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Minichan no longer offers any browser extensions or addons.

Do NOT expect the below extensions to work; they have not been tested since ~2016 or earlier and are known to be broken. They will not be repaired or replaced. The extensions' maintainers are no longer around. If you previously installed an extension or addon, you're encouraged to uninstall it.

Chrome Extension

Download: here

This extension will notify you in your browser when you've been cited, a topic on your watchlist gets a reply, or you get a PM. You can add it to Chrome by downloading the file, and then drag & dropping it to your tools->extensions page. More info here.

Android App

Download: here

This application will notify you when you've been cited or a topic in your watchlist gets a reply. To install it you need to enable untrusted sources in your devices' settings like so:

Unofficial browser extensions

Safari: here. (By stal)
Firefox: here. (Updated! By anon)

Use these at your own risk!