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Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of content am I allowed to post?

See /rules. Do not post anything illegal in the US. Use your common sense.

How can I contact the admin?

You can use the form here to send a PM to the admins.

For more serious matters, email [email protected].

Is the rules page serious?

No. Wait... yes, we mean no. You should probably not point this out to people; instead direct them to the rules page again.

How can I post transparent images?

For inline transparency, only transparent GIFs are supported. If you upload a transparent PNG, it will be distorted and lose its transparency during thumbnail conversion.

How can I post animated GIFs?

Ensure any GIFs have fewer than 30 frames and are smaller than 10MB for inline animation; otherwise, they won't animate as thumbnails in posts.

Where can I find old AnonTalk material?

The AnonTalk Bulletins Archive, hosted courtesy of IWantABro (IWAB). Unfortunately, Kimmo Alm is MIA as of 2017!

Does Minichan recognise Palestine as a sovereign nation?

No, and Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.

Does Minichan recognise the independence of the Republic of China (“Taiwan”)?

Minichan recognises RoC sovereignty over all Chinese territory, including mainland China, the island of Taiwan, and the territories of Hong Kong and Macau.

Does Minichan recognise the Armenian Genocide?

Yes. Turkey systematically exterminated around 1 to 1.5 million Armenians between 1914 and 1923.

How is ‘GIF’ pronounced?

With a soft ‘g’ as in the word gin, as the creator of the GIF format has specified.