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Topic: Merrin here. You know who I miss?

Father Dave !RsSxeehGwc started this discussion 1 week ago #122,676

Unfunny Joke Guy. Dude was a light in a dark world.

Anonymous B joined in and replied with this 1 week ago, 9 minutes later[^] [v] #1,338,506


Anonymous C joined in and replied with this 1 week ago, 57 minutes later, 1 hour after the original post[^] [v] #1,338,528

> Deleting the same inane post for an hour straight.

We'll fix that tomorrow :))

Anonymous D joined in and replied with this 1 week ago, 6 hours later, 7 hours after the original post[^] [v] #1,338,579

@previous (C)
Just call OP "TTEH" and he'll go on a deletion rampage.

Indie the Grate joined in and replied with this 1 week ago, 3 hours later, 10 hours after the original post[^] [v] #1,338,588

@previous (D)
We're saving that for the Easter weekend. Thanks.

Anonymous F joined in and replied with this 1 week ago, 29 minutes later, 11 hours after the original post[^] [v] #1,338,591

@previous (Indie the Grate)

> We're saving that for the Easter weekend. Thanks.


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