyone can actually elucidate is equivalent to rooting for a sports team.

winning and rooting for their favorite jersey color and celebrating a victory. so they can gloat about it for a few months.

the American dream

Anonymous B replied with this 1.2 year ago, 32 minutes later, 2 hours after the original post[^] [v] #1,226,494

@previous (Xlp qkwht)
Xlp qkwht#0AAKRC

Xlp qkwht replied with this 1.2 year ago, 9 minutes later, 2 hours after the original post[^] [v] #1,226,495

@previous (B)

Xlp qkwht !Dtg243DfF6 double-posted this 1.2 year ago, 1 minute later, 2 hours after the original post[^] [v] #1,226,496

so? why do I want a trip code?

Xlp`qkwt triple-posted this 1.2 year ago, 14 minutes later, 2 hours after the original post[^] [v] #1,226,500

___, '——
👁️ 👃👁️
 👄   👂 🫴
🫲  -no one can accurately portray me. the lack of sufficient stupidity or insufficient smarts to strike the perfect balance of vacillating equivocation and tautological indeterminism

Anonymous D joined in and replied with this 1.2 year ago, 2 hours later, 5 hours after the original post[^] [v] #1,226,520

Are you a boy or a girl?

Anonymous B replied with this 1.2 year ago, 5 hours later, 10 hours after the original post[^] [v] #1,226,653

@1,226,496 (Xlp qkwht !Dtg243DfF6)
For your autphag shtick

Xlp qkwht !MLHn/oBO3Q double-posted this 1.2 year ago, 41 seconds later, 10 hours after the original post[^] [v] #1,226,654

all can accurately portray me. the abundance of sufficient stupidity or insufficient smarts to strike the perfect balance of vacillating equivocation and tautological indeterminism. it's a perverse irony. not a funny irony. and you have to be either willfully complicit to deny the obvious, or entirely lacking in moral and ethical principles to not be bothered by it. and ostensibly the only reason anyone can actually elucidate is equivalent to rooting for a sports team.

spectacles replied with this 1.2 year ago, 1 hour later, 12 hours after the original post[^] [v] #1,226,692

@previous (Xlp qkwht !MLHn/oBO3Q)
chatgpt goes far to fall short. now you're getting it.

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